New beginngs

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Well its been three months since August and I have been separated and I moved out the house into one of my own with all five kids since August and I have full custody of his nieces and like I said they will always be my babies tho I'm no longer with their uncle that was very hard to tell the kids cause I was like mommy/auntie is no longer with yaw daddy/uncle August and they just cried their little hearts out and I wanted to cry but I knew I had to stay strong for them.august and I are In the process of a divorce that I will follow thorough with this time but its gone take a minute tho.august still out fucking these groupies and Thot bitches like i shoulda known he wasn't ready to change.but we do get along like we're cool especially for the kids.
Well me yes I'm in a relationship with kid ink but we're taking it slow and all the kids love him.august wasn't to happy about it at first but shit he can't get mad tho.umm kid moved in with me like I said we're taking things feels good to be back in LA and around all my babies.Mama Sheila up and called me like her ass been M.I.A. For a long time.i told her about August and his success and how we not together or whatever and she was happy about both lol that damn woman there a mess lol.
I was upstairs in the bedroom that I now share with kid on my laptop checking my email when bae walked in and took his shoes off and got in bed beside me and we kissed.

Kid ink:what you doing baby ?
Talicia:checking My email.wer you coming from ?
Kid ink:getting chopped up and i went Ta the car wash.
Talicia:oh ok.guess who has three fashion shows to be In next week with Naomi Campbell and Tyra banks ?
Kid ink:who ?
Talicia:really baby you gotta ask ?
Kid ink:yeah so tell me ?
Talicia:me nigga duhh.
Kid ink:lol I knew that I was messing with baby.
Talicia:you play so damn much lol.
Kid ink:congratulations baby I'm proud of just a money getting Lil something.
Talicia:I hope I get these two acting auditions tho baby I'm scared.
Kid ink:don't be you'll get em cause you beautiful,you smart,you have a pretty smile that's lights up a room,you got talent and yo body A1 damn.but what they fa ?
Talicia:awww thanks baby.they're for criminal minds and to be on three episodes of empire.
Kid ink:well you got it baby I know you do.when they gone let you know you got it or not ?
Talicia:the day after tomorrow.
Kid ink:when they gone start shooting fa it or whatever ?
Talicia:the day after they let me know I got it or not.
Kid ink:I hope you been done within a month cause we gotta hit the road fa another two month tour.
Talicia:if I get the part I'm hoping so.
Kid ink:I hope so to cause I needs my best dancer with me.
Talicia:I am so happy baby like I Neva thought I would be successful like this.
Kid ink:well you are baby.

He told me to get up and follow him downstairs and I did and he pulled out a bottle of champaign and poured us both a glass.

Talicia:what we celebrating ?
Kid ink:new beginnings cause new beginnings mean great things.
Talicia:well toast to new beginnings baby.

We clinked our glasses together and I just realized I still had my wedding ring on that August bought me I can't part with it yet but I am tho ok.i hope bae didn't see it.

Kid ink:cici really ?
Talicia:really what baby ?
Kid ink:cici stop playing you know what I'm talking about
(Holds up My left hand)
Talicia:oh the ring ?
Kid ink:yeah so why you still wearing it ?
Talicia:I can't part with it yet baby.
Kid ink:cici you still In love with August ?
Talicia:nooo I mean I'll always love him cause he gave me two amazing kids but I'm no longer in love with him baby.
Kid ink:I thought this was a celebration of new beginnings but you can't let go of your past with August.
Talicia:and it is baby.
Kid ink:new beginnings mean letting go of your past and everything and everyone who hurt you.
Talicia:well I can't fully let go of august cause we have five Children two of our own and his Lil nieces kid so he gone be in my life fa a long time.
Kid ink:I know that but I'm saying get rid of the ring cause this nigga hurt you bad,cheated on you and mo and that ring is reminder of that so why keep it ?
Just take it off

I waited a good minutes and I just couldn't do it.

Kid ink:see you not ova August cause you can't take the damn ring off.
Talicia:yes I can.
Kid ink:then do it baby.
(Still didn't take the ring off)
Kid ink:exactly, I'll be home later Shawdy.cause you need to figure out who you want me or August Alsina Mrs.Alsina.

He walked out the kitchen and I herd the front door slam and tears ran down my face.he gotta understand this is all hard fa me.i love kid and I want us to be together.i called his phone but he didn't answer.i know I made him mad and hurt his feelings.damn cici don't let august fuck this up fa you take the ring off I said to myself.

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