Words From The Author

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Hi My amazing wattpad babies I truly love each nd every one of you deeply.Man writing isn't a talent its a gift from God and me/us all should give God all glory and praise for blessing us to write this good.i received some bad news today about my big bro Brandon aka duke.he was in a terrible car wreck yesterday and was rushed into surgery.we found out today and I've been in tears since then man.my big bro is a hero if he hadn't grabbed the steering wheel him,his girlfriend cousin nd Lil bro would have been dead.i would have wrote more but hearing this type of new is devastating and emotional.but I will be updating August property tomorrow.THANK YOU ALL!!!!! For making this fan fiction story amazing.the votes and comments motivates/inspire me to take this story to different levels.because of you all I will be writing a sequel to August property.I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ALL 😊😚😘😍❤but i'ma let yaw in on a secret since Talicia and August moving to LA a certain person gone meet a certain someone that blows their mind and this person will really be torn in between the two hmmm maybe or maybe not be the title of the sequel 2 August property.I'ma try my damn best to make the sequel even better than August property.but please keep my family and I in yaw prayers cause man I love My bro and he my best friend and my heart.

Also tell me some celebrities yaw would love 2 have in the sequel and I'ma add a few of Em.OMG I love yaw man yaw my babies fa real

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I give good advice words of encouragement n motivation or email me

So if yaw need me I'm here to uplift motivate inspire nd
Encourage yaw the best I can

Love August_alsina4Ever

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