What are we ?

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Wow three months have passed and August hasn't found me yet but I herd he still looking he and his boys.aj asked me about his daddy the other day and i didn't know what to say.it hurts me cause Aj loves August so much and September looks just like him.i dyed my hair jet black and wine color and I got that tattoo covered up and I ended up getting a lip piercing and two more tattoos..Princeton is soooo good to me yaw like I love it but I miss My husband and I know he hurting as well.princeton sex game is good but he can't make me feel like August do when we're having sex.the sex August and I have is so damn good.i fucked up.mama Sheila and the girls love it here and I do to don't get me wrong but Atlanta GA is my hometown born and raised and they say home is Wer the heart is and August is my heart but ion wanna hurt Princeton anymore and ion wanna keep Making August hurt and I'm hurting myself and my children.LA is a very beautiful fun exciting city but its nothing without the one you love.yeah I have feelings for Princeton but its not there anymore.these three months without August Wer fun and all but I wish it was him here with me.ion care about all this materialistic mess I just wish August would get a real job or focus more on his singing or something.i miss him.my thoughts Wer interrupted when I herd my name being called.i turn around and its Princeton and I got up to greet him and kiss him.to be honest he another August cept fa he don't beat me or yell at me or curse at me.

Princeton:Wer is everyone ?
Talicia:they all went to the mall and to get a bite to eat.how was your day ?
Princeton:very tiring.so why didn't you go I thought you loved shopping my Lil shoppaholic ?
Talicia:I do but I just wanted to be alone baby.
Princeton:well you looking good as always just how I like it.
Talicia:thank you.
Princeton:did you iron my stuff for my meetings tomorrow like I asked you to ?
Talicia:yeah and I hung it up neatly in the closet.
Princeton:good.if you don't mind could you please fix me a Hennessy on rocks ?
Talicia:yeah no prob.

I fixed him his drink and brought it out to him and we kissed again and he pulled me into his lap and again we kissed.

Princeton:cici what I tell you about not smiling hmm ?
Talicia:I'm not really in a smiling mood prince.
Princeton:smiling makes everything better baby.
Talicia:I guess.
Princeton:did you go check on the workers today like I asked you to ?
Talicia:oh yeah and they Wer all getting along cept fa that Cindy chick and Jenny chick they had a few words and I had to get hood with that Jenny bitch tho.
Princeton:lol really don't be going ATL on my workers baby.
Talicia:well she better watch who she call a Thot.
Princeton:Talicia I've been meaning Ta ask you something.
Talicia:what's that ?
Princeton:what are we ?
Talicia:what do you mean ?
Princeton:like are we a couple or nah ?
Talicia:ion know.
Princeton:you don't know what we are ?
Talicia:no baby.
Princeton:cici its been three months now you should know. what we are.we been sleeping together,having sex, and acting like a couple and I thought I make you happy ?
Talicia:you do but I'm still married to August and he isn't gone sign no divorce papers and that whole entire process takes times.something just doesn't feel right also.
Princeton:Talicia I love you like no man will ever love you.
Talicia:I love you to prince I do but i can't just rush into a relationship like that.we need to take things slow.
Princeton:you're right but I just needed to know what are we ?
Talicia:what's meant to be will be just be patient ok.
Princeton:yeah you right baby.well I'm going to take a shower cause Räy'Ray nem coming over and they excited to see you.
Talicia:ok cool I haven't seen them forever.

I got out of his lap and we kissed again before he went into the house.something doesn't feel right and I have a damn strong feeling that something isn't right and I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
I couldn't stop thinking about August I miss my husband I wanna hear his voice so bad,I wanna be held in his arms,I wanna kiss on his tattoos, I wanna make love to my husband.i need to go home Wer I belong.i need to get out the house fa a few hours so I left Princeton a note saying I was going to the mall.once I arrived there I bought a few things and I bumped into some dude and I looked up and it was August and he looked at me for a minute.

Talicia:please don't hurt me please I will scream.
August:you scream bitch I'll make sure you Neva see daylight again let's fucking go.
Talicia:no cause you haven't changed.
August:shut up we gone walk out this mall and go cause you Finna get it bitch.

This nigga bout to kill me.i had to think of something fast so I told him to let me go change my pad .he stood outside the restroom and thank god they had a window so I climbed out and I ran to the car and hurried up and I was speeding going to the house and I ran in and locked the doors and I see mama Sheila nem back and I burst into tears.

Sheila:cici what's wrong ?
Talicia:he gone kill me he gone kill me.
Chrissy:who gone kill you ?
Talicia:August he here I saw him at the mall I bumped right into him but I told him I had to change my pad and climbed out the restroom window AUGUST IS HERE YAW.i should have stayed my dumb ass in Atlanta.
Rihanna:he can't hurt you ok sweetie.

Princeton comes downstairs and looks lost and shit.like I just wanna fucking smack his ass.

Princeton:what's wrong baby ?
Talicia:August is here in LA.
Princeton:how you know ?
Talicia:I left you a note saying I was going to the mall and i bumped dead into him but only reason I got away cause I told him I had to change my pad and I climbed out the restroom window.
Talicia:don't yell at me ok cause I'm not going through this shit again prince ok.
Princeton:I didn't mean no harm baby ok its just i don't want anything to happen to you.
Talicia:I can't keep running ok sooner or later I knew he would find me so I might as well let him do what he do to me.
Chrissy:cici no August is crazy he'll you and all of us and you know that.
Sheila:she right cici what you and August had is over.
Talicia:I am still legally Mrs.Alsina we're still married and its not over yet ok.why keep running from him huh its not making shit no better.my kids need their father and I need him to.
Sheila:cici you don't need him.

Everybody looked at me with tears just falling down my face and I was just getting stuff off my chest.

Talicia:I MISS AUGUST OK.I WILL ALWAYS BE MRS.ALSINA OK GET IT THROUGH YAW FUCKING HEADS.I I don't even know who I am anymore I'm not the type of woman to leave my husband I promised him I would hold him down no matter what BUT I LEFT WHEN HE REALLY NEEDED ME THE MOST DAMN IT.ALL YOU MUTHAFUCKAS CAN SAY WHAT YAW WANT.

Talicia:Chrissy let me ask you something okay and I I I want the truth okay c c c cause I'm hurting in enough as it is so p please tell me the truth and I promise I won't be mad ok.
Chrissy:ok stop crying boo.
Talicia:ok when yaw first got here and said August was messing around on me with some bitch is it true was he still cheating on me ?
Chrissy:no.gods honest truth August been faithful to you since last time.he told me and kirko that day he'll Neva cheat on you again cause he didn't wanna loose you.I'm sorry mama Sheila but we all need to come clean with her I can't do this shit anymore its been eating me alive 24/7 .
Rihanna:Chrissy noooo.
Chrissy:LOOK DAMN IT this has gone to fucking far miss Sheila,Princeton, and riri we need to come clean.
Talicia:come clean.huh ? w what's going on
Chrissy:we were wrong very very wrong and I'll understand if you Neva forgive us.

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