You feel the same

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After we arrived to the park the kids went to play and I couldn't stop thinking about the letter August had given Aj to give to me and then the picture like why would august do this to me and he know I'm married and why I feel so sad for him and why was I crying ? these are the questions I keep asking myself ova and ova why ? I wanna know then I don't wanna know. I'm happily married to kid and I love him oh so much he my heart.he does for me the things August was suppose to do like love me,spend time with me, and cater to me like I do to him.kid makes me laugh instead of cry.he makes me so relaxed feeling instead of stressed out and worried like why August said I still hold the title of Mrs.Alsina and we're not married anymore and at the end of the letter he was like love your husband August the fuck man. I need answers so I pulled my phone out my purse and called him.

Phn convo
Talicia:hey aug umm you busy cause I need to talk to you.
August:nah I got time wud up ?
Talicia:its about the letter.
August:Aj just now giving it to you ?
Talicia:yeah today and i read it and I'm confused as to why you wrote it and why you say the things you said august.
August:you alone ?
Talicia:I'm at the park with the children.
August:ok good.
Talicia:so tell me I need answers.what was the purpose of the letter ?
August:to let you know I regret hurting you and mistreating you the way I I know its my fault that I lost you and messed up what we had like a nigga know he fucked errrthang up and I ain't afraid Ta admit that shit cause its all my fault.i want you to know that I miss you like fucking crazy.
Talicia:so let's say that if what you wished for came true what would you do different August ?
August:spend lots of time with you,spoil you,compliment you,cook for you,help around the house love you and be the best husband and show you how much you mean to me.i'll be the August you fell in love with and not this monstrous person.i wouldn't put my hands on you unless I'm making love to you or massaging you.
Talicia:w w why you say I'll always hold the title of Mrs.Alsina and we're not even married anymore ?
August:because in my eyes we are still married and can't nobody have my last but you Shawdy you always will be Mrs.Alsina and deep down somewhere in your heart you know you still Mrs.Alsina and that I'm still your husband.
Talicia:I'm married August omg stop doing this to me.i love kid ok I'm Mrs.Collins now.
August:aye Shawdy listen you feel the same way to and you know it ion care how hard you try to pretend or act hard as if you don't but you know you still have strong feelings for me and wanna be with me.
Talicia:August don't do this to me please.
August:I'm not doing this to hurt you cici damn a nigga being 109 with you mane.i miss you love.
Talicia:I don't feel the same August.
August:you do feel the same cause if you didn't you wouldn't be crying cici.
Talicia:you messed up august you destroyed us ok so don't think i'ma come running back and divorce kid just so you can hurt me said yourself you not ready to change so let me be happy.
(Cries harder).
August:you feel the same you just don't wanna admit it cause you love kid and he your husband but you in love with me still, you Neva stopped cici and that pic I know it brought back many memories of want that back and so do I.i love you know deep down your heart is with me cause mines with you.
Talicia:I love you to August but I gotta go ok.
August:aight Mrs.Alsina
Talicia:talk to you later.

End of Phn convo

This shit is crazy what makes August think I still want him I I I don't and I love him but I'm no longer in love with him like I know I'm Phn rung and it was bae saying to come home cause he miss me and the kids.i guess he couldn't get back to sleep.i told him we'll be home shortly. Now I really have so much on my fucking mind Lawd help me.what if August right ? nah uh uh its not true.


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