Lets get married

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Bae and I are in Las Vegas for a three day get away cause we been so busy working and spending time with the kids that we haven't had time for each other and its much needed.august has the children while bae and I are here.yaw I promise I fall more and more in love with kid everyday. He always surprises me with expensive ass gifts and he calls me three to four times when he out with his niggas and he helps me cook and clean up and he gives me body massages and he just treats me like a queen and I'm happy to finally have a real king. He kept his words to me he is so faithful and loyal to me. I love my fiancé so much he is amazing.we have our moments cause hell we ain't perfect.
Bae and I had just come from eating and came back up to luxury presidential suit and we got cozy.we climbed into the big king size bed and I rested my head on his chest and damn i love his tattoos and speaking of that the ones I had of August I got covered up and that shit hurt so bad but it was worth it.

Talicia:I'm so tired baby but thank you for showing me a good time.
Kid ink:you welcome baby.
Talicia:I love you.
Kid ink:I love you to baby.
Talicia:I think I know the meaning of a real love.
Kid ink:what is it then ?
Talicia:you meaning the love give me,show me, and have for me that's my definition of love.
Kid ink:damn that shit was deep baby.you my heart cici and a nigga blessed to have you.
Talicia:Neva thought I would fall in love again but I did and I fell hard.just when i thought my broken heart couldn't be fixed you came along and repaired it and put a smile back on my face.
Kid ink:damn baby you got a nigga getting teary eyed and shit cause mane ain't no female I ever been with told me sweet shit like you.
Talicia:are you fa real ?
Kid ink:yeah I mean they would be like I love you and you my prince lame shit like that but you be saying deep shit baby.
Talicia:well i just want you to know I mean it baby.
Kid ink:you make a nigga get in his feelings and that's sum ion do but yo ass got me in Em.
Talicia:well I like a man that's in touch with his feelings and that don't make him less of a man to me a man That's not afraid to cry or express his feelings is sexy to me and I love that.
Kid ink:you put a spell on me didn't you.
Talicia:oh here you go cause I'm from New Orleans you think I put a spell on you ?
Kid ink:lol nah baby my bad my bad i ain't mean it like that I'm saying the things you do and say make a nigga fall more in love with you.i see why August was crazy about you
Talicia:well umm I'm not August girl no mo I'm yours and you're mine.
Kid ink:you damn fucking right Shawdy.
Talicia:I can't wait till we get married.i honestly don't care about a big fancy wedding I don't i just wanna be Married to you.
Kid ink;do it matter Wer we get married at ?
Talicia:we can get married at Walmart,Starbucks, or The damn parking Lott I Just wanna be your wife baby.
Kid ink:lol really the parking Lott tho baby.thats just ratchet as hell.
Talicia:lol ion care long as I get that last name tho and be wifey shit it don't matter Wer we get married.
Kid ink:you don't want yo mama nem there ?
Talicia:i do but i just really want it to be me and you.
Kid ink:well let's get married tonight.
Kid ink:yeah I just wanted to see what kinda of wedding you wanted.
Talicia:yesss I wanna get married baby.
Kid ink:know what's let do this right.
Talicia:what you mean baby ?
Kid ink:if you could get married anywhere where would it be ?
Talicia:Paris France cause that's the city of love and I always wanted to go to Paris.its my dream vacation place.
Kid ink:well we getting married in Paris.
Talicia:awwwww baby you got me cryin tears of joy.omg baby.
Kid ink:I just wanna make you happy and please you.
(He wipe away my tears)
Talicia:I love you so fucking much baby.
Kid ink:I love you to beautiful now stop crying.now let's go to sleep cause a nigga sleepy as a Muthafucka.
Talicia:ok baby cause I'm sho sleepy.
Kid ink:goodnight baby I love you.
Talicia:night baby I love you to.

I love Brian Todd Collins aka kid ink my soon to be husband.i love My man.


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