I can't do this anymore

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Yaw remember when I said mama Sheila was gone get me beat that night ? well she did because after everyone left I cleaned the kitchen August just started beating on me with his fist,a belt, and took me down to the basement and beat me with the whip that had spikes on and I was crying out in pain begging fa him to stop but he wouldn't and he tied me up down there fa two weeks straight I lie not.no food.he would give me water four times a day and I had to pee on myself fa two weeks.he would come down and say yeah you ugly ass dirty ass hoe you August property like c'mon now who does this type of shit to their wife the woman they suppose to love and adore.the mother of their kids.
Princeton may was real wrong fa what they did but hell he loves me,he was there every time I needed him no matter what time it was.he would compliment me and surprise me and hold me.he let me live my life.i had freedom.he would cook and clean and let relax.i'll always always love August and be here fa him but I just can't do this shit anymore.i hate it took me this long to open up my eyes.god knows I love August but I gotta do what I gotta do.i didn't care to pack anything.i know yaw like you hoe going from Princeton to August and back but ion care.i Skype Princeton and damn he got sexier but I let him know what's up and he booked my flight and my plane leaves in 2hrs fa LA.august jumped on me today as well cause he he didn't like what i made fa breakfast and he was just mad and he took it out on me saying ole stupid ass bitch.fuck you.you think you all that don't nobody want you but me.he damn near broke my arm but I do have a busted lip and a black eye.he gone with future fa the day so I'm good to go and I told mama Sheila as well so she coming to pick me up and we flying out to LA together.i left August a letter.

Dear August,
I love you always and forever but I can't do this anymore.you always saying I love you I'm sorry I'm gone change but you don't and you don't show me love.loving me isn't beating on me,keeping me locked up Inthe house or in the basement controlling me.you hurt me psychically,mentally,emotionally, verbally.thats not love.i have been Rocking with you since day
1 I've held you down all these years,I supported you in whatever but you never supported me.i put my dreams on hold fa you and i'm tired of the lies August.i have a life to but I was living my life the way you wanted me to cause I love you.i was so blinded by your love that I didn't see your Wrong
Doings oh yeah I know you Wer still cheating but you came home to me and that's all that mattered so go ahead and be with Nikki yeah learn to put up passcode on yo phone but later I love you and please don't come looking fa me August or I will have you locked up.i'm with Princeton now and he actually loves me.

Love Talicia ❤💔😞😢

I left the wedding ring on the table along with the car keys.i only had my phone and a broken heart.i looked around the house and left and turned the lock and walked out as mama Sheila pulled up and I got in and she looked at me with tears rolling down my face and she squeezes my hand and as we drove off I saying goodbye to My old life here in Atlanta and on to a new life with Princeton but August will always have a special in my heart.

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