I Want You.

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I woke up the next morning with a sore ass body and bruised all up and a black eye and I was in this beautiful hotel suit on the highest floor.hell how did I get here ? who fucking brought me here.i just remember running out the house in my panties and bra and a car stopped and i passed out.now I'm wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a medium black shirt and My hair in a ponytail.fuck this I gotta get outta here cause this Muthafucka might be crazy to.i got out of bed limping and I herd the door open and when the person walked in I seen it was Princeton so I feel relieved.

Princeton:good morning sexy.
Talicia:really cut the nice boy shit out look at my face its nothing cute right now ok.
Princeton:you hungry ?
Talicia:I'm cool.
Princeton:you want some Starbucks mint green tea ?
Talicia:yeah its my fav.
Princeton:trust me I know you been drinking this since We were like 14yrs old.
Talicia:so you know me well lol ?
Princeton:duh i been knowing you since we were practically babies.our moms used to give us a bath together.
Talicia:don't say that to loud August might pop out the closet and blow our asses off lol.
Princeton:lol hell nah.
Talicia:thank you.
Princeton:fa what ?
Talicia:always being there for me no matter what and being My hero.
Talicia:my head and eye is killing me.damn August beat my ass my legs and shit all bruised up.
Princeton:what happened ?
Talicia:you know how August is he just....well he just August.
Princeton:cici c'mon now tell me.
Talicia:well he came in drunk talking crazy to me.he claimed him and Chris saw me earlier with a dude and he said I had somebody in our house in our bed fucking cause I had on my panties and bra.so he beat My ass but I got tired of that shit and I finally stood up to him.
Princeton:damn why he so insecure fa like he should trust you.he know you crazy about him.
Talicia:right but August like this he say I'm a pretty bitch and oh bitch who you fucking,who dick you sucking, why you dressing like that who attention you tryna get.i got tired of them ass beatings.hell i have two children who needs me and the way August was beating my ass this time he could have killed my ass.he just spazzed out.
Princeton:damn.but what you do to him ?
Talicia:I kicked him in the balls and he fell but he got up ran towards me but I hit him in the head with a wine bottle and I ran out our bedroom door but he pushed me down the stairs and I hit my head on that hard ass floor, he got on top of me beating me.i kicked him in the balls again grabbed a ashtray and hit him upside his head again and I got up and ran to the kitchen grabbed a knife.
Princeton:damn girl ok then what ?
Talicia:he came towards me and I swung at him with the knife but he jumped back.he dived on me and snatched the knife out my hand and got on top of me again beating me and beating me so I kneed him in the balls again and he fell back and I grabbed another knife and he ran towards me and I stabbed him in the hand and I ran out in my panties and bra and I ran and I ran i was outta breath still running.i saw a car then passed out but I thank god it was you.
Princeton:DAAAAAMN Lil cici finally grew some balls.
Talicia:lol shut up big fro ass nigga.
Princeton:yo lil short ass about 4 sum ft tall and August like 6,1 6,2 6,3 how the hell you hit him upside the head the first time ?
Talicia:ion know but I did.
Princeton:can I ask you something and I want you to be real honest with me Talicia fa real.
Talicia:ok ask away.
Princeton:the dude, this guy August and his boy claimed they seen you with who was it ? who is the dude August always accusing you of and why ?
Talicia:wow umm that's more than one question prince.
Princeton:consider it a 3in1 question.tell me.
Talicia:what does it matter tho prince ?
Princeton:really a question with a question.c'mon tell me best friend I wanna know.
Talicia:its you Princeton ok its you.you already knew that.
Princeton:WOW I mean I kinda figured that the day him and his boys busted in my house like ghetto ninjas and damn near took my life.
Talicia:yeah but its you ok.

I got up and limped to the balcony with my tea and sat outside.i know Princeton has these feelings for me but I can't do it.i won't do it.i love August Anthony Alsina.my husband the father of my kids and my best friend.i miss him and I gotta go home so we can talk.august and I been through so much shit together and all be damned if I throw our marriage away.

Princeton comes outside and sit beside me.

Princeton:you ok ?
Talicia:no not really Ta be honest.
Princeton:what's wrong ?
Talicia:I miss August.
Princeton:really cici ? this nigga done whooped yo ass and you miss him.
Talicia:he my husband prince of course I miss him regardless of what.
Princeton:he always accusing you of me,he barely be home with you and yaw kids,he cheated on you, like damn cici.
Talicia:look ain't no married couple perfect and he out making that money and ok he cheated i forgave him.he afraid to loose me ok.August is a damn good man.amazing husband and father.he just August.
Princeton:he sell drugs cici.you married a thug.
Talicia:first off he isn't a thug and yeah he sell drugs but that money long and he spoils me.he loves me and won't let nothing or nobody hurt me.
Talicia:ughhh Princeton please get over me cause I'm not leaving August ok.
Princeton:but I want you.
Princeton:so you like getting yo ass beat ? having black eyes and shit.this nigga hurt you psychically,mentally, and emotionally and treat you like shit sometimes.but you LOOOVE August Anthony Alsina.you crazy as hell.
Talicia:OK SOOOO WHAT.he beat my ass whatever whatever but he loves me unconditionally,he always in my corner,he makes me laugh when I cry,he Surprises me with gifts and always know what to say to make me smile.hell yeah I'm crazy I'm crazy in love with my husband.
Princeton:you need me.
Talicia:nooo Princeton please just stop ok cause there will NEVA be an US.
Princeton:know what cici fuck it I hate I even know you cause you a ole dumb a female.from now on you dead to me.loose My number.
Talicia:y y you really mean that Princeton ?
Princeton:yeah I do.im telling you I want you but you don't care.
Talicia:I'm married and I love August.i can't hurt him prince.
Princeton:hell he hurt you, didn't think about yo feelings.
Talicia:he made a mistake, I look at it as a test from god to test August&I love for each other.for better or for worse and I'm rocking with my husband till the very end.
Princeton:good fa you guess I'll take my broken hearted ass home.
Talicia:prince I love you to but just not in that way.you my BFF my god bro.
Princeton:yeah but remember you love August Alsina your perfect husband.
Talicia:prince what do you want from me ? huh what ?
Princeton:you really wanna know ?
Talicia:yeah I do.
Princeton:I want you,I want your heart.your love.
Talicia:I can't i can't i can't prince.i just can't.you got my love but not in that way but you have my love.
Princeton:well you can have my heart its broken and damaged it ain't no good anymore.

I started to cry because he really really wants me and love me as more than a bestie and he was standing here in front of me crying like I didn't know his feelings for me was that deep.i just don't see him in that way.omg I hurt him yaw and I feel terrible.

Talicia:we'll always be besties bro/sis.
Princeton:nah this friendship is officially over.its done no more.
Talicia:NOOOOO prince.
Princeton:nah cause I can't stand to be around the woman who I'm in love with,the woman I wanna be with.the woman who married.i can't cici.like I said loose my number,at work treat me like you don't even know me and at family gatherings our moms have don't look at me don't speak to me.ion want yo love if I can't have you completely.

I cried like a baby like he serious.princeton kissed me on the cheek and said goodbye and walked back into the hotel room and I herd the hotel door close.i called Chrissy to come get me to take me home and I see August is home and Chris ova here.i walked in the house and I went and sat beside August on the couch and rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head.chris got up and left.august and I went upstairs and got in bed.neither of us said a word to each other.August cuddled up against me and put his arm around me and we drifted off to sleep.


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