Im tired of being hurt

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I am blessed that August is still here for me tho we are no longer together and he is a wonderful father and uncle and best friend.i just hate the way things ended with us. I know a lot of people feel we shouldn't be friends or that I should call him my auggy bear but he always been my auggy bear way before we even started messing around or made it official.and if he need advice a shoulder to cry i'ma be there for him cause he's there for me.
After we landed back in LA August and I took a cab to his house and he got his car and drove me home and we hugged and he drove off once I opened the door. I walked in and went to the kitchen to grab me a bother of water and there was kid sitting at the island in the kitchen and he looked at me and I looked at him.we literally just stared at each other not knowing what to say and I know theres a lot that need to be said.i couldn't take no more and I broke the silence.

Talicia:I just wanna know why you do it ? why you mess around on me twice ?
Kid ink:honestly ion know cici.
Talicia:how you not know kid like did I do something that hurt you ? like did I give you a reason to mess around ?
Kid ink:cause a nigga was scared aight damn I said it.
Talicia:scared of what ?
Kid ink:that you would leave me fa August again.i see how you smile when you around him and shit.i felt you was still in love with him and I thought you was messing off on me with him and to keep myself from getting hurt I messed around.that night you hugged him and how close yaw was made me think yaw still fucking.
Talicia:so you hurt me cause you thought I was still fucking August and that I was gone hurt you ?
Kid ink:yeah it sound stupid I know but shit I love you to much cici a nigga like me Neva had a chick like you that love me the way you do.
Talicia:yeah August and I are like best friends hell we better as best friends and my feelings fa August are heart love and loyalty is with the one I wanna be with kid not August.I'm faithful to you.
Kid ink:look I know I lost your trust cause of that but give me a second to do right.i need you cici.
Talicia:I'm so tired of being hurt beat me kid and you said you wouldn't do that to me.i love you and you beat on me.i been through so much shit with August and Im not going through it with you.
I'm tired of being hurt.
Kid ink:baby I'm sorry and I mean this I'm not gone hurt you again.
Talicia:how I know that for sure kid ? huh how I know you not gone mess off on me again or beat on me ?
Kid ink:cause I'm not cici I was insecure you was right baby damn just give me the chance to prove to you that I'm a man of my word please.
Talicia:I love you but I'm just scared of being hurt again kid like my heart can't take no more hurt and pain I promise you I'm tired of being hurt do you understand that ?
(Cries hard)
Kid ink:baby I know I know and I'm not gone hurt you again.
Talicia:ok I'll give you another chance kid but you better not hurt me again please baby.
Kid ink:I'm not I just wanna love you and yeah we gone have our moments but I'm not go fuck off on you anymore or put my hands on you.
Talicia:you promise ?
Kid ink:I promise baby.i love you baby.a nigga crazy bout you.
Talicia:I love you more bae.
Kid ink:nah I told you I love more.
Talicia:you my heart kid and ion want us to end up the way August and I did I'm scared.
Kid ink:we not baby stop thinking like that aight and stop crying.
Talicia:ok bae and I can't help it I'm very very sensitive.
Kid ink:my big baby.
(He wipe away my tears)
Kid ink:you beautiful baby.
Talicia:and you fine as hell.

He picked me up and we kissed and hugged and we went upstairs and well yaw know what we did lol so I ain't gotta say it.


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