Our chance/get away

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August and nem gone to they trap house,Aj at School and I'm alone board as fuck.i done did everything bae wanted me to do.i cleaned up,paid the bills and went grocery shopping.so now I'm in the living room watching a movie on LMN when I hear the door bell ring twice.i looked through the peep hole and seen it was Chrissy and August mom Sheila so I opened the door to let them in.

Chrissy:wud up bish.
Sheila:hey daughter in law.
Talicia:hey yaw.
Chrissy:you ready ?
Talicia:ready fa what ?
Chrissy:you know.
Talicia:no serious ready fa what ?
Sheila:to go to LA fa a week.
Talicia:nah I can't go.
Chrissy&Sheila:why not ?
Talicia:August said I couldn't go.
Chrissy&Sheila:Fuck him you grown.
Talicia:ok double mint twins he my husband and he said I couldn't go.
Chrissy:c'mon now you can't let August tell you what you can and cannot do.he yo husband not yo daddy.
Sheila:I'm his mama and if he fuck with you I'll knock his ass out.
Talicia:I can't go yaw.
Chrissy:omg cici stop being scared of aug and live yo life do you hell have fun shit you young.
Talicia:I can't disrespect him anymore and everybody who know aug know not to disrespect him Chrissy and you know that.
Sheila:what I tell you that day in the car cici ?
Talicia:I know mama but you had aug you know that nigga crazy and he don't play.
Sheila:I got you ok so stop being scared and let's go.
Talicia:no no no i can't yaw ok I just can't go.
Sheila:girl look pack ya shit and let's go.me and Chrissy got you.
Talicia:mama I can't disrespect August anymore ok and I'm not going.
Chrissy:uh uh bestie you going our plane leaves in 3hrs so uhh let's go.
Talicia:I can't go no way Aj.
Sheila:I called yo mama and she said she got him till aug get home.
Talicia:see yaw tryna get me killed now.
Chrissy:cici you bend ova backwards and do everything around here.you do everything to please August and you cater to this nigga.he put you through so much damn you need some you time.
Sheila:cici Chrissy and I will take full responsibility ok so stop being scared.
Talicia:what if August walk in while we walking out with a suitcase ?
Chrissy:I called kirko and he said it'll be around 10:30 tonight when they get home so you good.so this our chance to get away.
Sheila:exactly our chance to get away and have some fun.
Talicia:fine I'll go pack.
Chrissy&Sheila:YAAAAYY CICI.
Talicia:lol yaw crazy fa real.

My Phn started ringing and it was August

Our Phn convo
Talicia:hey baby.
August:why the fuck you ain't answer when I called you the first gahh damn time ?
Talicia:I was in the kitchen and my Phn was on the living room table baby.
August:bitch you better not have no nigga in my muthafuckin house.
Talicia:I ain't like that aug and you know that.you all I want and need.
August:yeah whatever.what you doing mane ?
Talicia:nothing just watching a movie on LMN and sipping wine.
August:you clean up and shit like I told you to ?
Talicia:yes baby I did.
August:aye I was just calling Ta check on ya tho.
Talicia:ok baby.
August:aight love ya and I'll see ya later tonight when I get home.
Talicia:ok and I love you more baby.

End of convo

Talicia:I change my mind I'm not going.
Chrissy:its our chance to get away and now you don't wanna go cause August called.
Talicia:he needs me yaw.
Sheila:we need you to.you our turn up bish.
Chrissy:lil August lets go fa real you going and I'm not playing you need to enjoy yourself.
Talicia:nah Chrissy I'm not gone disrespect August like that.
Sheila:he call you bitches and hoes and tramps and shit but you don't wanna disrespect him but that's none of my business tho.
Talicia:August will beat the living hell outta me when he find me or when I return ok damn I'm tired of having black eyes and bruises and a sore body ok.
Sheila:we got you ok sweetie I'll make sure August won't hurt you.
Chrissy:why is you crying cici Talicia:because I know August gone fuck me up, he ain't gone give two shits what yaw say to him he gone get me ok.he not gone care.
Sheila:look cici please just trust us ok sweetie we got you and I won't let him touch you.

August walked in with kirko.

Chrissy:bae what is yaw doing here ?
Kirko:aug had Ta come get sumthin.
Chrissy:aw what time you coming home bae ?
Kirko:I told you 10:30 damn.
Chrissy:ok nigga don't get smart.
Sheila:so you can't speak now Lil boy.
Kirko:my bad, hey ma.

(August come downstairs)

August:I thought you was here by ya self ?
Talicia:I was bae they got here 5mins before yaw did.mama rode with Chrissy.
August:why you been crying fa mane ?
Talicia:this movie bae you know how I am lol.
August:crazy but I'll see you later.
Talicia:baby nooo stay with me please
(Kiss on his chest)
August:look stop this shit mane you know what I gotta do.
Talicia:can I have a kiss bae ?
August:yeah (we kiss 2mins) happy now ?
Talicia:I guess.
Kirko:damn sis you act like he leaving town lol.
Talicia:lol shut up nigga.
August:aight let me go baby.
Talicia:nooo bae.
August:STOP DAMN CICI I'll see you tonight when I get home.
Talicia:I can't sho you love now August ok fine.
August:mane get the fuck out ya feelings I'm tired of telling yo slow ass that shit now let me go.
August:keep showing out I can't act a fool up in hurr cause you asking fa it bitch.
Talicia:see you later baby.

Kirko and August leave.

Chrissy:let's go.
Talicia:know what fuck it I'm ready my shit already packed.
Sheila:that's the spirit.
Chrissy:yesss hurry up before you change yo damn mind again lol.
Talicia:lol I'm not.

I locked up and I my grabbed stuff and we arrived at the airport and 2hrs later our planed took off.i know August gone fuck me up but till then i'ma TURN UP TURN UP TURN UP turn down fa what.i do deserve to have fun hell.but deuces yaw

___________________________________________________________________do yaw think August gone fly to LA with kirko and beat Talicia ass ?
Please let me know

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