Hell f**king no

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I feel as if my whole life is falling apart especially my marriage.its like every since mama Sheila said what she said to August its like he became worse and more mean towards me.now he thinking I'm really gonna leave him for Princeton.he thinks we're all in a plan to get me with Princeton.he pops up at my job,he calls me every hour on the hours.he took My car keys again its like he's gone crazy or something.i think we need to see a marriage counselor or something cause I feel like my auggy bear and I are drifting apart.then his moods lawd his moods are worse than a woman when she is on her monthly PMS 🔴🔴cycle.but see nobody can deal with August like I can and they don't understand him like I do and right now my husband really needs me.i know it seems like I'm neglecting my children but I'm not I just don't want them around August and I under these circumstances because ion want them growing up thinking this type of stuff is ok cause its not.I'm to damn young to be stressing like this.tho nobody is really on good terms mama Sheila agreed to keep September and Aj a lil longer till August and I get it together not saying we're bad parents but yaw know Wer I'm coming from.i go downstairs into the kitchen Wer I see August sitting down drinking out the ciroc Bottle.

Talicia:hey baby.
Talicia:what are you doing ?
August:drinking and thinking.
Talicia:what are you thinking about baby ?
August:not you hell.
Talicia:well tell me what are you thinking about baby.
August:a lot of shit ok.
Talicia:like what ? you can tell me baby.
August:you know what you tryna play with my fucking mind bitch like I'm some retarded ass nigga.
Talicia:no its not like that at all auggy bear.
August:you don't love me.you my mama,Chrissy,Rihanna,J'lexis all y'all got a plan Ta get you with Princeton.
Talicia:that's not true baby I promise you.
Talicia:August listen calm down ok baby just calm down.
August:you might as well be with him hahaha cause shit that's what everybody else wants you to do be with pretty boy Princeton and you know you want him to.
Talicia:noooo I don't want him and fuck what everybody else wants.
August:I ain't shit so be with yo boy Princeton.
Talicia:August stop you talking crazy now.you know I love and want only you.
August:lol you think I'm stupid YOU THINK IM FUCKING STUPID BITCH.
Talicia:no.baby we need to see a marriage counselor.
August:we what ?
Talicia:we need to see a marriage counselor.
Talicia:but baby we need help I feel our marriage is slowly falling apart and ion wanna loose you baby.
August:hell fucking no hell fucking no.
Talicia:but we need help.
August:ion need Ta be paying no Muthafucka Ta tell me shit about my marriage and i damn sho don't need a Muthafucka in my damn business.
Talicia:August look at you baby you losing it.you need to pull yo self together.
August:what I need is fa you to get the fuck up out my face.
August:go hop on Princeton dick you ole dirty ass no good ass slut ass hoe.all yaw can go straight to hell.
Talicia:baby just stop it ok let's see a marriage counselor.
Talicia:I'm loosing my husband.
August:looks like I already lost my wife hell.
Talicia:you need to stop before you become an alcoholic August.
August:whatever bitch.

I snatched the ciroc bottle out his hand and Poured it down the drain and August got up and slapped me and pushed me into the wall and put his hand around my neck choking me I felt light headed but he let me go and i gasped for air as I rubbed my neck and the tears rolled down my face.

Talicia:baby y you're scaring me.i just wanna help you t that's all.
August:cici fuck you and fuck the world aight fuck my life.
Talicia:no baby stop talking like that ok.you Just at a point in your life Wer you feel alone and that nobody cares but I care and I love you so very much.I'm here for you I'm not ever leaving you baby.
August:DAMN what's wrong with me cici ?
Talicia:you just hurting baby that's all nothing is wrong with you baby.
August:I'm sorry fa snapping out like that aight I gotta get it together.
Talicia:its ok baby.
August:cici I fucking love you like crazy.
Talicia:I love you more baby.

August and I kissed and I assured him that everything will be okay and that I'm here for him.my bae needs me more than ever right now and i'ma be here for him.


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