Please forgive me

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Its been a month now since I been staying at the Ellis hotel here in Atlanta and Aj is with August mom and yes I go check on my son and call him.mama Sheila always ask me questions about what happened like I know August told her but she wanna hear my side and I'm just not ready to talk about it.everybody been blowing my Phone up and my social media sites.even kirko and usher nem tried calling me but I avoided everybody like ion wanna be bothered.i even took off work fa a week cause that's how hurt I am.august FaceTime me and I finally talked to him.he wanna meet at Starbucks cause he knows its my addiction and I wanna know why he cheated on me and hurt me this way.of course I got sexy so he could see what he missing.i wore my tight fitted black dress that hugged my curves,my black red bottoms,my grey contacts, my cherry red lip stick and my hair was In curls.i had my grey Michel kore purse.i pulled into Starbucks parking lot around 1:25 and I see August is already here so I parked beside him and headed in and I spotted him way in the back and damn he look so muthafuckin sexy gahh damn.

August:hey beautiful, you look good.
Talicia:thanks you do to.
August:great so how you been ?
Talicia:Im ok I guess I seen better are you ?
August:a nigga a mess without you.
Talicia:oh well we wouldn't be sitting here if you never cheated on me August.
August:I know I really fucked up bad this time.
Talicia:yeah that you did.
August:look I can apologize a million thousand times and it won't change nothing but I promise I have learned my lesson.
Talicia:well you made me many promises aug but you broke Em.
August:I know baby I messed up.
Talicia:how long were you cheating on me ?
August:three months.
Talicia:were you and her fucking ?
August:yes but we used protection.
Talicia:so you fucking some bitch and then come home and stick ya dick in me like shit never happened.
August:baby I'm sorry aight I'm so sorry.
Talicia:well I kissed Princeton and flirted with him the other day.
August:that's ok cause I put you through so Much shit that he was there for you when you needed me.
Talicia:exactly but the next day I told he what we did was wrong cause I love you but I see now that you don't love me.
August:baby nah I love you with every breath in my body,heart, and soul.i love you like crazy.
Talicia:why you cheat on me August and this your chance to come clean and put it all on the table be honest no more lies cause my heart can't take no more hurt and pain.
August:aight i'ma be 100 wit ya baby.
Talicia:ok so why you cheat on me ?
August:cause I felt like you didn't understand that when I be outchea in these streets its Ta help us and you stayed on my ass bout leaving the drug game and you always pick an argument.i felt like a nigga ain't matter Ta you.
Talicia:so that's why you cheated on me truthfully.
August:its the gods honest truth.
Talicia:ok well I do understand what you do and ion judge you fa that and I stayed on yo ass bout leaving the drug game cause I love you and ion wanna Lose you to these streets and you don't be calling or texting so hell yeah as yo wife i'ma worry and I may have picked a few arguments but that didn't mean you had to cheat on me August like I bend over backwards for you and support you till the end.
August:you right and I apologize.please forgive me baby please forgive me.
Talicia:I can't do that right no August I just can't.
August:cici baby please forgive me baby please forgive me.i miss you hell I love you like crazy.
Talicia:August look I just can't right now and I love you so very much to but you don't know how bad you hurt me.
August:I wish I could take away what I did but I can't baby I apologize.
Talicia:August look I need time I just can't do this right now.
August:come home with me I miss you and Aj so much a nigga hurting to.
Talicia:that makes two of us cause I'm hurting like hell.
August:let me prove to you that I won't do it again.
Talicia:how can I trust you now August.
August:cause I'll do whatever to gain your trust back baby.
Talicia:I can't right now August its to much.look I gotta go I'm tired and I just wanna sleep.
August:can I have a hug or something please.
Talicia:yeah I guess

August and I hugged and it felt so good being in his arms and he smelled so good like gahh damn it i miss him but I just can't be with him right now it hurts that much.he kissed the top of my head and I had to force the tears back befo they fell down my face.

August:please come home baby I need you and my son so bad.
Talicia:August stop ok please cause I can't do this right now.
August:I love you.
Talicia:I love you to ok.

I got up to walk off till August grabbed my hand and he said he'll walk me to my car.he opened the car door for me and told me that he'll do whatever Ta make it right and I wanna make it work to but knowing he lied to me and those pics and still tryna lie about it hurts bad.i really miss my husband and being in his arms.

August:we gone get through this ok.
August:a nigga can't lose you baby.i love you I love you I love you.
Talicia:I love you more August.

He closed my car door and I drove off and once I got back to the hotel I cried my ass off and then I herd a knock on my hotel door and I asked who it was and it was mama Sheila like how she know I was here I wonder what she wants.i opened the door to let her in and she said that we needed to talk.i inkwell what she wanna talk about.

I'm sorry that I'm Just now updating its been a super busy day for me by it being thanksgiving but hope yaw like it and for a fa sure fact I'll be able to update tomorrow.

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