Why he do this to me ?

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I was crying my ass off like why can't kid see that I love him and he mean so much to me.like he may not beat on me or cheat but the way he talk to me and its like he don't trust me.kid is a good dude and ion like when he mad at me.i called his phone god knows how many times but he not answering so shit all I could do was cry.i'm not going back to August and what's wrong with August and I being cool.shit we gotta be fa the kids.kid just insecure and I want his trust cause without trust a relationship ain't shit.
I was just crying my eyes out when I herd a knock at the door and I ain't care to look through the peep hole.i opened the door and looked up and it was August.

August:why you crying ?
Talicia:what you doing here August ?
August:I ain't come here to try and get with you cause I know you love that busta kid but he ain't right.
Talicia:August what the fuck you talking about ? you don't know kid.unlike you he don't beat on me or cheat on me.
August:cici look I'm coo with us being friends but kid ain't the one fa you.
Talicia:see August you need to fucking go right now.
August:look let me in cause I got some Ta show you.
Talicia:ughh you got 10mins August cause kid might be on his way back.
August:yeah ion think so.
Talicia:see you need to go August.
August:look what I'm about Ta show you cici I promise on Mel and my daddy I'm not doing this to hurt you or make you come back to me but I hurt you enough and you don't deserve to keep getting hurt like this cici.
Talicia:August what's going on ?
August:aye my cousin Kendrick gave me this tape and it got to fiancé kid in it.
August:I'm not lying cici on Mel and my daddy just watch the tape.

I got the tape from August and put it in the VCR/DVD player and yeah it was kid fa a fact and as I Kept watching a bitch a lil taller than me walked Into the room and she was pretty but then her and kid started kissing and touching all ova each other and they both got naked and she sucked his dick and he ate her out and then he pulled a condom out and shoved his dick in her and started fucking her hard and she then got on top of him riding his dick and kid was enjoying it.he picked up a big bottle and drunk out of it and. after they fuck session he turned the lights up brighter and guess who the bitch was ? my hoe ass sister Nikki August bitch.august and I looked at each other in total fucking shock and the tears just fell from my eyes.damn kid why.i wasn't going back to August.WOW kid let his insecurities get the best of him.

Talicia:why he do this to me ? why he do this to me.WHY HE DO THIS TO ME AUGUST HUH ?
August:ion know cici.
August:I'm sorry.stop crying mane.
Talicia:I hate my life damn it FUCK MY LIFE.i can't take no more hurt and pain.
August:damn I'm sorry cici.
Talicia:I wanna die.
August:no you don't cici you just hurting.you a strong ass real ass woman cause you put up with so much shit especially with me.
Talicia:ughhh I guess its not meant fa me Ta have nobody.
August:shit now I'm suffering fa how I treated you.
Talicia:do you think you'll ever change ?
August:shit I have to but its hard.
Talicia:can you just hug me I just need a hug nothing else.august Just hug me.
(He hug me)
August:see my cousin Kendrick was like let's set this kid nigga up cause kid was fucking on his ex wife and I was like kid ain't right and Kendrick been knowing kid fa bout 4months and yeah he been fucking Kendrick wife while he was with you.
Talicia:WOW WOW.
August:but I ain't no Nikki hoe ass was in this shit tho I'm bout to go fuck her up.
Talicia:don't beat her August just let her go cause when kid get here I'm ending shit with him and just be single.
August:aight don't do nothing crazy.
Talicia:I'm not.
August:I'll call you later.

I'm always getting hurt like damn man ughhhh.no August, no kid and they both hurt me.now I'm afraid to love and trust any man.


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