I found you

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Its been two weeks since I been at Princeton house with him and I must admit its been fun and peaceful and so relaxing.I really hate that I'm putting my son through this I know he worried about me.i haven't called nobody and I know they're all worried as well but I just had to get away from August I had to.then again I know this is eventually gonna come to an end August is going to find me and when he do there is no telling what he's going to do to me and that part really scares me like hell.
Then I hope I don't get Princeton hurt because of me cause if August or his boys hurt Princeton I'll forever blame myself.i fucked up real bad this time and I mean I done really really fucked up yaw.
I was downstairs in Princeton living room watching Love&HipHopHollyWood when I herd his door bell ring and it must be his mom cause he said she was coming over.he was upstairs in the shower so I opened the door and when I did I just froze right there where I was standing cause it was August and his boys and they were like three cars deep.
I herd footsteps so I knew that some shit was bout to pop off.

Princeton:aye my nigga i'ma need fa you and ya Lil boys Ta get the fuck up off my property.
August:bruh who the fuck is you talking Ta ?
Princeton:nigga you and yo hoe ass niggas fuck ya mean.
August:nigga you weak as fuck gone on sumWer cici let's go bitch.
Princeton:nah she ain't going no muthafuckin Wer wit you dawg.
August:she my wife,my property so cici let's fucking go bitch.
Talicia:ok baby.
Princeton:get back cici I got this cause if this nigga wanna do sum he woulda been done did it.
Talicia:prince no ok stop I can't get you caught up in my mess just let me go.
August:Talicia bitch get yo shit and let's go I got this punk ass busta ass Lil nigga.
Talicia:August baby no please its not his fault its me ok.
Princeton:nigga suck my dick you rat looking Ass fucka.
Kirko:aye aug you ready Ta fuck him up cause you know we don't do no talking its business with us

Princeton swung at August and August kicked Princeton in the face and he fell on his coffee table causing the glass to break and he tried to get up but August and kirko kicked him again while I tried to jump on August back he slung me across the living room when I saw the way August and kirko Wer beating him with their pistols I got up to try and stop Em but that's when future grabbed me and I kicked and screamed trying to get out his grip and I couldn't and I herd two gun shots and I seen it was kirko who shot Princeton and I screamed and I screamed as he laid there bleeding to death and i begged for someone to call 911.chris called Em and kirko placed the gun in Princeton hand making it seem like he shot himself.august then grabbed me and hurried and threw me in the car as him and kirko got in and sped off.kirko pulled the two gloves he had on when he shot Princeton so his fingerprint wouldn't be on the gun.
After we got home August picked me up and carried me into the house and slammed the door leaving kirko nem outside and we headed upstairs to our bedroom where he threw me on the floor and locked the door.
I looked up at him with tears rolling down my face.

Talicia:how did you find me ?
August:I know people who know people.see I went by the apple store Ta buy me a new Iphone6+ when my young nigga who work there said you Wer in der a few weeks ago and purchased a new Iphone6+ so I finally had him track it down and it took me right to pretty boy house.
Talicia:Please don't hurt me August.
August:you up and wanna fucking runaway like a Lil ass kid.you left yo son,me, and you had everybody fucking worried sick about you.me and my boys LOOKED ALL OVER ATLANTA FA YO UGLY RAGGEDY ASS AND YOU WAS WITH ANOTHER NIGGA.
Talicia:we didn't do nothing tho baby I told him to pick me up when I ran away.
Talicia:nooooo baby nooo I just had to get away.
Talicia:away from you cause I was tired of being treated like a prisoner and getting beat on.
August:so you take me as a fucking joke.
Talicia:nooo baby.

August kicked me in the face and I crawled till he grabbed my leg and started kicking me all over.he then grabbed his belt and started beating me in the face with the belt buckle and I tried to cover my face but he twisted my wrist and I herd it snap and I really cried out cause he just continued beating me with the belt buckle.
He then picked me up and ripped my clothes off leaving me in nothing but my panties and bra and he tied me to each end of the bed poles on our bed and he went back in on beating me with the belt buckle and I jumped and squirmed around and I cried so hard it was hurting me so bad when he stopped he pulled his dick out and snatched my panties off and improved between my legs and he shoved his dick inside me as hard as he could and he began making painful deep thrust in and out my pussy.he aggressively rough fucked me and he knew he was hurting me cause I begged for him to stop but he just fucked me harder.20 painful minutes later he came inside me and he untied me and he snatched me up but I fell cause i couldn't move and he looked down at me and laughed and he kicked me again and I felt between my legs and I was bleeding and I knew it wasn't that time of the month cause I had already had my period.

Talicia:I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry (still crying)
August:nah bitch you ain't sorry, I found you you just didn't think I would.
Talicia:August I love you baby please help me, I need medical help please baby.
August:shut up

August then snatched me up and pushed me into the wall and pulled his gun out and held it to my head and I cried cause he had his hand on the trigger.

Talicia:August baby no please don't kill me please don't kill me.
Talicia:August please Im begging you don't kill me please in sorry I won't do nothing like this again.
Talicia:I promise I promise I promise baby.
August:you mine forever and I mean that.pull some shit like that again you will regret it bitch do you hear me ?
Talicia:yessss baby yessss.

August beat me upside my head with his gun and I felt blood run down my face and he beat me again and I fell out unconscious and next thing i know i wake up in the hospital and August looked down at me and kissed me and he apologized and i squeezed his hand.for better or for worse i love my auggy bear.i Just hope and pray that Princeton is ok tho all cause of me my best friend/god brother got shot and beat.

___________________________________________________________\____August really has a prob right ?
Please let me know

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