Woman to woman

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Well I cleaned this big ass house by myself,wash,dried, and folded the laundry.august in his man cave as he call it sleep.i cooked lasagna,garlic bread, and a chef salad cause I know bae gone be hungry when he wake up.
I decided to sit outback and enjoy this beautiful weather,sip me some pink moscato,listen to my idol Toni Braxton, and catch up on some reading.that's when I herd the door bell ring so I went to answer the door and it was mama Sheila oh yeah she has temporary custody of the kids and August and I was sad about it at first but its only fa five months and by that time we'll be done had out shit together and we get to see them still so its cool.but umm yeah mama Sheila grabbed her a wine glass and followed me outback.

Sheila:girl what you cook it smells real good ?
Talicia:lasagna,garlic bread, and a chef salad.you welcomed to stay and eat with me and August I made two things of lasagna.i got it and the garlic bread in the oven on real low so it can stay hot.
Sheila:awww thanks boo cause I love yo cooking.
Talicia:I love to cook and I wanna own My own restaurant one day.
Sheila:what's stopping you ?
Talicia:honestly ion know.
Sheila:where August at ?
Talicia:I'm his man cave sleep.
Sheila:cici can we talk like woman to woman ?
Talicia:sure mama.
Sheila:don't be mad at meor anything just be 100 with me ok.
Talicia:I think I know Wer this conversation going but ok mama.
Sheila:yeah its that type of convo.
Talicia:yeah I figured that much.

I already know she wanna talk about August and I and honestly ion want to but shit it'll feel good tho ion know my mind Just all over.

Sheila:when you going back to work ?
Talicia:I'm not going back.
Sheila:why not ?
Talicia:because August said I couldn't and that he didn't want me to.he says my job is to cater to him and Keep the house in check.
Sheila:do you wanna go back to work ?
Talicia:yeah but August not having that.
Sheila;then why won't you open you a restaurant cause you can cook yo ass off cici.
Talicia:August said that he don't want me to nothing but cater to him and stay my ass at home.princeton was gone get me my own restaurant but I couldn't accept that.
Sheila:cici you can't keep letting August run you.
Talicia:but he my husband.
Sheila:yeah yo husband not yo daddy.
Talicia:he needs me right now and maybe a year or two from now I'll open my own restaurant.
Sheila:Talicia have August been beating on you ?
Talicia:he didn't mean to but yeah he did last week.
Sheila:why he do it ?
Talicia:because I made him mad.
Sheila:what happened ?
Talicia:I was talking smart to him and walked off when he was talking to me.
Sheila:what exactly did he do ?
Talicia:h h he punished me.
Sheila:what you mean he punished you ?
Talicia:I don't wanna talk about this anymore cause August might hear me and do it again.
(Tears roll down my face)
Sheila:cici its ok sweetie tell me how did he punish you ?
Talicia:he he took me down to the basement and made me get naked and he umm he tied me up and he beat me with this whip thing or something but he beat me with it and it was very painful and he untied me and beat me with his fist and his belt and I cried and cried and he locked me down there fathe night.
Sheila:OMG CICI sweetie oh my goodness.stop crying.
Talicia:call me dumb but I love August and I can't and won't leavehim.he good to me and loves me just in his own way mama. August loves me ok.
Sheila:nooo noooo that's not love sweetie.

Look yaw August needs me and I shouldn't have made him mad ok it was my fault I got punished last week.august loves me dearly and he don't mean to hurt me I know he doesn't.everybody saying oh cici you stupid you crazy or why don't you leave August before he kill you.august wouldn't kill me I know that fa a fact....I think.

Sheila:I love and respect you fa sticking by yo husband.i love my son I do but August not gone change cici how many times have he told you he was gone change but didn't ?
Talicia:a lot a whole lot.
Sheila:you need someone who gone treat you right and not beat on you and let you live yo life you what 22,23 you young you shouldn't be treated like this and August gone end up killing you.woman to woman cici between us do you be wanting to leave August
Talicia:sometimes but I can't.I love him,he my heart,my world, he my everything and he needs me and I gotta hold him down like a real woman is suppose to and he good to me just in his own way.
Sheila:now I know what all us did was wrong cici but look how happy you Wer with Princeton,look how he treated you like a woman is suppose to be treated, and he'll give you the world.
Talicia:true but August was always on my mind and I missed him and I can't hurt Princeton like that.i mean I love him but I'm not I'm love with him, my heart wasn't in it.my heart is with August Anthony Alsina and it always will be.August and i been through hell and back together and you don't just walk away from your marriage the love of your life like that.
Sheila:cici i'ma tell you this one day you gone get sick of this shit and leave cause baby you deserve better ok.August loves you but he not loving you right.ion care how good his dick may be to you but its not worth getting Beat on.

I was about yo respond when August walked out.he spoke Ta mama Sheila and kissed her

August:aye cici next time I call yo name you better come see what I want.
Talicia:I didn't hear you baby cause I was out here talking Ta mama.
August:yaw could have talked in the house.
Talicia:but its a beautiful day I wanted to sit outback.
August:let me call you again and you don't Come you know what's gone happen.
Talicia:I'm sorry baby.

I stood up and kissed him on the chest and looked up at him and he looked down at me cause I'm short as fuck.

August:did you roll them blunts like i asked you to ?
Talicia:yes baby I did and I cleaned up,washed, and cooked.
August:aight.aye future and Chris nem coming ova with they broads so I hope you cooked enough.
Talicia:yeah baby its plenty.
August:aye stop sounding all sad and shit that be pissing me off mane.
Talicia:ok baby.
August:I know damn well you not wearing them fucking yoga pants.
Talicia:I was cleaning up and...
(He cut me off)
(He mugged me)
Sheila:boy don't do that shit in front of me and I done fucking told you that shit.that girl love yo ole crazy ass and you better treat her right
August:ma no disrespect but she my wife and she know what's up.
Sheila:aug get slapped cause I'm yo mama I had you and you gone fucking respect me.do her wrong in front of me again watch I knock yo tall skinny ass the fuck out.
August:yes ma'am.i apologize.cici Get yo but upstairs and change right now cause you making me madder.
Talicia:yes baby.

Man mama Sheila just got me another beating coming tonight and I wanna leave and I really mean it this time cause its real clear that August ain't gone change its like he saying the same shit just a different day and I really mean it if I leave this time I'm not coming back.little do August know I have a secret account I been putting money in and i have about three million don't believe yaw gone see I'm not a dumb bitch so that'll do me good till I figure out what I'ma do.august just might kill me while I'm talking about he won't shit that Muthafucka crazy as hell.
I was better off with Princeton shit but I guess when you blinded by love you don't see all the wrong that person doing and you be scared but its time I stand up to August ass.thats it I made up my mind I'm leaving for good.i'll always love August and be here fa him but its not worth me getting beat or ending up dead.in time my heart will heal.i'm not falling fa his sweet talk or shit anymore.


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