I can't do this

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I was up all night crying and crying watching this sex tape ova and ova I just can't believe that kid would fuck off on me after he promised me he wouldn't hurt me.i am dumb cause I believed him I trusted him and I am in love with kid but shit seems like when I fell in love with him he go and break my heart.then its my nasty stank pussy ass sister he fucked its like the bitch find out who my nigga is and be like i'ma fuck my Lil sis man. I called kid phone so damn much I know his number backwards 9652-774.this nigga ain't even come back to the hotel last night and its a new day that's almost gone like its 6:23 and this nigga ain't called me back yet or txt'ed me please tell me Wer the fuck they do that at.we leave heading back home to LA tomorrow.like i just wanna be loved,treated right,someone who can deal with my smart. Sarcastic mouth and when I have my days and that'll be loyal,honest, and faithful to me and won't beat on me.i think kid ass be wanting to hit me but Im not scared no more like when I was with August cause shit I started fighting back tho I couldn't really whoop August ass like I did with Princeton. I turned the TV off and went to the bathroom and washed and dried my hands. When I came out guess who was sitting on the edge of the bed ? kid dawg ass.he looked at me and I was walking pass him till he pulled me into his lap.

Kid ink:baby look I'm sorry I shouldn't have stayed out all night or tripped ova a hug.
Talicia:Wer was you ?
Kid ink:ova my nigga Kendrick house.
Talicia:so you couldn't answer your phone when I called you ?
Kid ink:I was mad at you baby and I ain't wanna talk.
Talicia:ok kid but damn you called have txt'ed me back saying baby I'm ok I'm staying at my nigga house or something.
Kid ink:you right and Im sorry.but I ain't know I was gone be staying shit a nigga got high and drunk as a Muthafucka baby.
Talicia:are you messing around on me kid I mean if you are this your chance to come clean and we can try and fix this.
Kid ink:hell nah I'm not messing around on you cici.i love you and only you baby.you My heart.
Talicia:i'ma ask you again kid and you better tell me the truth.
Kid ink:aye c'mon now you tripping.
Talicia:are you messing around on me kid damn yes or no ?
(I get out his lap)
Talicia:ok I gave you the chance to come clean kid.
Kid ink:mane whatever.

I put the tape in and kid just sat there watching looking all confused. Till he realized it was him on the tape fucking my hoe of a sister and he tried to take it out but I put my hand up stopping him and he watched it and then looked at me who had tears rolling down my face and he would look back at the tape and back at me.i just buried my face in my hands crying and kid turned the tape off and pulled me into his arms and I pushed him off me

Kid ink:baby look its a logical explanation fa this please let a nigga explain.
Kid ink:baby I was drunk I'm sorry.
Talicia:oh blame it on the alcohol kid lol you funny you know that.
Kid ink:baby we can fix this I fucked up mane and Im sorry.
Talicia:I can't do this,I can't do this anymore.i went through it enough with August ass and all be damn if I go through it with you.its over we through kid.
Kid ink:how you get that fucking tape ?
Talicia:just know that I know people who know people that's all you need to know and I love the person who brought me the tape cause if they hadn't I wouldn't have known you was a cheater.then you fucked Kendrick wife while you was with me kid so you been fucking off on me lol WOW bravo
(Claps hands) you did good but you wasn't good enough baby.whats done in the dark bets believe it comes to the light sooner or later.
Kid ink:wait who told you about that cici ?
Talicia:like I said I know people who know people that know other people.
Kid ink:cici I ain't mean ta hurt you baby a nigga fucked up.
Talicia:yeah you did you fucked up cause baby you and me are through.
Kid ink:no we not cici I love you.
Talicia:that's BULLSHIT.
Kid ink:you leaving me ?
Talicia:hell yeah.

I walked towards the door but kid pulled me back by my hair and slug me in the floor.i got up and mugged him and kicked him but he punched me in the eye and I fell to the floor crying and he got on top of me hitting me and I was hitting him back and I pushed him off me and I ran towards the door again but he tripped me and I fell and he picked me up and carried me out on the balcony and he had me half way hanging ova the balcony and I screamed and cried begging him to stop.

Kid ink:if you leave bitch this the only way you leaving so you still wanna leave me ?
Talicia:no no no no baby no please let me up.
Kid ink:see I tried but you the type of bitch who need yo ass beat hoe.
Talicia:baby please let me up.

He let me up and he pushed me back into our hotel room and we had sex tho I ain't want to and kid fell asleep so I snuck out of bed and I called someone who I knew would still have my back regardless of what and that was August.he met me in the lobby and the next flight was to New York and we went cause I'm not going to let kid hurt me.i gotta figure out what i'ma do now.shit if kid find me its my ass.damn sometimes I be wishing I had stayed with August or Princeton.

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