🙎🏻Hair Cut💇🏻

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Toga had complained about Shigaraki's long hair. Saying that it would clog the shower drain whenever he used it. Toga told Shigaraki needed to get his haircut. She even offered to do it. But, Shigaraki refused, saying that he didn't trust anyone to cut his hair. So, Himiko kept bugging, annoying, and bothering Shigaraki until he finally cracked.

Tomura wouldn't let Toga cut his hair. He didn't trust Twice enough to do it. He sure as hell wasn't going to let Dabi do it. Compress was out grocery shopping. Spinner never cut his hair, and he broke a pair of scissors when he tried to. Hawks was a Hero, so Shigaraki didn't trust him one bit.

So, that left Shoto Todoroki.

Shigaraki had conflicting feelings about Todoroki.
First of all, he was creepy. Creepier than Shigaraki. And that was saying something!
He wouldn't sleep, and when he did, Todoroki tended to sleep on the floor or in the basement. Like, had he never heard of a bed??

He always hide his face with some sort of mask, even when sleeping, and not letting anyone seeing his face.
He would turn off the lights at lease three times or more when he went to leave rooms. He would even gag sometimes or shiver.

He was always constantly on edge, shaking, shivering, and breathing always shaky. Sometimes, he was drift off, and his eyes would get wide and he panted shakily.
His eyes were always either narrowed or tired looking. Black bags were underneath Todoroki's different colored eyes, most likely from lack of proper sleep.
He would usually be drawing the League members. Then later on, he would sculpt the pictures with clay.

But, what was really creepy, was his way with killing. He would stalk people he targeted for days on end. And when he killed them, sometimes by fire, ice, torture, or stabbing. Shoto would collect as much blood as he could, and do god knows what with it. He would drink it mostly, but what else was he doing with it?

But, even so, Shigaraki was closer to Todoroki out of all the members of his league.
The two would talk with each other constantly.
They would play video games, (Shigaraki taught Shoto how to play).
They would plan missions together.
They would often leave the hideout together.
They were pretty much inseparable.
Plus, Shoto was pretty damn obedient. He never once questioned Shigaraki, and that made his boss happy.

So, Shigaraki agreed to let Shoto cut his hair. And just by luck, Todoroki often cut his own hair. He learned from his sister.

"I don't get why she's making a big deal out of this." Shigaraki huffed as he disapprovingly sat down on a chair in front of the bathroom mirror. He crossed his arms, making his hands into fists.

The bathroom was small and cramped, only having a toilet, sink, and small shower. With the small space, Todoroki was pushed up against the wall by the chair Shigaraki sat in. But, he didn't complain about it. Besides, Shigaraki's head was right where he could work comfortably.

"She could have just told me about the drain, and I would have gotten some drain cleaner!" Shigaraki complained, taking Father off his face and setting it down on the counter, before crossing his arms again.
"It is a bit long Shigaraki," Shoto spoke softly, his gentle voice muffled by the black mask he wore, "you told me that your annoyed that it constantly gets in your eyes."

"That's my bangs! Not my entire head of hair!" Shigaraki aruged, Shoto pulling his boss's hair into a ponytail at the back of his head.
"Is there a particular style you want?" Todoroki asked. Shigaraki looked at his reflection, before he talked again.

"I wanted an undercut. But, I want my hair to be able to hang over the sides." Shigaraki explained, gesturing by moving his hand from the middle of head to where his jaw hooked to his skull. Todoroki nodded, before he grabbed a pair of scissors.

Shigaraki looked in the mirror as Todoroki cut his hair, but he wasn't looking at himself. He was staring at Todoroki's eyes. Which were mostly hidden by his own bangs. Even though his gaze could be intimidating and even scary at times, right now...it was calm. But, the bags underneath his eyes bothered Shigaraki.

Tomura didn't understand why it bothered him, but it did. And he didn't like it.
"Why do you sleep on the floor?" Shigaraki asked suddenly, not even realizing he had said it.
"I've always slept on the floor. I was raised that way." Todoroki answered, not breaking his concentration as he carefully cut Shigaraki's dull blue hair.

Shigaraki hummed, it did make sense. Since Todoroki's family was old style Japanese, of course he slept on the floor.
"Well, why do you sleep on the basement floor? It can't be comfortable at all. And it's so cold and dark down there! Not to mention damp and musty." Shigaraki continued on.

Todoroki's eyebrows knitted together with confusion and his eyes were curious. "Of course is cold and dark, it's a basement?" Todoroki stated, a bit bewildered. Where there basements that weren't cold and dark? If so, he didn't know about them.

"Then why do you sleep there??" Shigaraki pressed.
"I don't mean to sleep there. I work down there."
"Heating my sculptures. I also keep vials of blood down there."
"So that's where you put it.."

The small room became quiet again. Shigaraki's hair was sprinkled throughout the floor. The older male found the sound of scissors cutting beside his ear to be somewhat soothing. Time passed, and it was time for the trimmers. Todoroki pulled the hair he didn't cut into a bun at the top of the older males head, before he grabbed a beard trimmer.

Todoroki turned it on, staring at it for two seconds before continuing on. Shigaraki shivered softly as he felt the trimmers glide gently up the base of his neck, cutting and creating an undercut. He once again stared at Todoroki. This time, he was focused on the mask. It was similar to the black one Overhaul wore when he didn't wear that plague doctor mask.

He grumbled, hating the memory of that asshole.
"Can you stand up for a moment?" Todoroki asked as he turned off the trimmer. Shigaraki stood up, watching as the shorter male turned the chair around. He gestured for Tomura to sit back down, taking the scissors again. Shigaraki sat back down, letting Shoto lean his head back some to get a better angle.

Trimming his hands, Todoroki was extra careful as to not hurt Shigaraki or mess up in anyway. Shigaraki could tell how gentle Shoto was being. By the soft movements of his hands and fingers, to the way he moved the scissors. He cared about him. It was obvious.

Todoroki undid the bun, brushing the dull blue hair to the right side of Tomura's head. After looking a bit, Todoroki nodded approvingly. "Okay, I think it's done. What do you think?" Todoroki asked as Shigaraki stood back up. Looking into the mirror, Shigaraki was actually surprised at the result. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

"It's good." Shigaraki nodded, running his fingers through his hair and the buzzed parts.
"I'm glad you like it." Todoroki bowed his head, fiddling with his fingers a bit. Shigaraki looked back to Todoroki, quiet for a bit.

Turning, Shigaraki reached out for Todoroki's mask. Instinctively, Todoroki grabbed Shigaraki's hand, believing for a split moment that he was going to be hit. "Hey, I'm not hurting you, I'm just taking that thing off." Shigaraki went to use his other hand, but Todoroki turned his head away.

"Please leave it on. I'm ugly." Todoroki muttered, insecurity practically painted on his face. Shigaraki was shocked, what could possibly be so wrong?
Shigaraki pushed Shoto's hands aside, pinching the rings and pulling the mask off Todoroki's face.

Tomura was shocked to see Todoroki had a messily carved smile that was stitched closed. It was similar to Dabi's stapled face. Shigaraki brought his hands up, rubbing the pad of his thumb against the stitches. "This is it?" Shigaraki questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I.." Shoto was surprised that Shigaraki wasn't disgusted by his face.
"I look way worse that you. So stop being so harsh on yoursel-" Shigaraki was cut off by Todoroki suddenly hugging him tightly. His face buried into his boss's chest.

"Thank you." Todoroki's muffled voice spoke.
Shigaraki gently stroked Shoto's hair with an amused smirk, "Hope that means you'll stop wearing that damned mask."

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