😳Making a Mess💧

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Requested by: My hormones after being on Ao3 for way too freaking long

Word count: 957

Type of story: Short smutt shot that does have much plot

Basic Summary: While in the middle of their 'private meeting', Shigaraki gets side tracked by Trumpet who is rushing them since the teams for the oncoming battle against the heroes need to be decided. Due to his lack of attention, Shigaraki gives Shoto too much pleasure at once, making the boy cum before he was supposed to.

Warning(s): cum eating *completely understand if you don't like*


There was a funny thing about Shigaraki's new room at the Paranormal Liberation Front's tower: between two glass mirrors was a cubbyhole of sorts with a mirror at the back of it and a cushion that went with the wall's paint lined the bottom.

Was it some type of weird design flaw? Perhaps. Did it serve no purpose to him whatsoever? Well now, I wouldn't say that. At the moment I'd say him and Todoroki are putting the cubby to very good use.

Shoto was pressed inside the cubbyhole up to the window, Shigaraki standing at the entrance trapping him inside. His milky-pale legs were too long to fit inside, so they stuck out with one laid over top of Shigaraki's shoulder and the other curled around his waist.

His right hand was pressed flat against the already foggy window, the outside panels covered in frost from the weather. The usually monotone face he wore was nowhere to be found, replaced by one of pleasure and flushed with embarrassment.

Unfiltered moans and gasps escaped past his lips, watery eyes clenching shut as his back arched like that of a cat. The vibrating 8-ball chain Tomura had inside him was so close to his prostate and had just been switched to the third--out of five--setting, making his body tremble like he was made out of jelly.

"Look at you, baby," Tomura purrs, stroking Shoto's weeping cock as his tongue swiped over his top lip, "so beautiful for me~" Leaning down he captures Shoto's lips, swallowing his noises in a sloppy kiss.
"Pl-please," Shoto whimpers between kisses, threading his fingers into fluffy, white strands, "I w-wan-na c-cum, please!!~"

"Not yet, just wait a little longer" As he speaks Shigaraki turns the vibrantion down two notches, "Don't cum until I say." The sudden downgrade of pleasure elicits a whine of great disapproval from the bottom, eyes narrowing but he doesn't give off the angry-vibe he had been initially going for.

Instead he looks desperate and needy. "Don't be like that," Shigaraki pulls back up to continue watching how Shoto's expression changes and body reacts to his doings, "you've been doing so well so far. You're a good boy for me, aren't you?"
The peppermint haired male nods rapidly, "I'm good!!~ Wanna be good for you!!~"

Upon hearing that Shigaraki flips to level five, a delicious mewl erupting from the fire/ice user as a result. Ever nerve ending felt as if it were on fire, toes curling and eyes rolling back as his prostate as rubbed against at such a fast pace.

Just then there came a knock on the door. Shigaraki's lustful grin melted down into and scowl followed by an annoyed eye roll, Shoto quickly slapping his right hand over his mouth and putting his left on the window, hoping to gain some sort of support from it.

"Shigaraki? Are you almost ready to come out and select members for your officers squadrons?" Came Trumpet's voice from the other side of the door.
"Fuck, forgot about that.." Shigaraki mumbles under his breath, trying to brew up a quick and convincing enough lie, "Uh, yeah. Almost ready. Be out in a few minutes. Just trying to fix my tie."

While speaking, the fact that he was still stroking Sho's cock and the toy inside him was still on high slipped Shigaraki's mind, too focused at the moment on getting their privacy. The tightness in his power stomach was becoming too much to bear, threating to break loose at any second.

"T---T--T-!!!" Shoto tries to speak, but could only get out pitiful stutters that getting him nowhere.
"Don't take much longer sir, your officers are becoming restless!" The hand covering his mouth tightens to try and muffle his cry, legs trembling violently as the ball snaps like brittle elastic.

White shoots from his cock and splatters on the side of Shiggy's face that was turned to him, realization of what had slipped his mind clicking right then. The younger male's heart nearly gives out as those piercing eyes turn to stare right down at him, straight through his soul.

' I'm dead..' Out of nowhere Shigaraki's earlier grin returns, however this time it seems more cabal.
"Tell em' to wait for me," Shigaraki calls back, never taking his gaze off the very nervous bottom, " I'll get there when I get there."
"Very well." And with that Trumpet stalks off.

Once the coast was clear at last, Shoto uncovers his mouth as he quickly goes into apology mode, "Let me just start off my essay-long apology by informing you that I will more than gladly go get a cloth to help clean before any further actions are--"

As Shoto stated to rise, Shigaraki's hand presses him back down, interrupting him mid-speech. "Hey now, where do you think you're running off to? You gotta clean up the mess you made."

"But that's what the cloth is going to be for?"
"You got your tongue, don't ya?"
"Come on," Tomura croons playfully as he leans dow, effectively pinning Shoto against the cushion, "give daddy a kiss~"

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