Swapped AU Ideas

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So I had mentioned doing something with this plot idea but guess what? I'm lacking in the inspiration department.

But here is what i got so far.

Swapped AU:

Tenko Shimura was a student at UA High School and is now a Pro Hero. He is a young successful one like Hawks, but doesn't have as much popularity. Albeit he only has been a hero for going on two years at this point. He works at All Might's agency as one of his sidekick.

Tenko got the decay quirk genetically. It came as a shock since he got it late, being around seven or eight years old when it manifested.

He only accidentally killed the family dog, giving him doubts for a short while about becoming a hero, but decided to go through with his dream after Hana convinces him that his heart is pure despite having a villainous quirk.

His father did get over his hate for heroes and allowed his son to pursue his dream, but still constantly worries about his safety.

Now onto Todoroki.
The night he got burned by Rei his quirk malfunctioned, setting half the house on fire and the other half to be frozen. Venturing around the house he found all of his family dead except for Enji, who was on the brink of survival.

Mind you, Touya is already 'dead' and is currently still in his coma.

Shoto kills Enji with a shard of ice and leaves the house, soon to be discovered by All For One while wandering the streets. Shoto's family name is changed to Shigaraki, but most call him Shoto or by nicknames.

Despite not having that much of a grudge against heroes in general, Shoto's hate for them and the pain they've caused his new father figure--haha manipulation haha--leads him to grow a searing hatred for them all.

Actually, he begins to despise everyone and everything, hating how pathetic society has become and how hypocritical it all is. He also sees the concept of heroism as a virus or mind control; kids are fed into the concept of becoming a hero as children, gradually growing the numbers of them without actually letting the kids grow and find themselves. Basically if you have a good enough quirk you're only option that will get you respect from people is to be a hero.

Though he isn't exactly a man-child like Shigaraki is in the normal au, Shoto is prone to breakdowns that can turn violent. The causes for these breakdowns can be related to stress, fear, his undiagnosed schizophrenia and/or ASD. Kurogiri is good at calming him down and is one of the only things Shoto actually feels genuine care for.

Currently Shoto put together the League of Villains (might need to change the name later) and everyone from the OG AU is still in it. Dabi recognizes his brother but never once tries to hint towards the truth, the reason for this is unknown currently. Shoto has his own suspensions though.

And now the ideas! Give me whatever your big brains can muster with this information.

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