ShigaTodo's Second Q&A!!💙❤️

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The Livestream that was set to occur in a few minutes was being set up by the marvelous host Himiko Toga. As she was doing this, the men on the couches and spare chairs behind her we're whining up a storm. Shigaraki, Dabi, Spinner, Twice, Mr. Compress and Aoyama were all against another Livestream. The only two who weren't belly aching was Hawks and Shoto, the latter having come over for a End of Year party.

"Oh come on you guys! The last Livestream was fun!"
"For you!" Shigaraki hissed as he pointed at the blonde, "I had to spill my guts about private things! What did you do?? Answer for some drug-caused illison of someone named Author-chan!!"
Toga gasped dramatically, "How dare you sully Author-chan!!"
"Can we not get into another argument?" Todoroki muttered out in a growl, rubbing circles on both his temples while his eyes closed, "I feel like I'm going into a hangover."

"Well maybe if you didn't drink that potion of fruity-ass boozes than maybe you'd be fine. You know you're a fucking light weight." Dabi scolded, tossing a water bottle towards his brother, who snatched it before it could hit his head.
"Go fuck yourself, Purple Nurple." The younger Todoroki child grunted back, putting the chill plastic bottle to his forehead.
"Shoto-Kun's right, we should keep the arguments for another time. Right now, we got questions to answer!" Toga perked up, smiling cheerily and she went to press the 'Start Stream' button before anyone else could stop her.

"Welcome to The League of Villains second ever Livestream cuties! Please start giving questions!"
Toga welcomed as the people quickly began joining the stream.
"If someone asks for my dick size I'm going to bed." Shigaraki grumbled to himself, Todoroki the only one having heard him.

Percy_peace_ asked; For the league--why does half of you don't have eyebrows? Tomura, Twice, stain fanboy-sorry I forgot your name-OH SPINNER! Yea Spinner, All For One, Kurogiri, why is it like a requirement for being a villain?

"Did they seriously call me Stain Fanboy? I mean that would go for Dabi too." Spinner raise his arms up some, head tilting.
"Holy shit," Todoroki blinked as he looked around the room, "I just realized that too."
"I shaved mine off. Style choice. I SHAVED THEM WHILE HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN." Twice confessed as he tried to light up a sparkler.
Spinner snatched away Twice's lighter however, which prevented the ash blonde male from going any further.

"I could never grow hair well, only on my head. I've never had a hair cut because of it. So in short I never grew eyebrows." Spinner explained as he shoved the lighter in the folds on his scarf, ignoring Twice's whine.
"Plucked mine out," Shigaraki sighed, "As for Master and Kurogiri, I have no clue."

Pandaarederp asked; To Dabi--Are you dating Hawks?

Everyone answered out loud before Dabi got the chance to, "Yes."
"Uh, last time I checked none of you are named Dabi." The spikey raven haired man commented, gritting his teeth in annoyance.
"True, but we all have known for quite some time what Hawks has named you." Shigaraki responded.
"I'll fucking kill you, creep!!"
"OH I'M THE CREEP??!! You two FUCK each other whole we're still here!!!"

Todoroki suddenly let's out a yell that is heard over both his boyfriend and his own brother's voices, "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Dabi bit his inner lip, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as his eyes narrowed away from his boss and little brother. Shigaraki shifted in his chair comfortably, realizing he lost likely made Shoto angry. Todoroki took a drink of water from the bottle to help with his headache. He spoke up again, this time much calmer and softer, "Please don't argue."
Shigaraki and Dabi mumbled out an apology, "Sorry."

Pandaarederp asked; To Shiggy--is there anything about Shoto that scares you like when he gets mad or something like that?

Shigaraki glanced to Todoroki, who was laying down on a seperate couch, eyes closed as he cooled his acting head with the back of his right hand, "Shoto is not an angry person, like at all. Out of everyone, he's the least likely to get angry enough at something and immediately blow up. But with that being said, he does get mad. And when he gets mad...we all do our best not to make the situation worse. That's all I'm saying on the matter. "
"This kid has spunk," Spinner speaks up, "but he know how to control himself. It's why he's the most reliable besides Kurogiri."

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