😨Actual Emotion😰

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Todoroki Shoto is described by many as rather emotionless. Many adjectives used to described him are the following:
Blank faced
Personality of a brick
The list could go on, but I'm too lazy to list them all.

But unknown to quite a lot of people, this monotone face, that Todoroki constantly wore like a King wearing his crown, was actually a mask. A mask that he had been constantly wearing since he was a child. A mask that hide his actual emotions, and later on down the line affected how he interacted with the people around him.

Todoroki barely ever showed his emotions, even around the other League members, despite feeling very close to them all.
Well, this fact didn't apply to Shigaraki. He was the one and only person Shoto would show his actual emotions around.

It could have been because they both had similar childhoods/desires.
It could have been because they have known each other for nearly three years, and considered each other their best friend.
It could have been because they were dating.
But even Todoroki didn't know why he trusted Shigaraki this much to share his emotions.

It was about 6:49 A. M, Shigaraki had just returned from one of his many missions. But this time had returned from it injured. There was a deep gash in his left arm and a bullet wound in his chest. Luckily, the bullet didn't hit anything vital, but it still hurt like a bitch.

Since Kurogiri was busy tending with everyone else, Todoroki took Shigaraki downstairs into the basement to patch up his wounds. They would have done all the cleaning, bandaging, and all that junk in their shared room, but neither wanted blood on the bed sheets.

Tomura hissed and moaned slightly at the sharp pain of the bullet being removed. "Sorry." Todoroki apologized in a soft tone. Todoroki tried to make everything he did, every little touch he made, as painless for Tomura as possible. He dropped the bullet into a small stainless steel pan, setting that aside on the metal tray.

Shigaraki watched Todoroki, his red eyes narrowed with curiosity and deep fondness. No matter how many times Tomura would look at him, every single time it felt new. Like he was witnessing the greatness of an angle. A wonderful, beautiful, troubled fallen angel. Todoroki wore his commen blank face, seeming to be intuned with working on dressing the bullet wound.

"Anything lethal?" Tomura asked, uncomfortable with the deafening silence and tension in the room's atmosphere.
"No." Todoroki replied, smoothing out the bandage wrapping. Shigaraki suddenly felt uneasy, Todoroki wasn't explaining anything like he normally would when he gave a reply back. At least that's how he talked with Shigaraki most of the time.

Todoroki moved onto the gash in Shigaraki's arm, cleaning the wound before beginning to stitch it closed with needle and surgical thread. Shigaraki knew Todoroki was upset, most likely cause he got injured. "I did my best to avoid any attacks," Tomura mumbled, "but I'm not invincible, you know?" Shigaraki froze, feeling a warm droplet hit his skin.

Looking over, Shigaraki audibly gasped as he saw Todoroki crying. Streams of tears trickled down his porcelain face, quivering whines coming from his tight throat. "What's wrong?? Why are you crying??" Shigaraki spoke, panicked by his boyfriend's sudden break down. Just a few seconds ago he was completely monotone, and seemed to be even a bit annoyed! Now he was crying!!

Todoroki hiccuped, turning away and covering his mouth with his hand. "Hey hey hey," Shigaraki reached out, tugging Todoroki up onto the examination table he was on, turning him do that he face Tomura before holding him close, "what's wrong? Talk to me Sho!"
Todoroki tried rubbing away the salty liquid off his cheeks, but it continued to drip down his face not matter what he did.

"I hate seeing you get hurt," Todoroki explained, breathing heavily yet shakily at the same time, "I hate it so much! Whenever you get it, my head and chest start hurting, and it feels like I can't breath. You being in pain makes me mad yet sad all at once and it's so confusing for me since I've never felt like this for anyone else."

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