💙❤️Who's got ShigaTodo Headcanons? Me✨

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I made another headcanons thing on my other account, so why not this one too? Also as soon as I had clicked on the 'post' button, like more headcanons came to mind and I literally screamed. Hate it when that bull crap happens.

Anyways here are headcanons

1. When he first joined the slowly developing group that would later on get the name of The League of Villains, Shoto was still very silent. He had still not gotten out of his 'mute' stage, and even though he was slowly beginning to warm up to Shigaraki and Kurogiri, Todoroki still found it nearly impossible for him to speak. I guess that happens when you refuse to speak for an entire decade, you may kinda forget that you can in fact speak.

Shigaraki both liked and disliked this about Todoroki. Occasionally he'd have to look over at Todo when talking to him to make sure that he was indeed listening. Luckily for Shiggy, Shoto would always be listening--mainly because he actually was interested in what his boss had to say--but slowly he began to not like the young male's silence. Sure having someone other than Kurogiri listen to him was a fairly nice change, but it got to the point where he actually wanted to talk with Todoroki.

To break him out of his shell, Kurogiri and Shigaraki made a board game together that involved drawing either a 'random topic' or 'story time' card. Whatever was on the card you chose, you had to talk about it.
For instance:
Random Topic - Do you prefer cold or warm weather?
Story Time - What was the weirdest dream you have ever had?
This game helped Todoroki slowly get used to talking again and before long he began talking like normal. He was still super quiet, but would talk whenever spoken to.

2. Shigaraki is absolutely fascinated by Todoroki's hands. And it's not just because that they don't destroy everything he touches, but because he just likes to play with them. Sometimes when their laying in bed, Shigaraki will just take one of his boyfriend's hands and just observe it for a time before beginning to pose it. He'll curl each finger by its knuckles, gently bend it back and forth, and Shigaraki will often start posing Todoroki's hand.
If their sitting down at the bar or a table and he gets bored, Tomura will either draw or tap rhythms of songs on the back of Shoto's hand and it will be his job to guess what song or drawing the older mimicked.

3. One time they were hanging out together in bed watching a movie and Todoroki's phone kept going off. The members of the Deku squad kept texting him and no matter what he did they wouldn't stop. He tried texting back and telling them he was at work--this only led into questions about where he worked. He put his phone on silent mode--this made the phone seem to vibrate just as bad on the bedside table. Eventually he got so made he threw his phone at the wall. Shigaraki tried to be serious but couldn't stop giggling like a bitch as he tried scolding Shoto for throwing his phone.

4. More along the lines of phones: Shigaraki actually throws his when angry about something. Occasionally he'll mistake Todo's phone for his and throw it. He's response to if he breaks the phone is; "I'll steal you a new one."...Yeah he's just a bit of a hypocrite.

5. Shigaraki gets random twitching shivers caused by anxiety build up. (I do this to and I just now realized now that all the random twitchy shivers I get are caused by built up of traumatic energy) So, whenever these twitches happen, Todoroki is unsure of what to do so he'll just hug him.

6. Todoroki takes the little tabs off Shigaraki's monster cans and makes jewelry out of them.

7. During one of Shigaraki's flip outs, he had been violently gesturing out his arms. He hadn't realized Shoto was standing behind him and accidentally hit him in the nose. The blow caused Todoroki's nose to start bleeding, but it had not been broken so don't worry. Immediately Shigaraki's anger for whatever had happened fizzled out and he began rapidly spilling out apologies to his lover while trying to help clean the blood.

8. As their relationship has gone on, Shigaraki has become less of a control freak. In the beginning he was so scared about Shoto getting hurt that he had to place certain boundaries for what he could and couldn't  do. But luckily Tomura isn't stupid and learns from his mistakes and has grown to be more laid back. Besides, Todoroki can take care of anything or anyone who tries bothering him.

9. Out of everyone in the League, Shigaraki listens to Todoroki's suggestions about the flaws in his plans the most. This is due to Shoto being talented in coming up with near perfect plans on the spot, especially in difficult situations.

10. Remember Goblin and Ankle Biter? The two cats they got in a previous story? Well, Goblin seems to favor Todoroki for his ability to produce more heat than Tomura's body is able, and Ankle Biter seems to favor Shigaraki because of head scratches.

11. Shigaraki wakes Todoroki by shaking him. Cause we all love to just be jolted awake like that.

12. Both of them felt Mirabel and Bruno were very relatable when they watched Encanto for the first time. They also really liked the music.

13. Shigaraki's laughter makes Todoroki absolutely melt. He finds it so beautiful and it makes him feel like one of those cartoons characters in love; floating off the ground, heart eyes, red face, the who deal.

14. Back when they had only been friend, they would play fight/wrestle. You know, like the reckless little hooligans they are. They mainly started when they began joke-arguing--basically insulting one another as a joke to get the other riled up. Eventually one of them would crack and tackle the other to the ground. The wrestling wasn't anything too dangerous though, both knew when enough was enough and never pushed one another too far.

15. Though Shoto thinks Tomura gets annoyed at him while he's teaching him about video games, but the truth is that he really doesn't. Tomura actually really loves teaching him about his favorite games and gets that it might not make sense to Shoto at first but he'll get the hang of it eventually.

Do you have any ShigaTodo headcanons?

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