🔪Yandere Shigaraki👐

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Oh you thought I would only write a yandere Shoto story?
*in Spongebob narrator voice* Heheheheh--WRONG.

Oh you thought I would only write a yandere Shoto story? *in Spongebob narrator voice* Heheheheh--WRONG

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This feeling...

Shigaraki couldn't explain why he felt like this.
But he did.

Ever since the USJ, Shigaraki felt these confusing feelings towards Todoroki Shoto. He had no idea what sparked an interest in the first place. Shigaraki was the type of person who hated everyone and everything, and didn't care about anyone else. Besides Kurogiri to some extent.

Ever since then, Shigaraki had been stalking Todoroki wherever he went. At first, he told himself he was just doing this because he was curious about the boy. But, as time grew, Shigaraki realized he had started becoming protective of this guy. Everytime someone made some snarky remark at him, or made fun of his scar, or even just bumped into Todoroki, it was drive Shigaraki insane.

He would take a brief moment to stalk the other person, wait until they were in a secluded area, then strike. Shigaraki has killed easily 15 people for Todoroki already, and he has no plans of stopping. Anyone who hurts Shoto is as good as dead.

Following Shoto to school, to the dorms, to his house, and even if the peppermint haired male was just out taking a walk or shopping. Tomura would follow Shoto everywhere he went. And it didn't stop at just stalking. Shigaraki would spend a lot of his time trying to find out information about Todoroki. There wasn't much he could find, which just see me to interest Shigaraki even more.

Shigaraki had been doing this for about four months now. And he didn't want to wait around anymore. The villain had to have him.

It was in the middle of the afternoon, Shigaraki watching Todoroki from afar in a busy mall. He wore his usual black hoodie and black sweat pants, leaning up against a wall. He could tear his red eyes away from the younger male. He couldn't help but watch his every movement. To watch and be surprised when any emotion showed up on the male's angelic face.

Tonight would be the night.

Tonight, Shigaraki would take Todoroki away from all this. All these people. All these lies that had been forced fed to him. He would save him.
The thought made a grin tug at the corners of Shigaraki's mouth, itching his neck in anticipation.
(Basically the photo above)

Shigaraki grin suddenly fell, seeing that one boy with the weird elbows touch Shoto by his shoulder. Todoroki seemed a bit off put by the touch, but didn't say anything out loud.

"What'chya reading man? You seemed more intoned with it than us." Sero pointed to Todoroki's phone, which he had been reading a story from.
"Uh...the news." Todoroki lied, but Sero couldn't tell if it was a lie or not.
"Suure, well what ever it is, put the phone up and hang out!"
Todoroki put his phone into his pocket, sighing with disappointment.

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