📚Homework Sucks🤬

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Todoroki grumbled softly to himself, jabbing his eraser down onto his paper, removing his sixth attempt at the math equation that he was stuck on. No matter how many times he tried it, he just couldn't understand it. Todoroki's entire desk was a mess, covered with scraps of paper, notes, plus his thick math book. "What am I doing wrong??" Todoroki looked back through his notes, plus previous equations that Aizawa had went over during class.

Todoroki got distracted momentarily by a creaking noise came from the bed behind him plus footsteps. He quickly summed this up to Tomura having woken up and was going to use to the bathroom and went back to work. But this theory was quickly shot down when the footsteps came up to him. Turning around, Todoroki saw Shigaraki watching him, a very sleepy look on his face, his messy bangs covering his eyes.

"You okay Tomura?" Todoroki questioned.
"How much longer till your done?" Shigaraki whined softly, brushing his bangs out of his face.
"It's the last one but it's very difficult for me. I'm sorry I've been taking so long." Todoroki apologized, reaching up to hold Shigaraki's cheek, his thumb rubbing the skin gingerly. Tomura leaned into the touch, staring at the sleepiness in Shoto's eyes.

Suddenly, Tomura left the room, leaving the door opened on his way out. "Uh, Tomura?" Shoto spoke with confusion in his tone as Shigaraki returned with a chair from the dinning room.
"Scoot over." Shigaraki said, and Todoroki did as told. "Let me look at it." Shigaraki slid the paper over to him, reading Todoroki's previous problems, trying to understand it.

Shigaraki looked over the paper then to Shoto's notes, brows furrowing with confusion, "Why do you even need to know this stuff?"
"It's required by law that teachers teach this stuff." Todoroki explained, re-adjusting his pencil.
"We go against the law! You shouldn't have to learn this!"

"Is everything alright in here?" Kurogiri poked his head into the room, having seen Shigaraki stealing a chair from the dining room.
"We need help!" Both Tomura and Shoto pleaded in unison.
"Oh dear." Kurogiri sighed.

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