☠️Deadly Dreams😴

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Todoroki awoke fast, faster than any alarm ever could, his lungs automatically sucking in air as it's reaction. The bi-colored haired male's body lunged upwards as he went into a wild coughing fit. Todoroki pressed his mouth against his inner elbow, muffling his coughs and gasps. After a few moments, Todoroki panted, trying to comprehend the nightmare he had just endured.

So much had been happening at once..
Todoroki saw the other league members, who were pretty much like a family to him, being killed by his previous classmates from UA.
He saw Shigaraki being killed by All Might and Deku.
He became a child again, and both Enji and Reid began to beat him senselessly. 
He re-lived what Natsuo and Fuyumi had done to him. Fuyumi having tried suffocating Shoto while he was asleep, and Natsuo once tried drowning him.
So much more had happened, but Todoroki refused to even let himself remember.

Todoroki's forehead was covered in sweat, left hand clenched down tightly to the bed sheets, his entire frame trembling, his chest quivering, his eyes stinging and aching. Todoroki looked over at the time, 1:32 A.M. He then looked over, seeing that Shigaraki was still asleep. Shoto also noticed that the  sheets his hand was holding onto for dear life was singed, blackened by burns. Todoroki jolted out of bed, his quirk had went off while asleep. He could have hurt Tomura..

Todoroki turned on his heels, and despite only being in a black tank-top and black shorts, opened the balcony door and went outside, making sure to close the door gently behind him. The window blew against him, making his hair sway. Leaning against the railing, tears began to blur his vision. Blinking, the droplets slid down Shoto's porcelain skin, a blank expression on his face. He hated crying. It made him feel and look weak.

Todoroki's fingers traced down the vertical scar on his right arm, which now at a tattoo of ice spiraling up it. The tattoo had been an art project the rest of the League had done. Todoroki hiccup, breathing hitching. Damn it.

Having noticed the weight difference in the bed and hearing the balcony door open then close, Shigaraki awoke, red eyes peering open. He slowly sat up in bed, shivering slightly as the cool air hit his bare chest. Looking over, he saw that Shoto was no longer in bed, but a scorch mark was there. Through the glass of the balcony door, Shigaraki saw his boyfriend standing outside, leaning against the railing. "What is he doing?" Shigaraki mumbled to himself, glancing over at the clock.

Flipping off the covers, Shigaraki walked to the door, opening it and going outside. "Babe? What are you doing out of bed?" Shigaraki questioned, but received no answer. Tomura placed his gloved hand on Shoto's shoulder, "Shoto?" Todoroki flinched, looking to Shigaraki with fear for a moment. That expression changed, showing relief and slight embarrassment.

"S-sorry, I woke you up didn't I?" Todoroki smiled forcefully, turning away as he tried to hide his crying face.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Shigaraki had noticed the tears, and began to feel very worried. Todoroki wasn't the type to cry, he barely ever did.
"Shoto," Shigaraki's tone was stern, tilting the male's head back to face him, "why are you crying? And don't give me an excuse, I know you better than that."

Todoroki blinked out more tears from his vision, his bottom lip beginning to tremble a he tried to keep his monotone expression plastered onto his face. Todoroki's right hand goes up, covering his eyes as he hung down his head, sobbing beginning to start. Shigaraki holds Todoroki close to him, arms holding tightly and securely around the younger's form. The fluffy white haired male remained quiet, knowing it was best to let Todo cry it out.

"It was th-the worst dream I've e-ever had," Shoto hiccuped, his head laying in the crook of Shigaraki's neck, "s-so much was happening all at once, and it was all so h-horrible." Shigaraki had no doubt how bad it had been. It must have been to make Shoto cry.
"You don't have to go back to sleep," Tomura spoke softly, "if you don't want to."
Todoroki shook his head, "I'm still so tired. But.."
"Your afraid of dreaming." Shigaraki finished for him. Shoto nodded.

Tomura exhales, staring out across the city, thinking. "Let's just go lay in bed. Neither of us have to sleep until we feel like it."
"You don't have to stay up. I woke you up, so you should get back to sleep."
"I'll end up hurting you."
Shigaraki became puzzled, looking at his boyfriend.
"My quirk went off in my sleep. It was too close to you. You'll end up hurt."

Shigaraki didn't respond to this, just leading Todoroki back into the bedroom. Settling onto the bed, Shigaraki pulled Todoroki onto his lap, holding him close to himself. "Tomura, I can't," Todoroki tried to pull away, but Shigaraki just yanked him right back.
"No." Shigaraki huffed stubbornly.
"Tomura, I'm serious."
"So am I."

Todoroki glared at Shigaraki, a slight pout on his face. "I'm not gonna leave you alone right now. You need comfort. Even I can see that." Todoroki leaned his head down on Shigaraki's collar bone, he felt heart warmed by Shigaraki's words, but still a little guilty. "Hey," Todoroki looked up as Shigaraki spoke, "have I told you later how much I love you?"
Shoto smiled, "I love you too."

If I did a Killing Stalking AU chapter, would you all hate me? I mean, I'm not gonna make whoever is being sangwoo a total manipulative dick, but still crazy af.
I like the idea of Todoroki acting like sangwoo, and Shigaraki being the stalking creep, but I'm good with either or.

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