☝️First Meeting👋

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This is basically a prequel to the UA Traitor story.

Todoroki was mumbling to himself as he walked seemingly aimlessly throughout the streets of Musutafu. His right hand's fingers entangled themselves into Todoroki's snowy locks. The look of dissatisfaction and worry plagued the teen's face. "The try outs for UA are in a few months," Todoroki reminded himself about the dreaded news, "Father wants me to win and get in."

He breathed a heavy sigh, he didn't want to do this anymore. Becoming a Hero wasn't Todoroki's dream. Well, it used to be. When Shoto was a child, around five years old, Shoto saw All Might and other heroes on the TV, and wanted to be just like them. Saving people, helping them, keeping them safe from danger. But, it was just that. A dream. Every one nowadays has wanted to become a Hero at some point in their life, mostly in their childhood.

But, Shoto's dream was short lived, his interests growing to other things. Besides, Touya had been the one most adamant about becoming a Hero. He wanted to be just life Endeavor, their father. Which brings us to one of the major reasons Shoto had begun to hate Heroes; his father. Enji was supposed to be a Hero, but was a child abuser and woman beater behind the scenes. Adding onto the tourment Shoto had to go through daily due to his father wanting him to become a Hero, you can see why Shoto's opinions of Heroes soured over time.

Todoroki had made it to the city's park, walking on the bridge above the pond. The bridge was made out of stone, or maybe it was some type of marble. It was added on in the beauty department by the shapes carved into it and the design of the bridge. Cherry blossom trees surrounded the park, which complimented the stone/marble bridge gorgeously. Not to mention the pond, which housed dozens upon dozens of koi fish of all different pretty colors.

Todoroki leaned against the wall on one side of the bridge, looking out at the scenery surrounding him. Todoroki reached into his pocket, pulling out the flyer that had come in the mail that morning. It was for UA's try out event, which seemed to mock Todoroki with more misery and self loathing. Todoroki grumbled, crumbling up the piece of paper before tossing it towards a trash can below next to a bench. But due to the wind, the paper unraveled itself and flew right back against Todoroki's face.

The teen growled out loud, his hands fumbling up to his face and ripping away the hated piece of paper. Todoroki was fuming and raging so much that he did not even notice that a new arrival had begun to walk over the bridge from the opposite side he was on. Which is understandable. The stranger was tall and lanky, wearing all black except for his red shoes. Besides those, the man blended almost perfectly into the dark surroundings. At first, the man didn't really acknowledge the teenager standing off to the side, and by their walking pace, was in a hurry to get somewhere.

Todoroki angrily tossed the flyer behind him, muttering out curses to himself, but not loud enough to where he could be understood. The flyer landed on the stone ground, skidded until it bumped against the stranger's bright red sneaker, haulting it to a stop. The stranger paused, looking down at the flyer. Normally, he would have snapped at the person who threw it, but the picture of UA High School caught his eye. Carefully picking the wrinkled flyer up, the stranger turned his attention to the bi-colored haired boy who still grumbling.

Walking over, the tall male gazed curiously at the shorter male, who's eyes we're looking down at the glistening pond below. Todoroki didn't notice the new comer immediately, too focused on his own self-hating session. "You dropped this." The darkly dressed man stated, holding the flyer out to the Todoroki. Todoroki turned to face the person who spoke to him, and was about to make a sassy or rude retort, but his throat tightened and mouth grew dry as he saw the stranger's face.

He had pale skin, with scars around his bright red eyes, another small scar going over his lips on the left side, which were also chapped and cut, possibly done by the man himself. His hair was a cornflower blue color, short but shaggy, and the hood of his black hoodie up over his head. Todoroki's felt like his heart had suddenly just stopped beating, eyes widening and face growing hot. "S-sorry about that, s-sir!" Todoroki's quickly took the flyer, averting his gaze some where else. ' Oh no, he's hot!!!! ' Shoto screamed inside his head, panicking slightly.

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