🏥Hospital Visit🚗

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Todoroki stared blankly at the TV on the wall across from him, which against his will was playing some stupid celebrity host show. The IV that was anchoring his arm prevented him from grabbing the remote control to the damn box to change the channel. Todoroki's eyes and lips twitched when the host made a very unfunny joke, exhaling out of his nose sharply.

Wonder what's going on with Todoroki? Well during a fight against the LOV, Todoroki had the unfortunate luck of getting impaled by two of Hawks's stray feathers, which landed the boy here in the hospital. Trapped inside the thin uncomfortable bed covers, a long teal shirt that barely hid his underwear and wool socks with sticky rubber bottoms.

Now for the record; Todoroki is not in the least bit angry at Hawks. He understands that it was a complete and utter accident, and holds no grudges or negative feelings towards the bird man. Though, Shigaraki and/or Dabi might. Todoroki wouldn't know because one of Hawks's feathers had broken his phone when it stabbed him.

Todoroki leaned his head back further against the pillow, looking towards the ceiling. He closed his different colored eyes, his mind conjuring up a memory of his red eyed boyfriend. It was a few weeks ago when Todo had been cooking with Kurogiri, but while chopping the carrots the monotone boy had sliced a fairly deep cut on his finger. At that exact moment Shigaraki had came in and of course when he saw his boyfriend bleeding he freaked out.

Tomura was aways so protective over him, always worried he was going to get hurt or even killed if he left his side for even a second. Shoto opened his eyes, and even though his face expressionless his eyes still gave some amount of emotion. Worry. Shoto missed him. Even though it had just been a little over 24 hours since he last saw him, it was stil troubling to him that he couldn't talk to him.

Todoroki tried to move to a more comfortable position, but the IV in his arm prevented him from moving much. Just then the nurse came into the room, shutting off the TV, "Lights off hun, try to get some sleep." Todoroki blinked emotionlessly at her, before closing his eyes as if he was falling asleep instantly. When the nurse left the room, Shoto actually did try to fall asleep for real, bu it wasn't easy. He didn't feel tired, he needed to be tired in order to sleep.

*tap tap tap*

Todoroki's eyes snapped open, what was that? ' It's just the janitor and his creaky cart again, ' The candy cane haired boy told himself, ' don't get excited..'

Todoroki's heart stopped briefly as a low but loud creaking noise arose from the silence, slowly growing more and mor high pitched. This noise was also followed by a chilled breeze. Todoroki snapped his eye closed so tightly he felt a headache coming on, ' Okay that is not the janitor, you can start panicking now. Just close your eyes, pretend you're asleep, and for the love of God just don't breath..'

Footsteps ventured closer then stopped when right beside the bed. Don't move. Don't breath. Don't think. If they think you're dead, they'll just move on to the next one.


' Wait a second, I recognize those stomps.. ' Todoroki realized and opened his eyes. Two glowing red eyes were staring down at him, a disembodied hand covering the face of his newcomer. "Tomura!" Todoroki exclaimed, nearly jumping out of the bed but Shigaraki quickly met him halfway for a hug. Shigaraki nuzzled his face in the crook of the younger's neck and shoulder, arms tight around Todoroki's torso.

"I'm sorry I haven't called," Todoroki apologized quickly, "my phone was broken in the fight and they haven't given me the chance to get to a different-"
"I'm sorry."
"Eh? What for?"
"It's my fault you got hurt. I had told Hawks to fire his feathers at Aizawa, but you were too close--god I shouldn't have even told him to do it.."

Todoroki holds Shigaraki's face in his hands, making him look into his eyes, "No, it's not your fault. It was just an accident then neither you or Hawks could have predicted. Besides, the damage wasn't that bad."
"You nearly died of blood loss!!"
"That's because it took so long for the ambulance to arrive, not because anything major was punctured."

Shigaraki groaned, "Still, I could've done something to help you."
"The heroes kept chasing you off when you got near me."
"I should've killed them."
"You we're too busy protecting the others to focus on killing them." Todoroki laid Shigaraki's head down on his lap, curling a part of his cornflower blue bangs behind his ear.

"Stop fussing over stuff you could have done. It's over with now, and the bright side is that we're both still alive. " Todoroki sort of scolded the older male, briefly reminding himself that he sounded like Mamagiri. Shigaraki sighed gently, relaxing as Shoto gave his head pets and pats. "Yeah..you're right." He agreed eventually.

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