🧠Headcannons Part--Idk🤤

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1. Shigaraki is the type of guy who will make sound effects and move his hands around while telling stories. Shoto images stories happen in his head as he reads or hears about them, so this is actually helpful for him.

2. Neither one of them like loud noises, however they love listening to their favorite songs together on full blast.

3. For Halloween, they would either dress up as Joker & Harley Quinn (suggested by Toga), Morticia and Gomez Adams (suggested by Big Sis Magne) Jack Skellington and Sally (suggested by Spinner) or grim reapers (their own idea).

4. Whenever Shoto falls asleep, he can't remember doing so when he wakes back up. He's so confused and delirious that he thinks he's somehow time traveled.

5. During the time he lived at the Todoroki household, if Shoto found any little creatures--spiders, ants, centipedes, beetles, lizards--he'd keep them as pets because he always wanted to have one.

6. If you hand Shoto a coloring book you can bet your ass that will be what he's doing for the rest of the day. He'll be so focused on drawing inside the lines that nothing will be able to break his focus.

7. Both of them refuse to eat a sandwich if the toppings have made the bread soggy. This is because Shoto hates when the wet bread gets stuck to the roof of his mouth, and Shigaraki hates his hands being messy. Kurogiri usually toast their bread because of this.

8. Shoto's phone battery is usually almost full while Tomura's is either halfway or nearly dead.

9. If their cuddling and Shoto needs to get up for something, or maybe Shiggy fell asleep, he'll blow a raspberry on the older's neck to tickle him.

10. When they were kids, they would play hide and seek. One time Shoto got into the ceiling due to a hole and Tomura was unable to find him. When he started crying because of his panic, Shoto burned another hole in the ceiling to get to his friend quicker. Shoto never his in high places ever again.

11. Remember the previous headcannons chapter I made and mentioned that Shigaraki would give Shoto his own Nomu? Well, I think apart from the super regeneration quirk, this Nomu would be able to change into any animal in the world. This goes with Shoto wanting a pet ever since childhood.

12. Shigaraki is stingy with his things, be it his snacks or belongings. However, if Shoto asks this man will more than willing to share with him. Hell, he doesn't even have to ask. If Shoto is just within the vicinity of his boyfriend while he's snacking, he'll wave the boy over and have him eat with him.

13. Since they both are very sensitive to touch due to harsh pasts, both always as either verbally or with physical signals to get permission to touch the other.

14. When Shoto found out that Shigaraki rode on the top of the van with minimal safety precautions, he tried to install homemade seat belts up there. Didn't work out.

If I went ahead and made that Greek mythology AU, should I keep Shigaraki and Todoroki males or make them females?

Also would you be interested in seeing a story in which Shoto was there for Twice's death? Like in the story it's in an AU where he's in the League. It would probably come after the part two for Tell me About it.

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