🙏Please Stay🥺

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"NO!!!" With a loud, raspy, strangled gasp of a yell, Shigaraki Tomura sat up straight in his deshoveld bed. His right arm had flung out and remained in the air, fingers sightly curled inwards, nails digging into the air. His left hand had clutched one of his pillows, and by accident, decayed it. Luckily Shigaraki had another pillow, but that didn't really matter right now.

Shigaraki's chest heaved and quivered with each deep shaky inhale and exhale he took. He blinked out tears from his bloodshot ruby red eyes, a cold sweat beaded across his forehead. Slowly, his arm dropped from the air, realizing that it had all been a dream. Just an extremely bad dream. A nightmare. No no, that dream was too realistic to have been a regular nightmare. It had been a night terror.

Shigaraki held his head in the palms of his hands, beginning to cry, which is something he rarely did. Despite it had all been a figment of Shigaraki's imagination, he was still distraught over the entire thing. The dream still played in Tomura's head, fresh in his mind, replaying it over and over again.

There was then a sudden quiet knock on Shigaraki's door. Since he was still overwhelmed, and too tired to put enough energy into his voice's usual bite, he just muttered out an "Come in." Todoroki Shoto gently nudged open the door, bundled up in his tan leather winter jacket, and holding a cup holder that had two cups of coffee in it.

Instant relief came flooding into Shigaraki's body, similarly to the feeling of when you go into an AC chilled house from hot and muggy out side weather. Todoroki looked to Shigaraki, and since the room was dark, he lit a small flame from his left pinkie finger. "I was in the neighborhood, and since your usually up still around this time, I brought you some coffee-"

Todoroki took notice to Shigaraki's bloodshot eyes, and instantly realized something was wrong. Since Shigaraki didn't have a lamp, Todoroki instead rushed over and turned on the TV, which brought light into the dark room. He placed the cup holder on Shigaraki's desk, before going over to the older male.

"Tomura, are you okay? What happened?" Shoto quickly asked, brushing away Tomura's messy bangs. Shigaraki let out a shaky sigh of relief, leaning into the kind touch of his boyfriends hand.
"Nothing." Shigaraki gently shook his head.
"I don't believe that." Todoroki informed, his gaze soft but hard at the same time.

Shigaraki's gaze faltered, looking down at the floor. "Please, tell me what's wrong. Whatever it is, I can fix it, and if it's something you need, I can get it for you. Tell me, and it yours." Todoroki spoke eagerly, his anxiousness clear. Shigaraki's lips curled into a small smile.

Shoto was such a nice person, and it was such a shock that he was. It made Tomura sick that thought Shoto's entire life, people had treated him so terribly. He deserved the entire world.

"I had a nightmare." Shigaraki admitted, letting Todoroki sit on the edge of his bed.
"Would telling me about it help?" Todoroki asked, allowing Shigaraki to lay his head on his chest. Shigaraki's arms wrapped loosely around Todoroki's hips, the backs of his hands bent against the soft covers of the bed.

"I was in the dark, alone at first, but then you appeared. You were dressed in all white and glowing, like a ghost," Shigaraki shifted his head to look up at Todoroki, "like a really beautiful ghost." Todoroki couldn't help but smile a bit, flattered. Shigaraki's gaze then turned into one that someone would have if they were remembering a traumatic experience.

"Then, you started turning into dust. I had tried stopping it, but it seemed to get worse! Even though I wasn't using all of my fingers! I-I couldn't help you, you were dying a-and my efforts were pathetic!!" Shigaraki's eyes filled with more hot tears, beginning to panic again. Todoroki wiped away the other males tears, gently coaxing him to lay his head back down on his head.

"I'm just," Shigaraki let out another shaky sigh, "so glad it was just a dream."
"That's right, and i'm not dying anytime soon, so you don't have to worry about anything happening to me." Todoroki rubbed soothing circles in Shigaraki's back, ruffling his cornflower blue locks with the other hand. Shigaraki closed his eyes, feeling his heart slow down to a more healthy and relaxed pace.

After a few minutes, Shigaraki slowly pulled away. Todoroki began to stand, and Shigaraki's eyes shot open. "Are you leaving?" Shigaraki asked, looking up at Todoroki.
"Tomorrow is Monday." Shoto reminded, and Shigaraki felt disappointed.
"Please," Shigaraki gripped carefully and tugged Todoroki down some, "stay."

Even though it had all been a dream, Tomura refused to be without Shoto right now. He needed him to stay. Todoroki was pulled onto the older males lap, watching as the other, with trembling fingers, unbutton his jacket. Todoroki's shoes were already removed, since he considered it rather rude to walk in someone's home with shoes on.

Tossing the jacket aside, this left Shoto in a whit turtle neck and light gray skinny jeans. Todoroki cupped Shigaraki's face in his hands, leaning his forehead down against the villain's. This small touch made Tomura hiccup and shiver, more tears leaving his closed eyes. "I'll stay." Todoroki agreed, planting a small kiss on the top of Shigaraki's head. Tomura hugged Shoto closer, fists clenched tightly, good.

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