😧No More Itch😖

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Okay okay back to stories 😋
I wanna make a story where Shiggy punishes Shoto for like being a brat or something but can't for the life of me figure out a good storyline. If any of you have any, please do let me know! Your all's suggestions are amazing!

Requested by: Author-Chan after listening to Shigaraki asmr.

Word count: 3,520

Type of story: Fluff where there is a slight strangers to friends to lovers plotline

Basic Summary: Shigaraki's scratching stems from him resisting his urge to kill. So, imagine his surprise when the itch he's been suffering from for years now doesn't appear around a certain one of his new recruits.


' Recruiting these bastards was a mistake..' Shigaraki thinks to himself as chaos amount the new members to his Legion of Villains ensues in the background.

He had been trying to focus all his attention on planning out his next big move--won't say what exactly it is yet, but all that is known is that it has to do with UA and some camping trip--but despite his best efforts Shigaraki kept getting distracted by all the ruckus.

At the moment he was sitting at the bar trying to relax by playing some games and having a drink. However as it would play out for Shigaraki, all of his new employees gradually began flooding into the room as well, making his already sour mood worsen.

Mr. Compress, one of the more chill people in this house, walks up to Shigaraki with his hands behind his back, "Good evening, Shigaraki." Not wanting to talk, Shigaraki chose to not answer in the hopes that Mr. Compress would loose interest and leave him alone.

Instead of doing that, Compress pulls out one of his arms from behind his back, revealing the many cards he held. "Pick a card for a magnificent surprise!" Having already been subjected to multiple 'magnificent surprises' this week, Shigaraki gave the man a glare that could be seen through Father's fingers.

"No," hissed the red eyed man as he begins to dig at his neck, tone so sharp and vicious it could've passed as venomous, "go away." Already having gotten a sense of the type his boss was, Sako didn't try to do anything else and just backed away, looking for someone else to share his trick with.

Twice then suddenly fell off the sofa and onto the hard wood floor from a failed attempt to show Toga he was 'hip', causing the blonde girl to burst into hysterical laughter. The explosion of noises made Shigaraki grip his beer glass with all five fingers, decaying it and the liquid within it into dust.

A growl comes from Shigaraki's ajar lips and through his gritted teeth, eyes narrowing as his fist began to tremble from how tight it was while the opposite hand's scratching movements intensified. No matter how much his nails worked at his skin, the itchy sensation didn't cease one bit.

Just then Shigaraki heard a near inaudible 'pitter-patter', but he always had an acute sense of hearing so, therefore, the grayish-blue haired man looked to see what it was. Coming into the room slowly, looking very hesitant with each movement he made, was the youngest of the new recruits: Shoto.

For some reason thats all he went by, Shoto. No last name, no nicknames, no other aliases whatsoever. Just Shoto. Not that it really mattered to Tomura what the guy went by; it made him at least a little glad that it was his actual name unlike what that Dabi character is going by.

He was supposed to have come with Toga and Dabi to meet Shigaraki, but for some reason Giran couldn't get ahold of him, which he said was typical. Sometimes he'd go weeks or even months without so much as a glimpse of the teen. When he did get to meet Shoto it was a few days after the mall incident, Shigaraki was actually shocked.

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