💙My Hero🦸🏻

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Shigaraki let out a guttural scream of agony as the flip on the wall was switched again, sending currents of electricity through his entire body. His arms jerked around, but they were strapped down firmly onto the wooden chair's arms. The same problems was with his legs as well, only they were strapped to the chair's own front legs. His hands were covered by gloves, their material felt like tiny pin pricks on Tomura's skin.

After a good minute of the torture, the electricity was switched back off. "Are you ready to talk yet?" Came the arrogant voice of whoever the fuck the main guy was. Shigaraki didn't respond to this comment, both because he felt nauseous and he just didn't want to talk to this asshole. A hand slammed Shigaraki's head back against the edge of the chair, forcing the villain leader to look up him.

Shigaraki's vision kept swimming in and out of focus, which he would have rather it be out of focus for the most part so that he didn't have to look at this guys ugly mug. "I will ask you this once again; how many metapower teammates came with you to the fight?" The man demanded to know. Shigaraki grinned, saliva mixed with blood from where he had bitten his inner cheek and tongue from the electric shocks leaking out of the corner of his mouth.

"You'd better answer this time, Shigaraki. Or else we'll fry your ass till you flat line." More threats, but this time Shigaraki wasn't completely sure if the guy was bluffing or not.
"Fine," Shigaraki huffed, his lungs still feeling ragged from where he had been water boarded a few hours earlier, "69."

"69??" The guy gasped, eyes wide with shock, "How on earth did you manage to get 69 troops out--"
"Uh..Sarge?" One of the other side jokers tapped the main guy on his shoulder.
"What?" He questioned, and his co-worker leaned close to his ear, whispering quietly into his ear.

Shigaraki snorted at the reaction on the Sarge's face, chuckling wickedly at his own joke. The Sargent looked over and nodded to the guy handling the switch on the wall. More currents went through Shigaraki's body, cutting off his laughter and instead replacing it with more shouting. His muscles felt like they were on fire as they contracted and stretched, foam bubbled from his maw.

It seemed to last forever, until it suddenly all stopped. Tomura's head hung down, drool dribbling down his chin. "What the hell??" Sarge exclaimed as the big guy controlling the switch began to fool it up and down rapidly, trying to turn it back on.
"Did we suddenly just have a power outage??" One of the others theorized.
"No Sherlock, we're in a flood." The guy by the switch spoke sarcastically, his voice low and near booming.

Then, the lights came back on, and before any of them could react, there was a knock on the door. The skinniest guy went over, opening the door and seeing one of the security guards.
"What the fuck do you wa-"

Shigaraki slowly looked up, but his vision was now a complete blur of colors. A moving of black and a slight bit of a pale skin color moved towards him. His ears ringed slightly, most likely from the gun shots. The figure moved down, as it did so off came the blackness around the top of it, revealing a blur of white and red.

Shigaraki felt a cold touch against his burning g cheek, and his vision soon cleared, revealing an angel kneeling down right in front of him.
His angel, Shoto. "Tomura what did they do to you?? Where are you hurting?? Tell me so I'll know how to help!" Todoroki held Tomura's head in his hands, trying to keep him awake long enough to figure out what had happened.
Shigaraki grinned and spoke softly, "My hero.."
"That's not answering my question." Shigaraki chuckled at the younger's response, leaning closer to the colder touch, favoring it most at the moment.

Todoroki quickly undid the restraints on Shigaraki's arms and legs, as well a removing those painful itchy gloves. "Let's get you back home," Shoto lifted Tomura up off the chair, carrying him bridal style.
"I'll never get over the fact.." Shigaraki took a short moment to catch his breath before finishing his sentence, "..that you can carry like I'm some princess."

Shigaraki had gotten sick later on that night. Due to the conditions he was kept in, the sudden change made his body short circuit. And now he was stuck in bed, Shoto by his side caring for him.

Todoroki froze another damp wash cloth, laying it over Shigaraki's burning forehead. "You should stay in here, you'll get sick too." Shigaraki mumbled in a tone that was barely audible. He felt so tired, so weak and strained.
"I don't mind." Todoroki laid down beside Shigaraki, who was bundled up in a blanket burrito, "Besides, I want to be the one taking care of you."

Todoroki turned over on his left side, planting a soft kiss to Shigaraki's cheek. Shigaraki turned his head, pressing his lips to Todoroki's forehead. "Are you gonna fall asleep with me?" Shigaraki asked.
"I'm not sure yet, I'd rather stay awake to make sure you're okay. But you go ahead and sleep." Shigaraki hummed softly, eyes closing as he soon drifted of into slumber.

What's this? Multiple updates so close together? How shocking 😱
Jk, I'm just very motivated at the moment.
Also I'll try to get another story out tomorrow (͡°͜ʖ͡°)

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