😬Bite Marks🤕

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Todoroki yawned sleepily as he stumbled into the bathroom, a new set of clean clothes swung over his shoulder. Closing the door behind him, he turned on the light, looking at his half awake face in the mirror. His half and half hair was sprawled out every-which-way, his eye watery from just him yawning ever five seconds. He placed his clothes on top of the sink as he rubbed the sleep out of his eye.

Then he froze, noticing it. There was a bite mark on his inner neck, right about where his neck and shoulder meet. There was also anothe bite mark on his shoulder. Todoroki looked around his body, finding that he was littered with teeth marks.

There was one on his right arm.
There was one on his left bicep.
There was one on his left hip.
There was quite a few around his inner thighs.
Hell, he even caught glimpses of a few on his back!

' So my dream about being attacked bit tiny biting puppies wasn't totally random after all.. ' Shoto thought inside his had as he gritted his teeth and growled out loud. He flung open the door, "Tomura Shigaraki!" The older male's red eyes snapped wide open upon hearing his full name being shouted out by his boyfriend.

Shit, what did he do?

Shigaraki propped himself up on his elbows, looking at Todoroki with confusion since the younger was only dressed in his briefs, "What's wrong?"
Todoroki, face dusted in a red blush, pointed at the bite mark on his inner neck, "Did you bite me??"
"Uh..." Shigaraki's wide eyes shifted to the side, nipping his bottom lip nervously, "maybe?"
Todoroki crossed his arms, eyes narrowing as his lips pursed.

"Fine, yes it was me. I'm shocked you just now notice it though, I've been doing it for awhile now." Tomura admitted as he sat up, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Awhile now??" Todoroki repeated awestruck, "For how long exactly??"
"Two weeks. You probably didn't notice them cause a lot of them were on you're back. You sleep on you're stomach a lot, by the way. " Shigaraki explained casually, a if he hadn't been secretly nawing on his boyfriend for days.

"Why???" Todoroki whined, stupefied by the situation.
Tomura smirked sneakily, a light pink blush appreaing on his face as his eyes averted away again, "I like having a midnight snack." Shoto's blush darkened and he huffed, he was annoyed. "Aw, are you made at me?" Shigaraki cooed, tilting his head.
Todoroki spun on his heels, turning his back on Shigaraki as he crossed his arms.

' He's being bratty? How adorable.. ' Shigaraki grinned like a fox, getting up off the bed, sauntering over to his pretty little annoyed boyfriend. "Honey~" Shigaraki purred seductively, hugging Todoroki drum behind.
"Nnn nn!" Todoroki hummed, shaking his, closing his eyes tightly as his cheeks puffed out some.
Shigaraki kissed Shoto's cheek, "Come on, its not like I bit you were everyone can see them."
"You bit my arm, jerk."
"Well, yeah you got me there. But you can wear long sleeves for that."

Todoroki pouted angrily, Shigaraki had to keep himself from cooing like a bunch of saps would at a newborn baby. "Come on, don't be like tha-OW!" Shigaraki had brought his hand around to turn Todoroki's head around to face him, but was instead met with the little brat biting the space between his pointer finger and thumb.

Todoroki flipped around to face Shigaraki, latching onto his collar bone and biting down hard. Tomura grunted, teeth gritting and one eye squeezing shut as Shoto moved to his shoulder, sinking his teeth into the taller male's pale skin. Shoto licked the blood off his lips, eyes turning to look up into Shigaraki's own, a mischievous glint in them.
"Next time, just wake me up." Shoto pressed a kiss to Shigaraki's bottom lip, "I don't mind a little late night action."

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