😳Big Question💍

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Anyone else enjoying the second season of Ms Kobayashi Dragon Maid?

It was late morning on a winter day. Todoroki was in his room at the UA dorms, busy with math homework. He found himself mumbling about how annoying math was, when his phone began to ring. Todoroki knew just by the specially made ringtone, (the great fairy fountain remix), who the person calling was. The corners of Todoroki's mouth subconsciously tilted into a smile, his chest buzzing with joy.

Answering the phone, Todoroki brought the device up to his ear. "Hello?" Todoroki called out, twirling his pencil with his fingers.
"Hey, are you busy tonight?" Shigaraki asked, Todoroki being completely unaware about the nervous expression on the older male's face.
"No, not really. I'm just doing homework right now but I'm almost done."
"Ugh, homework. I bet that sucks."
"You have no idea." Todoroki chuckled, feeling like his heart skipped every other beat.

"Well, since your not too busy, how about a date night?" Shigaraki suggested.
"Yes! Yes!" Todoroki spoke a bit too enthusiastically, practically screaming into the phone before catching himself and clearing his throat, "Yes, I would love to have a date night with you." Shigaraki chuckled, clearly amused by how excited Todoroki already was and they hadn't even chose a place to go yet.
"Well," Shigaraki hummed in thought, "how about we go to that Cozy Cafe you like so much?"

Todoroki's eyes widen in surprise, "Really? Are you sure? You hate having our dates in public places."
"Yeah, let's do it. I want tonight to be special for a change."
"I think all our dates are special."
Shigaraki's smile grew wider and wider, catching Kurogiri's golden eyes.
' I'm glad Little Shoto makes Tomura Shigaraki so happy. ' Kurogiri thought inside his head, glad Shigaraki was finding happiness in something other than video games and taking down Hero Society.

"I'm glad you think that, but seriously, lets go to that cafe. Have some fun."
"Okay, what time should I meet you?"
"About 6:30, that should give you plenty of time to finish your homework and get ready, right?"
"Yeah! So, I'll see you soon?"
"You'll see me soon."

The two ended the phone call. Todoroki laid his phone down on the table, clasping his hands together with a loud clap, releasing a cheerful whoop, before setting back to work. He was now filled with a bright new determination to finish his homework. Something I wish I had.

"Hey Todoroki! Where are you going all dressed up like that? " Mina questioned, seeing Todoroki in much more dressy attire than he would normally wear. He wore a silky looking long sleeved white dress shirt with a black bow tie, black skinny jeans, black leather boots, a long open front grey cardigan, and a soft black scarf.

"Oh," Todoroki felt panic for a split moment before relaxing, "I'm just going out with a friend."
Mina raised a brow as she smirked, "A friend? Hmm, I feel like that friend's presence must be reeeaaally special to you for you to clean yourself up so much."
"Miiinnaaaa!" Todoroki whined, trying to show the pink skinned girl that he was really in a hurry.
"Fine fine, but you better give me details when you get back mister." Ashido waved Todoroki off, settling down on the couch.

Todoroki hurried out the door, rushing down to the cafe, which luckily wasn't that far away, so Shoto could go on foot. Once he arrived, saw a familiar tall lanky figure waiting beside the entrance of the cafe, right hand in his pocket. Shigaraki was dressed in a black suit with a black tie, his deep green jacket with the puffy fluffs around the shoulders. Shigaraki wore a black mask, black smooth gloves, glasses with tinted lenses, and a dark grey fedora. Tomura noticed Shoto approaching, and smiled behind his mask, which covered his mouth and tip of his nose.

Shigaraki hooked one finger and pulled off one side of his mask, showing the bottom half of his face. Todoroki's arms wrapped around Shigaraki's shoulders, the older male's arms snaking around the younger male's hips, greeting each other with a loving kiss. "You look so pretty, did you get all dressed up for me?" Shigaraki questioned teasingly, curling a part of Shoto's red hair behind his ear.
Todoroki nodded and blushed shyly, "You look pretty too." Shigaraki chuckled, leading Todoroki inside.

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