🤗Calming Handy-Man Down😚

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         Shigaraki had been known to throw tantrums from time to time. Sometimes they were tame. Others not so much. But he hasn't been that upset for a good while.

         Until today that is...

         Dabi, Toga, and Twice were sent on a mission to get blood from the kids in class 1a. But, they failed and nearly got caught by the police. If Spinner hadn't picked them up before the police did, they would be in jail right now.

        Of course, Shigaraki was mighty pissed off that both the mission he planned didn't work and Dabi, Toga, and Twice were almost arrested.

          " HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO ALMOST GET ARRESTED?!?!" Shigaraki shouted, using his quirk on the couch.

          " Relax Shigaraki! Aww man not the couch!"
" Yeah Tomura-Kun! They really went all out with the security at the dorms after our last attack!"
" Plus your plan wasn't exactly fool proof scratchy."

           Shigaraki began to scratch at his neck furiously, wanting to kill the three villains. But they were useful and it would be idiotic of him to do so.
But damn, it would be such a relief to turn their bodies to dust.

          Todoroki, who had joined the League 8 months ago after he snapped and killed Endeavor, stumbled into the bar area sleepily.

          He had been asleep, so his hair was messy from tossing and turning, eyes watery from yawning, and wearing a shirt that said in bold print, I woke up for this? and grey sweat pants that were a bit too big on him.

          He rubbed his eyes tiredly, Shigaraki's yelling had woken him up. " I think it's best if you went back to bed Shoto Todoroki." Kurogiri said to the drowsy teen. Shigaraki was prone to saying things he doesn't mean when he's mad.

       Todoroki didn't care much about what people thought about him, but since he has a close relationship with Tomura, what he might say could hurt Todoroki. But since Shigaraki has taken a liking to Todoroki, maybe he won't say something that mean?

       " What happened?" Todoroki asked, rubbing his sapphire blue eye.
" A mission went wrong." Spinner said with a chuckle, eating popcorn he had made as he watched the scene play out in front of him.

         Todoroki tilted his head, scratching at his left arm. He silently came up behind Shigaraki, before wrapping his slim arms around the older males torso. He was shorter than Shigaraki, his height reaching to his shoulder.

          Shigaraki's yelling froze for a split moment, taking this time to look behind him to find Todoroki hugging him. " What are you doing?!" Shigaraki growled, his tone lowered a bit to where he still sounded angry and threatening but not yelling.

           He knew yelling made Todoroki anxious.
" Is this working? Am I hugging the anger out of you?" Todoroki asked, chin resting against Shigaraki's spine.

             " What the hell kind of question is that?!? No hug in all of history could calm my anger!!!" Shigaraki now shouted, but was blushing behind Father's fingers.
Todoroki hugged tighter, thinking this would eventually work.

" Stop yelling and be a happy boi!"
" And your lifting me off the ground! That's cheating!!"

           " How is he not dead yet?" Twice whispered to Dabi, who seemed to be fuming with anger. Toga was giggling, finding this whole thing adorable.

          Todoroki began pulling Shigaraki out of the room, band to his own room. When they got there and he shut the door, Shigaraki growled in anger as he grabbed a baskets and smashed it on the ground.

          Todoroki sat down on his bed, gently patting a spot beside him. " Are you telling me to sit?" Shigaraki questioned, eyes narrowing.

         " You don't have to. If you don't want to." Todoroki said, resting his hands in his lap. His head looked down at the floor, but his mind wondered.

           Shigaraki clawed at his neck with one hands for a few minutes, before he sat down beside Todoroki. Taking off Father, he grumbled on about how stupid Dabi, Toga, and Twice were. Todoroki silently listened, before he saw Shigaraki was scratching his neck more than usual.

         It's true, he took a lot of thought and effort into planning attacks and missions, but this one he really liked. Todoroki understood why Shigaraki was so upset, but doing that to his neck wasn't good.

           He gently took Shigaraki by his wrist and pulled his hands down to his lap. Shigaraki's muttering stopped, looking at Todoroki.
" Don't hurt yourself any more. Please." Todoroki spoke softly, holding his boss's hands but kept his thumbs away from his hold.

          Shoto gentle kissed Tomura's cheek, still trying to calm him down. Shigaraki blushes before he shoved Todoroki on his back on the bed. Before Todoroki could question it, Shigaraki laid his head down on the younger males chest. He slipped his arms underneath Shoto's slim torso.

         Tomura was mumbling still, but was voluntarily hugged Shoto closer to him. He kept his hands clenched into fists for safety reasons.

           " Now we're doing angry cuddles."
Shigaraki made a gruff whining noise, but his was muffled as he mashed his face into Todoroki's thin bed shirt.

          " Well, when your done being mad, I'll go get your Nintendo." Todoroki stated, taking a hair band and gently pulling Shigaraki's messy hair into a bun. Shigaraki stopped mumbling, and once his hair was pulled into a nice bun, he held his head up.

          His chin laid on Todoroki's chest, his bright red eyes staring at Todoroki's own different colored orbs. Though, the peppermint haired boy's eyes were partly covered by his bangs.

          " What? Do you not like the bun?" Todoroki asked, tilting his head to the side as his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
Shigaraki blushes, eyes growing a bit wide. He took his pointer and middle finger up and covered Todoroki's eyes.

           The younger males eyes instinctively closed so he wasn't poked in the eyes. " Quit making me blush you dummy. It's not fair you can make me blush but I can't make you flustered." Shigaraki complained.

          Tomura then got an idea. He removed his fingers from Shoto's eyes before leaning closer to his face. Todoroki's pale face went red when their lips were centimeters away.

           Tomura smirked, " I win." He planted a quick kiss on Shoto's lips. He turned and laid the back of his head down on Todoroki's stomach. Sighing, he closed his eyes, " Let's just watch a movie."
" Okay. Can I play with your hair?"
" Fine, just don't yank on it."
" I would never."

           Shigaraki smirked, taking the remote to pick out a movie. He wasn't mad anymore. He was happy.

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