7️⃣Seven Sins😈

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My lovely readers I've compiled seven smutty stories for your perverted delights. Get ready for the biggest smutty marathon of this books existence. Enjoy❤️

13+ cause none of us here are actually 18 and/or above. At least i think not?? Idk your all's ages ¯\_()_/¯

 At least i think not?? Idk your all's ages ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1. Surprise Pop-up
Todoroki mindless tugged at his baggy long sleeved gray shirt, fanning himself while he watched the movie playing on the TV. He snuggled closer against the man behind him, glancing down at the hand on his hip. Both gloved and ungloved fingertips were laid down on top of the rim of Shoto's exposed underwear, which was thanks to his pants being so loose around his waist. Shigaraki's other arm was stretched out around Todoroki's torso, keeping him pinned down against him.

Todoroki winced as a particularly painful-looking death--a girl was sawed in half starting from her vagina--showed on screen. Ew. Directing his attention away from the TV, Todoroki looked back down at the hand on his hip, which had moved to shift his shirt up some. Todoroki helped by holding his shirt where his boyfriend have moved it, due to the fabric having the habit of rolling back down.

Shigaraki's hand returned to its original spot, but this time his exposed thumb rubbed against the smooth skin on Todoroki's stomach. Todoroki felt fuzzy at the feeling, eyes closing as he laid his head back on Shigaraki's collarbone. Humming softly at this, the older tilted his head down enough to kiss the top of his lover's head. The pretty eyed male couldn't help but smile more, hugging the arm draped across his chest snuggly.

Just then for some odd reason the fabric of Shoto's sweatpants began getting a bit tighter around his crotch, making him grunt softly in discomfort and confusion. He felt his heart sink and the color in his face drain as he noticed himself becoming hard. ' Shit...shit shit shit no!! Seriously?! Why right now of all times??! ' Todoroki moved his legs to try and better conceal the tent in his pants, hoping that Tomura hadn't seen it.

"Is that a snake in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" Shigaraki asked, making Todoroki's pale face glow bright red.
"I'm really sorry!" Shoto rushed into an apology, clasping his hands over his flustered face, "I have no idea what's come over me! I'm not a pervert, I promise! I swear this has never happened out of the blue before!!" Shigaraki chuckled, hand moving over to cup his boyfriend's clothes erection.

"So cute," he purred in a husky tone beside Shoto's left ear, "you want some help?"
"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to." Todoroki expressed, though he really did want the older man's assistance.
"Oh, I really want to.~" Shigaraki sat them up straighter, hooking his thumbs under the rim of Todoroki's pants and underwear. Pulling them down, Todoroki's erection sprung free, slapping up against his shirt-covered stomach.

"My pretty boy, all excited.~" Shigaraki cooed, wrapping his gloved hand around the younger's hard on. The gloved parts of Shigaraki's hand didn't provid much friction, but Todoroki didn't care all that much. Todoroki's body jolted when Shigaraki's hand began pumping his length, soft moans and grunts escaping his lips. Using his other hand to grab the bottom of Shoto's shirt, Tomura pulled it all the way up to the young man's mouth.

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