🛋Couch Cuddles🤗

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"I'm home!"

Todoroki walked inside the Leagues hideout, which was quieter than usual. He hummed in a confused tone, before noticing a sticky note stuck on the bar top. Peeling it off, Shoto read the note.

Dear Shoto,
I'm leaving to go get groceries. The others have left to do missions Tomura gave them. There is food in the fridge if either of you get hungry. I'll be back soon.
       Love, Kurogiri

Todoroki nodded, feeling a bit better about the situation he was in. Turning his head, Shoto saw Shigaraki on the couch. Father was still over his face, but Shoto guess that Tomura was asleep. Shigaraki's arms were crossed across his chest and fists clenched.

' Not often you see him sleeping. ' Todoroki told himself, glancing over to the TV to see what Tomura had been watching. It was some family game show now, and Todoroki knew for a fact that Shigaraki didn't watch those. So, what he was originally watching was a mystery.

Todoroki set down his book bag, only taking out his phone and ear buds. Carefully, as to not wake him, Shoto laid down beside Tomura. Todoroki put in his earbuds, unlocking his phone and going into YouTube. He laid his cheek against Tomura's shoulder, softly humming contently. This felt nice.

Thirteen minutes passed, and Shigaraki suddenly began to stir. He grumbled, moving his arm so he could remove Father from his face. He rubbed the sleep from his red eyes, before blinking a bit. Shigaraki turned his head, seeing Todoroki looking down at his phone. Shoto looked up from his phone, noticing Shigaraki was now awake.

"How long have you been there?" Shigaraki asked.
"Thirteen minutes." Todoroki answered.
Shigaraki shifted his other arm, sliding it underneath Shoto and pulling him closer.
"You coulda woke me up." Shigaraki mumbled, finding it comforting to have someone else laying with him.

"I wanted you to get some rest. You barely sleep anymore." Todoroki offered an earbud to Shigaraki, who accepted.
"You worry about me? Aw, that's sweet." Shigaraki smirked, making Shoto blush. He laid his head against Tomura's chest, hiding his red face.

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