💍Decorated Like Royalty🫅🏻

484 15 7

Requested by: No one

Word count: 1131

Type of story: Fluff

Basic Summary: Breaking into a jewelry store, the main goal of the LOV is to rob and sell what they find for extra cash. However, Shigaraki cannot help but dress his boyfriend up in pretty gems and rings.

Inspiration(s): That one episode of Batman where Harley Quinn is dressed in pearl necklaces and other jewelry.

Warning(s): robbery


As it could probably be expect, money is always a prominent issue in the life of villainy. This is not an exception for the League of Villains, as they always seem to find themselves nearing or completely out of cash.

Seeing as how there are seven members who are all in need of the basic necessities for survival, it's not a big surprise that money doesn't seem to last them all very long.

So, it wasn't a huge surprise when they turned to stealing to help fund their endeavours. Which is what led them to this moment right here: breaking into a jewelry shop in the late-night hours when it had been closed.

Of course, even when these type of missions should be taken seriously, some people cannot help but good around.

"Ooh~! Look at this one, Jin!" Toga awes at a particularly beautiful pearl necklace, holding it  as if it was some priceless artifact. She was already decked out in dozens of rings, bracelets, brooches and she even found a tiara that had real sapphire diamonds embedded into it.

"Whoa, those are the biggest pearls I've ever seen! MINE ARE BIGGER!!!"
Spinner grimaces gently at the comment, "Er.. Maybe keep those facts to yourself, Twice. "
"You should both should be focusing on the mission." Dabi pipes up, burning through another lock to gain access more valuables. "We're here to steal, not play dress up."

Toga waves off the comment from the ebony haired man, "Relax, Dabi, I'm just having a little fun! Besides, its been forever since I've had something this pretty on."
"Dabi has a point, Toga. " comes the raspy voice belonging to their boss, "At any moments the police or Heroes may show up. So, quit messing around and get to work."

Pouting, Toga reluctantly begins to remove all the pieces of jewelry and toss them into a box held out to her by Twice. As she removes the tiara from off her head, she looks over to Shigaraki with the biggest puppy-dog eyes she can muster, sticking her bottom lip out for extra begging points. "Can I at least keep the tiara?"

Shigaraki sighs sharply with annoyance, decaying a cameo to try and help lessen the urge to use his quirk on the girl. "Fine, whatever, now quit babbling."
"Yay!! Thank you, Tomura-Kun! You're such a sweetie!"
"Shut up."

To try and help sooth his headache, Shigaraki takes this time to glance over towards his left, finding Shoto standing in front of a display case. Inside it was some handsome watches, no doubt very profitable. With ease the young man uses his ice to create a sharp nail tip, using it to carve a surprisingly neat circle into the glass.

Carefully removing the piece, Shoto was now able to easily reach inside and remove the watches, placing them inside a cardboard box. Once the case was thoroughly cleaned out, Shoto places the circular piece of glass back in place before moving on.

Shigaraki felt the corners of his mouth twitch into a smile; perhaps it was his fault for helping to mold Shoto into the perfect villain, who could so easily and orderly steal without so much as leaving a fingerprint. But it was in Shoto's very nature to be so careful, again most likely to a fault.

Shigaraki's eyes drift over to another display case, this one housing many rings most likely for either engagements or weddings. Out of them all, one was clearly made to outshine all the rest:

A beautiful black gold ring that had pieces of pure gold carved into the shape of a raven and rose along the sides. Topping it off was a fairly big red gem, which according to the card places up against the ring's box was a blood red Burma Ruby.

(It looks like this, but the rose gold this ring is made out of is black gold, and the rose + the raven are pure gold)

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(It looks like this, but the rose gold this ring is made out of is black gold, and the rose + the raven are pure gold)

It was a beautiful ring, no doubt about that, and despite what they came here to do, Shigaraki knew that he couln't just sell it. "Oi, Sho," he calls the other from over his shoulder, "come here."

Shoto, who had been helping Toga to reach into the shelves beyond her reach, places her on the ground and quickly goes over to join his boss by his side. "Yes?"
"Open this case for me." Without question Shoto does as he was told, carving out a similar circle that he had earlier to the glass before taking it out.

Reaching inside, Shigaraki takes out the ring in the velvet maroon box. "That's a pretty one." Shoto comments, "You don't usually find black gold rings due to it being more expensive than pure gold." The League's leader stared at it for the longest time, confusing the younger male who was still standing beside him.

"Is something wrong?"
"No." Shigaraki replies with a shake of his head. Then, he proceeds to remove the ring from it's case, turning towards Shoto and holding out his empty hand. Bemused by the gesture, the fire/ice user accepts his boyfriend's hand.

Much to his own surprise, Tomura slipped the beautiful piece of jewelry onto his ring finger, finding that it fit him like a glove. Shigaraki murmurs, "Beautiful." upon seeing how the colors of the ring contrast to his lover's milky pale palette. "Keep it. This ring was made for you."

"Am I watching a marriage proposal or what??" Spinner questions, making the two realize that they were being watched.
Toga bounded over to gape at the ring, "That's so beautiful!!"
"Yeah, it really suits you! CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE HAPPY COUPLE!!!"

From the other side of the room, Dabi loudly grumbles, "Better not be no damn proposal.."
"It's not a proposal. This ring is just too good to sell." Shigaraki explains, not realizes that Shoto was reaching into the same case and grabbing another ring.

It was a stainless alloy, a reddish-orange zircone lining it and appearing like glowing fire. Shigaraki watches as Shoto takes his hand and slips the ring onto his finger, turquoise/silver eyes filled with affection.

The older man felt his face grow warmer, especially when Shoto gave him that amazing smile

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The older man felt his face grow warmer, especially when Shoto gave him that amazing smile.

"L-lets get this done so we can leave." Tomura stutters, trying to hide how flustered he had become.

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