🤗Loveable Grouch😡

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I'm gonna start styling these to seem a bit more differently to seem more professional. Like that's gonna work 😂
And I know that title sucks ass but whatever I gave up

Also I tried placing each story to create some sort of coherent timeline, but you can perceive them however you want

Word count: 2,177

Requested by: My mental state

Type of story: Tooth-rotting fluff

Basic Summary: Shigaraki has never been a big fan of the PDA whatsoever. He believes that intimate moments should be kept private, away from wandering eyes. Despite this, Shigaraki does have these rare instances where his cold, distant demeanor briefly melts away.


Shoto's entire body felt like it was covered by one big bruise, every single one of his joints throbbing and sending waves of pain throughout. Right now he was suffering from one of the worst headaches of his entire existence, the cause of which he blamed on crashing through building walls and being sent crashing into the ground during today's training.

Despite having trained weeks for this particular training session, Shoto still felt absolutely wrecked; at any moment he suspected he would fall apart at the seems, clattering to the ground like children's building blocks. However he wouldn't need to worry much longer as he was approaching his destination fast.

Making it to the front door, Shoto fishes his keys out of his pocket before having to catch himself as his knees buckled, nearly giving out on him right there and then. "Fucking god.." he curses under his breath, shoving the key into the doorknob's hole and twisting it left.

The warmth of the living/bar room seemed to ease some of the young man's pain as he stepped inside, relief washing over him like a pleasantly hot shower would. "Welcome home," Kurogiri greets from behind the bar, "how was your big training test today?"
Shoto stated in a flat tone, "I won." as he kicked his shoes off, the wooden floor board somehow hurting his feet even more then they had.

Kurogiri's drying of dishes pauses briefly, "You fought All Might and Midoriya Izuku, did you not?" Shoto hums as confirmation, rubbing at his eyes before wincing as he accidentally touched a bruise near his right cheekbone. "Was there a theme in this training like the USJ had?"
"I was playing a villain who had to steal this diamond, they were the heroes who had to stop me at any cost."

Kurogiri went to ask something else but Shoto holds his hand up, stopping the man from speaking, "If you're curious as to why then specifically, I'm not the one to ask. My best guess is that I did something to piss Eraserhead off and he wanted to see me get killed."

"I doubt that," Kurogiri says as Shoto fakes a few steps forward before refraining from moving any further, "but you won, correct?"
"Yes. I managed to knock Midoriya out and All Might got distracted by his concern, giving me enough time to get the stupid gem."
Kurogiri hums, continuing to dry the beer glass, "If I may ask, did you get any good blows to All Might?"

Shoto quirks a brow as he drops his bookbag on the counter, "You're interested in knowing?"
"Of course I am, dear boy. If you managed to take care of Midoriya Izuku, then it brings the question on what you were able to do to the Number One Pro Hero."

Shoto's head tilts and his eyes grow half lidded as he recalls what happened. Slowly a small but devious smirk shows on his monotone face, "It may surprise you to hear this, but I did manage a good tussle with him when he found my hiding place. But I must have been quicker than he expected because he couldn't catch me."

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