📋The Boy🧒🏻 pt 5

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With careful steps as he did not want to make too much noise, Todoroki made his way into the kitchen. Seeing that the stew had been brought to a boil while unoccupied, he turn d off the stove to keep it from bubbling over. A lid was placed over the pot before the young man turned on his heels and left the room.

Next he sauntered down the hall and into the commons rooms, rubbing both of his upper arms as he felt the atmosphere get oddly cold.
The TV had been turned on, but it was nothing but dead air. Static and a loud buzzing sound was coming from the device, giving the already eerie room an unbearable background noise to go along with it.

Blinking his eyes away from the near blinding television, Todoroki looked around in a near frantic manner. He didn't like how he was acting right now, it wasn't like him at all. Normally Shoto was cool, calm and collected. Barely ever did he react to anything, that is just how he's been since childhood. Pretty much an all-around emotionless young man, with a face as expressionless as a mannequin's.

Yet here he was: anxious and fretting about where the masked man who killed one person tonight and attempted to harm two more was. Todoroki begins thinking to himself while he tries to find the remote to turn off the TV, ' What am I even going to do if he finds me? I really don't want to resort to hurting him if I don't have to...'

Would he even have it in him to harm Tenko? Shoto wasn't against harming those who deserved it, but in this situation it felt...different. Tenko murdered Katsuki right in front of him, yet at the moment he was more concerned about what was going to happen to the poor boy if and when he would be arrested.

Swallowing the anxiety-ridden lump in his throat, Shoto calls out in a tone much--thankfully--calmer than he would have expected due to his present state, "Tenko??" Listening intently, Todoroki wasn't able to hear any sort of footsteps, which made him feel worse than before.

So naturally, he tries again. "Tenko, where are you??" This time something moving out of the corner of his eye catches Todoroki's attention, quickly snapping his head in the direction of the sudden movement. Squinting his mix-matched eyes, Todoroki made out the shape of a human crouched down below the staircase in the shadowed parts of it.

His heart skipped from being startled, but he relaxed himself enough to manage, "I came back to find you." The squatted down figure began moving around, standing up from the ground. Tenko walked forward towards his babysitter, only stopping when he was right in front of Shoto, so close now that the younger had to look up to try and meet that masked face.

"I promised I wasn't going to leave you alone," Shoto was shocked by how firm he sounded, like he wasn't on the edge of a panic attack from all he had been through these last eight days, "and I intend on sticking to my word." Tenko didn't respond verbally, instead leaning his head down so that his mask's nose and mouth was against the side of Sho's head.

"T-Tenko.." Shoto murmurs, his voice cracking as his head began thudding inside his ribcage. Seeing that his meek little mumble didn't get the man's attention, he forced his vocal cords to make his voice just slightly louder, "Ten-Tenko!" Looking to the shorter male quickly--seeming more than a tad bit eager--Tenko stared down right into his gray and turquoise eyes.

"You must be hungry," Shoto pulls a smile, "w-would you like to eat dinner?" Nodding, Tenko lets Shoto take him by his hand, leading him to the dining room. Sitting at the head of the table, Tenko watched Shoto as he fixed him a bowl, blood red eyes never leaving the beautiful male. "Here you go," Todoroki placed the stew-filled dish down on the table, "it's still hot, so be careful alright? Don't burn your mouth."

Sitting down at the chair he usually sat in, it took a moment or two before Todoroki realized he was being stared at. "I-is something wrong?" He asks, a bit perplexed as to why Tenko was watching him so intensely. Noticing that those red orbs were directed to the empty spot on the table before him, Shoto made his face muscles create another smile, "I'm not hungry right now. You go ahead."

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