🩹Healing Kisses😘

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Despite his muscles screaming for him to stop, Todoroki continued to jog down the sidewalk. He was never one to listen to his body's desires and would rather push himself to or past his limits. Even though the red/white haired male saw this as making himself stronger, others--more specifically Toga Himiko--saw this as a clear sign that Todoroki Shoto was a masochist.

Surging through the pain in his legs, Shoto gritted his teeth and picked up his slowly lacking pace. ' Four hundred more meters ' he noted inside his mind, ' come on, you're nearly there! ' Along with his calves burning like heated iron roads, what there was bare of his skin that wasn't covered by clothing prickled from the chilled spring air.

Using his heat to relax his fluctuating body temperature, Todoroki flexed his fisted fingers so that they wouldn't get stiff. ' Come on...come on!! ' Todoroki urged himself forward, growling out loud as he used what little energy he had been holding back to give himself a speed boost. His stopping point--a bus stop just a little ways from the dorms--was just in sight.

Skidding to a halt along the hedge wall, Todoroki quickly went to stop his watch timer he had started before starting off on his 5 kilometer run. Looking down at the time, Shoto panted for air as he felt his blood pulsing through him.


Grinning wide, Todoroki chuckled huskily. He had finally managed to beat his record. Straightening up his posture, Todoroki began walking to help ease the nausea feeling that had bubbled in his throat. When he got about halfway to the dorms he started his cool-down stretches. He liked getting all this done before entering the dorms; that way he could skip past everyone and get to the showers.

Todoroki focused on his upper half first, twisting his torso, bending his arms over his chest and cranning his neck in different directions to make sure nothing was stiff.
Next he moved to his lower half, which was begging to relax at this point.

Keeping his legs straight, he bent over to touch his toes, nose brushing against his knees. His hamstrings burned in response to the stretching, but it wasn't bad in any sense of the word. Todoroki groaned in relief, his palms now flat on the floor.

"Good run, I take it?" A raspy voice suddenly spoke from above, startling the living hell out of the ice/fire user. Todoroki let out a sharp, "JESUS FUCK!!" and shot upwards, head connecting with something hard.

Pain flared through his skull, however he all but pushed it aside in favor of looking up at whoever had jump scared him, only to find out that it had been his boyfriend. Panic turned to concern, Shoto's hands flying up to smack against his cheeks. "Tomura! I'm so so sorry, I had no idea that you were standing there!"

"No kidding." Shigaraki muttered through clenched teeth, rubbing his chin with one eye squeezed shut.
"Here, let me take a look." Todoroki stood up and reached out, ignoring the stinging in his own head. That didn't matter anyway, Tomura was hurting. Cradling Shigaraki's scarred face in his hands, Todoroki's eyebrows furrowed some when he winced at the contact.

"Just a little bit red," the pretty eyed boy murmured as he inspected the older's chin, "I don't think it will bruise. But if it does, it won't be bad. How badly does it hurt? "
Shigaraki shrugged while stuffing his hands in to his hoodie pockets, "I've had worse."
Roki gave his lover a pointed look, "Tomey."

"Your head isn't a pillow, okay?!" Shigaraki snapped before huffing out, "It just stings a little.."
Rubbing the red area a little, Todoroki began to speak, "The other day I was reading about the different neural fibres of pain because I had nothing better to do and I found that the fibres that carry information about pain are actually slower than the fibres involved in positive touch. Because of this, if you try to replace the pain with a more soothing touch, those fibres eventually overpower the ones signalling pain. So, when people rub an area that hurts, it actually does help lessen the pain because-"

"Baby," Tomura interrupted with a chuckle, "if you want to kiss my chin better, you don't have to give me an entire science lesson as a reason."
Shoto blushed as he realized he rambled, and gave a nearly inaudible, "Sorry."
"It's okay, I like hearing you ramble." said the red eyed man, who smirked playfully at his partner.

"Would...would you like me to kiss it better?" Todoroki offered, giving a wobbly smile that usually appeared when he got overly nervous about something. That particular smile also always made Shigaraki's face turn bright pink. "Yeah sure," he responded while trying to hide his radiant cheeks, "if it makes you feel better."

Leaning forward with his hands still holding Tomura's face, Shoto pressed a light kiss to a pink area on his chin. When he pulled away, he looked up at Tomura, whose eyes were hidden by his fluffy bangs and his mouth pulled into a thin line. A feeling of worry suddenly filled Roki and he went to ask if he had made Shiggy uncomfortable. But before he could, Shigaraki spoke up.

"My mouth hurts." Tomura said in a deadpan tone, "And my cheeks..and my neck...everywhere hurts really." Blinking in surprise at the comment, Todoroki began to giggle. Shigaraki smiled along, absolutely adoring the younger male's rare laughter.

Removing one of his hands, Todoroki placed a kiss on Shigaraki's cheek, "I'd love to, but we are literally a few feet away from the dorms. Speaking of which why did you come by?"
"I knew you were going on a run tonight, so I decided to catch you before you went back."
Shoto smiled, curling a strand of hair behind Tomura's ear, "I wish you could visit me every night."

Taking Todo by his chin, Shiggy captured his lips with his own, eyes closing as he revelled in their softness. Eventually though he broke off the kiss to speak, "Go on and get back there before they start getting worried."
"Okay," Todoroki nodded, "I'll text you goodnight."
"I'll be waiting for it."

Another quick kiss and Todoroki turned to walk away, but just before he could be completely Tomura gave a light tap to his ass. Todoroki shot him a look over his shoulder, snickering at what he saw as an odd gesture. Shigaraki chuckled, turning around and beginning to go back to the base.

(My Brainless story should be updated some time this or next month!!)

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