💇‍♀️Hair Pin📌

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(Short story :3)

Shigaraki was working on paperwork in his room. The News played in the background, but the sound that mostly filled Shigaraki  ears was the sound of pencil on paper. He curled part of his hair behind his ear, only from of it to fall back into place

When Shigaraki was younger, his hair barely grew. Kurogiri only needed to cut it every 15 months. Yet, ever since kidnapping Bakugou, Shigaraki's hair grew much quicker. Tomura's hair length now went to the tips of his shoulder blades.

Still, no matter how many times it was brought up, either it but by Toga or Kurogiri, Shigaraki never wanted to cut his hair. He found it unnecessary and time consuming. Besides, he liked having it long.

The only problem was it got in his face quite a lot. Especially while he was trying to do work that involved writing. Constantly tucking the strands of hair behind his ears got old real quick.

Shigaraki let out an annoyed groan as he forcefully curled his hair behind his ear again. He then nearly jolted out of his chair at the sound of knocking at his door. "Who is it?" Shigaraki questioned harshly, not wanting to be disturbed at a time like this.

A time where he was busy with work and frustrated at his hair.
"It's me, I got you some tea." Todoroki's voice came from the other side of the door. Shigaraki relaxed some, a bit thankful it was Todoroki and not someone like Dabi or Twice.

"Come in." Shigaraki allowed, looking back down to his work. His hair got in the way again, causing more aggravated  sighs. Todoroki opened the door, making sure to close it behind him. Tomura hated having his door opened.

Todoroki sat down a small tray, bringing over a cup of tea, cup of sugar cubes, and spoon. He sat it away from the papers in cause of a spill. One of the things Shigaraki liked about Shoto, was that he was quiet. Like he was a ghost.

When he walked, it was like if he was as light as a feather. No sound made, even on creaky floor boards. And Todoroki's movements were swift, almost as if an object were on mute when he touched it. The cup didn't even make a clinking noise as it made contact with the table.

Todoroki suddenly took notice to Shigaraki's frustrated expression. He quickly saw it was due to his boss's unkept hair. Acting quickly, Todoroki unclipped the pin in his hair that he used to kept his bangs out of his eyes. Since quarantine started, he didn't cut his own hair, much like Tomura.

Shigaraki froze as he felt fingers tenderly curl his hair over behind the shell his ear. Using the clip, Shoto pinned the dull blue hair back. He did the same to the other side. Shigaraki was confused, before taking the mirror gifted to him by Toga for his  birthday.

He saw the hair clips, black in color with a small pumpkin charm at the end. He looked up at Todoroki, who acted as if he had done this millions of times before. "Does it help?" Todoroki asked, making his boss twice as confused as before.

"What's it supposed to be doing exactly??"
"Keeping your hair out of your face."
Tomura looked back down, the problem with his hair was solved. He slowly nodded, "Yeah, it helps. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Todoroki smiled briefly, which was a rare thing he did. He almost never smiled. Shigaraki blushes at this, surprised Todoroki had a pretty smile. Todoroki walked to the door, silently opening and closing it behind him.

Shigaraki sat there dumbfounded, before grabbing his pen. He mindlessly doodled a heart with an arrow going through it diagonally. He chuckled, too far up on cloud nine to continue on his paperwork now.

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