😍Beautiful Lady👩🏻

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Just a quick reminder and so people don't get confused;
Todoroki is gender fluid, and in this chapter he's identifying as a woman using she/her pronouns.
Just so people don't get confused 👍 Alrighty then, let's get started.

Music played in the background as Todoroki fidgited with the lamp on her desk, switching it to the brightest setting. She straightened the mirror in front of her, thinking it looked crooked. It wasn't. She was just being fidgety again, like her mother and sister always was.

She stared at her dark smokey eyeshadow, wondering if it looked odd on her left eyelid. At first glance it wasn't too bad, but the longer she started the more she had wished she'd used foundation to cover her scar up. Guess it didn't matter now, too late to fix it.

She sighed as she reached out for her lipstick. Taking the cap off, she dragged the flat part of the stick against her lips, painting them a deep red color. She would have done her lips with black, pink, or even skin tone lipstick or gloss. But she had used them all up, having wanted to avoid red.
At least this went well with the smokey eyeshadow color.

Todoroki rubbed her lips together as she tugged up the flapper girl styled black dress she was wearing, feeling like it exposed too much of her chest. Toga gifted this beautiful dress to Shoto during one of their girls night out about a year ago. It still fit snug like a glove. She especially liked the tassels on it.

She draped her braided hair over her right shoulder, the red and white strands mingled together like an actual candy cane. She had let herself grow her hair out, leaving it down to her shoulder blades. It felt freeing in some aspects, no matter when gender she felt, having long hair felt nearly freeing.

Standing up from her chair, she slipped on her black dress shoes and took a few steps back. Her earrings and necklace were mad out of obsidian that shined beautifully when the light hit it just right.

' Honestly, ' Todoroki spoke inside her head a she checked herself out, ' I look good! ' There was then a tiny knock on the door, Shoto's face lighting up even more. "I'm ready!" Shoto called out, and the door opened rather quickly.
Tomura stepped inside the room, "So what's this new look you've been talking abou-"

Shigaraki froze, his cheeks turning bright pink as he saw Todoroki. Shigaraki closed the door behind him, grinning and chuckling lightly, "Damn, is it my birthday?"
"No, that's still a few months away." Todoroki shook her head, sauntering towards her boyfriend.

"Then is it some other special occasions that I'm forgetting? You know how bad I am at remembering those things." Shigaraki inquired as Todoroki wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her hips.
"No," She shook her head again, smiling l even more, "I just wanted to look pretty for you."
"Oh, you do baby. Nice and pretty, gorgeous actually. I really am such a lucky guy."

Shigaraki hummed as the two rubbed the tips of their noses together, making Todoroki giggle. "How can I repay you for such a lovely surprise?" Shigaraki asked.
"Well," Shoto's left hand trailed down Shigaraki right arm, intertwining her fingers with his partly gloved ones, "I was thinking..maybe we could share a dance?"

"Anything for you, love." Shigaraki nodded, placing a kiss to Shoto's knuckles. The next song came on, (song above) and the two slowed danced. Neither of them were the very best at dancing. The only thing they could ever do was to bob or sway their heads to the beat of whatever song was playing. But at the moment it felt so simple, so easy to follow.

"You move like a dream." Todoroki complimented, laying her head down on Shigaraki's shoulder.
"I can move in other ways too." Shigaraki winked seductively.
Todoroki chuckled and jokingly said, "Shut up, perv."

As the song reached the end, Tomura dipped Shoto downwards, making the young woman squeak in surprise. "Easy there, Romeo. Don't drop me." Todoroki commented, but still wore an amused smile.
"I could never." Shigaraki smirked, leaning down and catching red lips in a loving kiss. Shigaraki leaned back up, Todoroki cupping his face in her soft hands as they continued to kiss.

When they did pull away, Todoroki snorted and covered her mouth as she began to laugh. "What?" Tomura questioned.
"My lipstick got on your lips." The candy cane haired girl explained.
Glancing into a mirror at himself, Shiggy shrugged, "The color suits me at least.
Todoroki hid her face in the crook of Shigaraki's neck as she hiccuped another laugh. It really did suit him.

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