😨Overwhelmed Stress😖

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Stress. Oh my dearest friend stress.

How we all hate you.

We all deal with stress, in one form or another. Mostly stress comes from our school/job lives. It can also comes from the struggles of having and maintaining relationships, either they be with family and/or friends.

Todoroki Shoto, just like any average person, gets stressed. Having to deal with school work (homework, classes, studying, training, etc), dealing with his 'friendships' with his classmates and peers, and trying to both keep up with the relationships in his family while simultaneously doing his best to keep away from them. Todoroki was doing this all while keeping his true intentions, desires, plans and overall identity a secret.

Juggling all these things was only half of what Todoroki had to deal with. Being a part of the League itself was also a huge struggle at times. It was by no means as hard as living with his biological family, but trying his best to keep them hidden away from the Heroes and public could be difficult at times. Especially when they all went out either for shopping or mission reasons.

Shoto also had the lovely task of breaking up fights that were bound to happen. At least once or twice a week Dabi would get into a fight with someone, and his brother would be the one to hold him back from making any harsh moves. It always seemed to be raining chaos in the LOV's hideout, and Todoroki couldn't decide whether or not he wanted to slam his head into the wall or put on his blank face and pull through it.

Well today our favorite Todoroki family offspring has chosen violence over peace. Rage over tranquility.

Todoroki entered the base, and it became instantly clear to the portal creator behind the counter that the teen wasn't his normal self. He appeared and acted extremely agitated. "Everything alright?" Kurogiri asked, concern lacing his deep voice. Todoroki's eye twitched at the question, exhaling deeply through his nostrils as he took a spot at the barz

"M'fine.." The red/white haired boy grumbled under his breath, yanking his English homework out of his messenger bag and placing it on the bar top.
Kurogiri asked further, "Are you sure? You look like something has upset you."

"I'm fine, Kurogiri. Now please let me do my homework." Todoroki pressed, beginning to scribble down the answers to the questions.
Not wishing to make the boy's mood worse, Kurogiri fiddled with another beer glass. He has never seen Todoroki this upset before. Had something happened at school? Did he get into another fight with his father?

Spinner walked into the room, checking the edge on his blade. "How was UA today, kiddo?" the lizard man asked, noticing Todoroki out of his perifual vision. Instead of using words, Todoroki gave out a hum, brows furrowing as he tried to understand the sentence written in English.

Spinner blinked his pink eyes and looked up, off put by the teen's lack of a verbal response. Looking to Kurogiri, Spinner got no help there. Only a confused shrug. "Everything good?" Spinner interigated, "Was Endeavor visiting UA during classes again?"
Todoroki clenched his jaw behind closed lips, eye twitching again. "School was fine."

Spinner began to get worried, constantly glancing to Kurogiri, expecting the guy to do something. Just about then Toga bounded into the room, humming a sweet tune as she twirled like a ballerina. "Welcome back Shoto-Kun! How was school?"
' I'm really beginning to hate this question..' Todoroki admitted to himself, feeling his leg begin bouncing on the bar stool's leg.

This time Todoroki just refused to answer, pressing the lead of his pencil harder against the paper. Toga let out a confused noise, glancing over her shoulder Spinner. Spinner mouthed, "He's mad.."
Toga mouthed back, "At what?" Spinner shrugged and shook his head, eyes widening while doing so.

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