💄Very pretty😍

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Shorter than recent ones, just decided to write an old idea 🙂

And for added context this takes place about two months before Shoto would take that entrance test to enter UA, so the League of Villains doesn't have its iconic members just yet.

Since he's spent this entire week on his work--planning ways to destroy All Might, how to get people to join him and pestering Doc + Master about that special Nomu--Shigaraki decided to take today off, play some video games to help wind down.

Yet hour after hour, game after game, Shigaraki soon found himself growing more and more bored with his selection. It got to the point where he turned to online games, which only housed a few gems here and there, but most had to be paid for.

A long, low groan of boredom leaves Shigaraki as he once again beats another level in his game. He could feel a headache coming on from how long he's been staring at screens, so he did the obvious and slightly shocking decision to turn everything off.

Despite knowing his own limits, Shigaraki had the bad habit of forcing himself to stare at whatever device he has for even longer than should be allowed. So him deciding by choice to shut down his gaming is as shocking as Heroes not earning praise for stopping something as little as a purse snatching.

Rubbing at the space between his eyes for a moment, he puts Father back onto his face as he drifts around in his swivel chair. Bouncing off the walls of his cramped room, the young man began pondering what he could do to keep himself busy but not worsen his headache.

Then it hit him: he could visit Shoto.

Lifting himself out of the chair, Tomura left the room and walked to the door across the hall from his own. He doesn't bother knocking before he enters; after year's of living with the guy, Shigaraki knows he wouldn't be doing anything that would cause need for it.

Just as he would expect Shoto was at his desk, but instead of writing or drawing he was staring at a tiny selection of what looked like..pens? Noticing the uninvited guest, Shoto looks over to see his boss, to which he gives a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to the pens. It was then the decaying man saw lines around Shoto's eyes that gave them an even sharper look.

"What are you up to now?" Shigaraki asks, closing the door because he has respect for their privacy. Not like Kurogiri would just barge in randomly, but still.
"Thinking." Murmurs the blank-faced male, arms crossed over his chest as his knee began bouncing.

Shigaraki flops down onto the bed, stretching out his limbs with a content grunt before bending his arms behind his head, "About?"
Shoto's rhythmical leg bouncing stutters as he sits up straighter, seeming unsure how to speak all of a sudden.

Waiting for a few seconds for the younger to gather his thoughts, Shigaraki gets a little impatient and soon drawls, "Well?"
"I found these eyeliner things on my way home the other day." Shoto finally manages to spit out, "I tried them out and they work just fine. Now I'm thinking what I should do next."

"You found a random thing of makeup and decided to use them?"
"The package wasn't opened in any way."
Shigaraki lets out a breathy chuckle, "That sounds like something you'd do."
"You wanna try it?"

Shigaraki lets out a sigh as he thinks this offer over; no amount would ever fix his train wreck of a face, so why bother? But glancing back over into the younger male's eyes, Tomura caught a glimpse of hope in them. "Alright," he agrees reluctantly, deciding this should at the very least kill time, "why not?"

Seemingly perking up from the answer, Shoto gathers his new pretties and goes over to his bed. "You seem excited." Shigaraki comments, watching as his best friend seated himself on his lap, bending his thighs at his sides to prop himself up.

"I've been thinking what would look best with your eyes," Shoto explains, holding the pens out in a way he could try and match the perfect one with his boss's eye color, "I've already got a style down." The black and magenta were best, he could do one on either eye.

"You want me to put Father beside you or on the desk?"
"Beside me is fine." Shigaraki allows Shoto to remove the disembodied hand from his face, setting it beside him so it was out of the way. "Be still. Don't open your eyes until I say so." Shigaraki hums, closing his red eyes to allow his friend to work.

The feeling of the eyeliner pen against his eyelid wasn't very pleasant in the slightest, but he could tell that Shoto was being as gentle as he could possibly be right now. As it went on though, however, something almost soothing came from the pampering. Something that eased his headache away.

Occasionally his head would be turned so that the angles of each sharp line was straight and sharp. And when he moved to the second eye, the peppermint haired man made sure it mirrored the other perfectly.

Minutes go by and Shoto finishes his work. "Okay, you can open your eyes again." He lifts himself off Shigaraki's lap, capping the pens and gathering them all up so he could put then somewhere, "Unless you've fallen asleep, then in which case you can't hear me and will continue to keep them shut."

"I'm not asleep, dummy." Shigaraki says, pulling himself off the bed to find the nearest mirror. Shoto wasn't a fan of those though, so he had to venture out to the bathroom to use its mirror. It wasn't half bad for a beginner; the lines weren't smudge very much and the colors were nice.

Hearing then a soft thumping beside the bathroom entrance, Shigaraki peeks out and finds Shoto there--he suspect as much--bouncing his back against the wall, staring blankly forward. Catching on that he was being watched, Shoto blinks as he turns his head over to look at Tomura.

He asks in voice with hints of curiosity, "Do you feel pretty?"
Shigaraki can't help the half smile that grows on his face, staring at the pretty boy with genuine affection, "Yes, very pretty."

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