🤫 Secret Admirier 😘

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       Todoroki knew when he was being watched. From the countless times he caught people staring at him, mostly from the scar over his left eye.

      It all started happening about a 2 weeks ago, with a simple painting he had done of the leader of the LOV. It was mostly done by memory, and not his best work if he had a picture.

      He found Shigaraki Tomura, very interesting. The first move he took towards UA was the attack at USJ, which it itself was beyond a sane person would do.

      Todoroki wanted to understand how villains felt and what they thought. What was going through their mind while they committed crimes? He wanted to understand them all. Especially Shigaraki.

       Sadly, Iida had seen the painting at knew he had to make Todoroki throw it away. Even though he didn't want to, he didn't want to cause a fuss.

       So, Todoroki took the painting and instead of throwing it away, he took it to an old abandoned storage unit where he would go to either blow off anger or take his stuff.

       Two days later, Todoroki found a note tapped to his locker. It had a red heart sticker that sealed it shut. When he read the note, it was written in red ink and said;

Forgive me
If I stumble and fall
For I know not how To love well
I am clumsy and my words
Do not form as I wish
So let me kiss you instead
And let my lips paint for you
All the pictures that my clumsy heart cannot.

       Todoroki felt his face go red and his heart speed up as he red that poem. It was a cliche, and he knew it. But by gods name he loved cliche things.

       The whole day, he couldn't focus very well. And it showed. His leg would bounce like he was waiting impatiently for something. His eyes couldn't focus on something for too long. His head was filled with too many questions.

       Who could have written that note?
Was it someone from his class?
Could it be one of the boys?
( hopefully it was cause Shoto is gay af)
Why would someone have a crush on him?

       Three days later, Todoroki found another note in his dorm room after he got out of school.
' Okay, now I know this isn't one of my classmates or anyone here at UA..' Todoroki thought as he picked up the envelope.

       Maybe it was a fan, but it would have to be a crazy one. Maybe someone had snuck into UA? No, no that's impossible. Opening the note, he found a few photos. They were of him, taken from afar.

       One was of his drinking boba inside a cafe with his group of friends from his class. He was sitting in front of the cafes window and was taken of his left side. He was looking at Tsuyu, who was sitting in front of him and was barely in the photo.

      The next one was of him at the store. This time, it was his right side, and he was looking at the label of a bag of chips that Kaminari had requested.

       Todoroki remembered that those had just happened the last two days. And he remembered the feeling of being watched at those moments. Was he being stalked??

        Todoroki looked at the back of the first photo, where a note was written in the same red ink.

I love you
As certain dark things
Are to be loved
In secret
Between the shadow
And the soul.

       Todoroki checked the other picture, and disappointingly nothing was there. He saved the notes and pictures in his desk drawer.

       A few days went by, and Todoroki felt like he was being watched every time he left UA or the dorms. Though, the strange part, when he didn't feel that feeling, he felt lonely.

       Going into class, Todoroki was surprised to find another note. Luckily, he was the first one in the classroom today. When he opened the envelope, inside was another poem;

Theses words
Play in my head all day
Having fun with a mind
That's always
On you.

       On the bottom corner of the paper, was what looked like a bloody finger print.

       Another few days passed and Todoroki was at the mall with his friend group. They were out to shop for clothes and such.

       Todoroki was looking at a hoodie that was half red and half blue. He looked behind him when he felt that familiar feeling of being watched.

        His eyes widened as Todoroki's saw a man, a bit taller than him, wearing a black hoodie, pasty pale skin with scars along his neck, ruby red eyes and short messy cornflower blue hair.

       Todoroki blinked, his heart picking up speed, realizing who that was. ' T-Tomura Shigaraki! ' He told himself, before his head shot back in front of him as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

        " You okay?" Midoriya asked, eyes filled with worry.
" Y-yes." Todoroki nodded. Midoriya began to pull him to the cashier. While paying, Todoroki looked over but Shigaraki was gone. Tapped to the wall was another note.

       Back at the dorms, Todoroki frantically opened the note to read it.

To ask a simple question
Is all I want from you

       Todoroki stayed up late that night, knowing Shigaraki would come at some time. Around midnight, there was a tapping noise on his window.
He opened the curtain and saw Shigaraki was there inside Kurogiri'd portal.

       Todoroki gulped, opening his window and extending a hand to help Shigaraki inside. Luckily, Shigaraki wore gloves specially made to cover all his fingers except the pointer and ring finger.

        Helping Shigaraki inside, Todoroki closed the window so the rain wouldn't get inside. The room was dark, since Todoroki didn't want the others to be suspicious of him.

       " D-did you w-want to ask me something?" Todoroki asked, hands clasped together behind his back.

       " Yeah, I do." Shigaraki nodded, stepping closer to Todoroki. Todoroki didn't move as Shigaraki came closer.

      " I've had my eyes on you for a while now, and I know you have the same feelings about me." Shigaraki explained, curling a piece of Todoroki's hair with his fingers.

       " H-how did you—"
" The painting you did was really nice."
Todoroki's face turned red, Shigaraki smirked. Tilting the younger males head up, Shigaraki looked into the his different colored eyes.

        " I want you to be my boyfriend."
" R-really?"
" Yes, what do you say?"
" Would I become a villain?"
" Did you still want to be a Hero?"

       Todoroki thought for a moment before answering,
" I don't think being a villain would be so bad. Is it fun?"
" Tons of fun."

       Shigaraki grinned as Todoroki nodded. He leaned closer to Shoto, his cold face going warm as Todoroki's cupped it in his hands.

       Their lips met, eyes closing just as the alarm started to go off, signaling an intruder was in the dorms.

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