😷Sick Boi🤒

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Todoroki fidgeted to adjust his crimson tie to his black dress shirt, while walking down into the bar. He needed to get today's assignments from Shigaraki, his boss. Since joining the L.O.V, Todoroki was more like an errand boy, and was the one to go out and get groceries or anything that the League needed, since he was less likely to cause suspicion.

Todoroki walked into the bar, before noticing something was off with Shigaraki.
Tomura did not have Father on, so Todoroki could see that Shigaraki's face was red around the nose and cheeks, his breath was ragged, he sound more scratchy and horse than normal, and he was holding a cold can of beer to his forehead. Shigaraki noticed Todoroki walking up to himself. "Hey errand boy, are you--" Shigaraki's sentence was caught off by a coughing fit he got into, his mouth quickly being covered by his inner elbow.

"Sir, are you okay?" Todoroki asked, "You sound sick."
"Eh? Sick? No, I'm fine." Tomura shook his head in disagreement, waving off Todoroki's worry. Then, Tomura felt like his heart would stop as he saw Todoroki's expression. His eyes shower genuine worry, eyebrows tilted upwards. He honestly looked...kinds cute. "Why are you looking at me with that expression??" Shigaraki asked, looking confused as Todoroki sat on the stool beside him.

"Let me check your forehead, sir. "
"Why? There's no reason for that, I'm completely--" Once again, Shigaraki broke into a coughing fit, covering his mouth with his arm as he turned away from Todoroki, not wanting to cough on Shoto by accident. Todoroki raised an eyebrow, humming. His point was proven. "I'm fine." Shigaraki stated firmly, still being stubborn. Todoroki sighed softly, reaching out to touch Shigaraki's forehead. Tomura's cheeks turned a darker red, but not due to his coughing.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Shigaraki stuttered, unsure how he felt about this. Todoroki's touch was almost like a ghost's touch, so light and gentle. Like if he touched Tomura too much, too little, or too rough, he would crumble away.
"You have a fever." Todoroki informed, his usual monotone voice showing worry. Despite Tomura's forehead bring slightly cold due to the metal beer can, the older males skin immediately began to radiate heat in no time once it was removed. He was practically burning up!

"You should take today off from any work you have scheduled." Todoroki advised, moving his hand away.
"Take the day off?" Shigaraki repeated in a bewildered tone, "Don't be ridiculous, it's not that serious to worry about. I'm a Villain after all, I can handle wors--" Another series of hacks caught Shigaraki off guard, only further proving Shoto's point. ' Dang it, why won't this cough go away?? ' Tomura questioned himself inside his mind, breathing heavily.

"I can stay here and help take care of you." The offer that Todoroki made nearly had Tomura falling off his seat, with a cherry red face.
"I-im fine, I've said this before. I don't need someone looking after me. I can take care of myself." Shigaraki went to stand up, and early lost his footing, suddenly feeling dizzy. Luckily enough for him, Todoroki managed to catch him in time and help him stand properly.
"Please sir, let me help you. In this condition, your barely able to stand on your own."

Todoroki helped his boss get back into his own bedroom, letting him settle down in his bed.
"I'll be right back." Todoroki left the room, going into the bathroom. He took a wash cloth, putting it underneath running water. Once it was wet, the previous student rugged out the excess water, before folding and flattening the cloth out. Using his ice, Shoto laced the fabric with a thin layer of frost, creating an ice rag.

Todoroki walked back to his boss's room, kneeling down beside the bed. "What's that?" Tomura questioned, a bit weary of what Todoroki held.
"Ice rag, it will help your body cool down." Todoroki gentle laid the rag down on the older males forehead, making sure it laid down snuggly. Tomura close his red eyes briefly, feeling some of the heat that had built up around his head leave slowly. This process was making less of a painful headache. It didn't feel too bad, for laying actual ice on top of his skin. He could live with this.

Shigaraki then noticed that Todoroki was smiling. H
It was a smile, but a smile nonetheless. It was so rare for Shoto to smile, to show much of any emotion. Even when Twice found Todoroki after he had killed his Father, and all that blood was on him, he acted as if nothing had ever happened. Todoroki Shoto was naturally an emotionless, expressionless, person.
"Why are you smiling like that?" Shigaraki asked, knocking Todoroki out of his thoughts.

"I'm smiling? Sorry, I was lost in thought. I've just never seen you look so peaceful. So at ease." Todoroki explained what he had been thinking. He always spoke his mind, not being one to keep his thoughts hidden.
"Tch, I'm not peaceful. I'm the leader of the League of Villains, Shigaraki Tomura. I'm supposed to be terrifying, aren't I?" Shigaraki tried to pull a menacing looking facial expression, but he had little energy to do much.

Todoroki's head tilted, "You are terrifying sir. Would you like me to get you some medicine?" Shigaraki sighed before nodding with uneasy agreement. Todoroki left the room once again, and after a good five minutes, returned with a tiny plastic cup filled with a thick purple liquid.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't find anything that taste at least pleasant." Shoto apologized for something out of his control. Shigaraki quickly drank the medicine, grimacing at the horrid taste.

"I just want this fever to go away, anything so that I can get back to work." Shigaraki muttered in a small rant, his face scrunched up in a disgusted look, his tongue still lightly coated with the gross tasting substance.
"Even Villains must have sick days." Todoroki remarked in a soft tone, almost inaudible. Tomura analysed those words carefully. It seemed ridiculous, but, something about it made Tomura think.

"Stay here and try to get some rest." Shoto advised, standing up from where he had been sitting.
"It's not like I can do much else, I'm practically stuck here." Shigaraki scoffed, closing his eyes. Todoroki left the room, unaware that he was once again smiling.

An hour later, Shigaraki awoke to hearing soft foot steps coming down the hall to his bedroom. Then a gentle knocking noise accompanied the previous footsteps. "I'm awake." Shigaraki crooked out, coughing lightly. Todoroki nudged open the door, holding a bowl of soup. "I can't touch the bowl silly, I'll decay it." Tomura reminded, thinking Todoroki had forgotten. But to his mild surprise, Shoto just nodded.

"I remember. I can spoon feed it to you, if you'd rather that." Todoroki offered.
"Geez, your just like a Mother.." Shigaraki blushed, looking away, feeling too flustered to look at Shoto in his eyes.
"Because I'm wise?" Todoroki asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"No." Shigaraki shook his head, chuckle slightly. So caring yet so naive.

He would disenigrate the bowl if he touched it with five fingers, and still having this bad headache, he really had no choice. "Fine, I'll let you do it."
"Sir, are you blushing?"

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