💔Accidentally Hurt❤️‍🩹

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@nightmarewolf90, thank you for the heartache 🥲

Todoroki kept glancing over at Shigaraki's bedroom door, guilt flooding into his heart. His finger tips gently brushed over his bandaged arm. Well, what remained of it. His hand and half of his lower left arm were now gone. 'What could have possibly happened?' you may ask. Well, during one of the League of Villains fights against the Heroes, Shigaraki had shoved Todoroki out of the way of Deku's on coming attack.

But, sadly, during this action, Shigaraki accidentally touched Todoroki's left arm with all five of his fingers. Luckily, Todoroki acted quickly and chopped off part of his arm before he was completely decayed. Naturally, Shigaraki was filled with grief and self-hatred after he had done this.

Shigaraki loved Todoroki! He was the only person in Shigaraki's entire life that made him feel like he was loved. Cared for. Some not just capable of destruction. And doing this...something he swore to himself he would never do to Shoto of all people made him...
God, the negative emotions he felt towards himself were indescribable.

Todoroki had tried to calm Shigaraki when the accident happened, and the League had to retreat early due to their leader going into a full fledged panic attack. Shigaraki refused to go near or let Todoroki come near him, for fear he might hurt him again.

The accident happened three days ago, and Todoroki barely slept. It felt so strange to sleep alone now.
So foreign. So lonely. Todoroki glanced down nervously at his drawing of Link and Ganon. Link was wearing an amused smirk, holding up a sign that read 'Ganon hates the internet,'
While Ganon, who wore a sour expression, held a sign up that read, 'there are too many Links'.

Kurogiri walked over to where Todoroki sat, catching the teens attention. "I just got off the phone with Garaki, he said he'll have your prosthetic arm done in the next few days." Kurogiri informed.
"Thank Kurogiri, but you really didn't have to ask him to make it." Shoto insisted.
"Nonsense, it's no trouble. Besides, this new device will allow you to use the fire side of your quirk properly again. Just until we find a person who's quirk can regrow your limb."

"I'm wondering if that Eri girl's quirk can fix his arm." Compress theorized, and Todoroki cringed slightly. He didn't want to use Eri's quirk like that. It made him feel selfish and dirty.
"Look on the bright side Shoto-Kun," Togata appeared from seemingly out of nowhere, "you get to have a robot hand now!!"
"Yeah! Robot hands are cool! No they aren't!" Twice agreed, and kinda disagreed.

Todoroki gave the two a tiny smile, before it feel again, glancing back to Shigaraki's door. He hadn't left since that day. Shoto was becoming worried.
"Don't worry Sho, he'll come out eventually!" Toga tried to cheer her friend up, ruffling his hair.
"I wouldn't try talking to him either Todo," Spinner added in a nonchalant tone, "he seemed angry at you when we all got back. And his bad moods can last for days."

"He is not angry at Todoroki Shoto," Kurogiri budded into the conversation, his tone unusual strict and annoyed, "Shigaraki Tomura is angry at himself for harming him."
Dabi, who had been standing in the corner of the room, scoffed and rolled his turquoise eyes, "As he should. Fucking idiot."
Shoto's gazed turned cold as he glared at Dabi, "It was an accident, he didn't mean to hurt me."

"Sure, whatever," Dabi spoke in a blank tone, "believe what you want." Shoto's eyes filled with malice, and before Twice got a chance to stop him, he stood up from the couch, marching over to his brother.
"What are you implying, Dabi?" Shoto hissed, and ever one in the room grew tense. It wasn't like the peppermint haired boy to get this angry.

Dabi spared his little brother nothing more than a passing glance, "You know what I mean."
Without any warning, Shoto's right arm fling up, his hand clutching around Dabi's burnt neck in an
inhumanly tight grip. Dabi, caught off guard, let out a caught off gasp, which turned into choking noises. Shoto's fingernails dug and nearly pierced Dabi's skin, and didn't budge as the older brother tried clawing at the younger's hand.

"Don't think that just because we're blood means I won't hesitate to kill you, Dabi. Cause I will. I don't give a flying fuck that your my brother. To me it'll be jus like killing Enji." Shoto's voice like smooth as silk, but as cutting and burning as an acidic blade.

"TO DO STOP!!! KILL HIM!!! NO DON'T LISTEN TO THAT LAST COMMENT, STOP THIS!!!!" Twice shrieked, both him and Spinner coming up from behind Shoto, pulling him away from Dabi.
"That was pretty stupid of you to say something like that." Toga mocked Dabi, who was on the ground coughing hysterically. Todoroki broke free from

Twice and Spinner's grip, snatching his drawing off the couch before running to his bedroom. There, he locked himself in the room, not wanting to be bothered. He was too angry. He needed to relax and think.

That night, Todoroki walked down the hallway quietly, making his way to Shigaraki's bedroom door. Arriving, Todoroki, hesitante at first, knocked on the door. "Go away." Shigaraki's voice was cold, raspy, and harsh. Much more than usual. Or maybe that was Todoroki's mind playing tricks on him.
"T-Tomura?" Shoto called out, his remaining hand gripping the picture of Link.
"Go to bed Shoto, it's late." Shigaraki responded almost immediately, his tone a little less harsh this time.

Todoroki shuffled around where he stood, nervous and not knowing what he should do next. "I...I uh..made you something." He knelt down to his knees, sliding the page underneath the door. Todoroki turned and sat down beside the door, knees bent to his chest. He heard the piece of paper being picked up from the ground. The young villain waited, hoping for some type of response.

Todoroki heard a noise, and he could have sworn it was a faint chuckle coming from the other side of the door. There was shuffling then a light sigh that came from Shigaraki, who now sat up against the door.
"I...did I do something wrong?" Shoto asked, wiping a tear that had escaped his eye.
"Of course not. It's just..I don't want to hurt you again."

"Does that mean you don't wanna be together anymore?" Todoroki felt scared just by the mere thought of breaking up, which sent more tears rushing down his pale face, "I-I don't want to do that!"
"No! Absolutely not, I would never do that!" Shigaraki panicked, now realizing he had done more harm than good to Todoroki by going the route he had these past three days.

Shigaraki slid his four fingers under the door, which stopped due to the position he had to hold his hand, so that the floor wasn't decayed. Todoroki noticed this quickly, and placed his hand over top Tomura's fingers. "Please...I want to stay with you. I can't stand another night alone. D-don't make me leave you alone again." Shoto leaned his head against the door, sniffling sadly as more hot tears ran down his face.

Shigaraki's finger suddenly slipped back understand the door, as the door opened slowly. Shoto hugged Tomura tightly, crying softly into the older male's shoulder. Shigaraki hugged back, his own eyes red from all the crying he had been doing these past few days. "Please, don't make me leave you again." Shoto pleaded, his voice hitching.
"I want you to stay," Tomura murmured, "I want you to stay with me forever."

The two kissed softly, lips locking together like a puzzle as their tears collected on their shirt collars and collar bones. "I love you Tomura," Shoto mumbled as they parted from the kiss, "nothing can ever change that."
Tomura felt as if his heart melted at the words, and quickly caught Shoto's lips for another kiss.
"I love you so much," Shigaraki hugged Todoroki tightly again, burying his face into the younger's shoulder, "I swear I'll never do anything like this again."

"You better, I'll steal your door." Todoroki warned, and Shigaraki chuckled heartedly. The two shared another kiss, the feeling always seeming new and magical.

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