💻Liberation Army🎺

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Todoroki was alone, sitting in his quiet bed room at his childhood home. He had a bubbly/wrenching feeling of worry in the pit of his stomach, which had been growing and growing for the last few days. Shigaraki hadn't returned any of his texts or calls ever since they had all left town. When he asked about it, Shigaraki only described it as ' a very big and very important mission'.

Now, any sane person would be suspicious by even that, but Todoroki was obvious not sane. He trusted Shigaraki, trusted him more than he had trusted anyone before in his life. And that was saying a lot because Shoto had never trusted anyone fully before he met Shigaraki.

But, Todoroki couldn't lie to himself anymore, or try to calm himself much longer. He was beginning to get worried. Extremely worried. It wasn't like Shigaraki not to answer texts or calls, especially from Todoroki. Todoroki had tried to ease his worry, telling himself that; ' He's probably too busy to text me back ' Or ' His phone probably got broken somehow '

Todoroki held his head in his hands, letting out a shaky breath. He couldn't stay here in this lonely old room much longer with all these thoughts. If he did, he would really go crazy. What was it called...cabin fever? Well, whatever it was, he needed to leave.
"I'll just go stay with Tsu for a few days. Maybe she heard back from one of them.." Todoroki muttered to himself, beginning to back a backpack full if things he would need.

Fuyumi, who was on the couch, noticed her brother walking into the room. "Hey Shoto, how-" Fuyumi noticed the backpack, "where are you going?"
"I'm going to stay with Tsu for a few days."
Fuyumi's face gained a worried expression, "Really? Are you sure? It's nearly 9:00 at night. It's dark out, and I think it's going to snow again soon."
"Yeah I've just...ergh..i've just got a lot on my plate."
"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, it's okay. I think if I got out of the house, it'll help me." Todoroki pulled the most convincing smile he could muster. And it seemed to have worked.
"Well, okay. Just be safe and don't talk to strangers, got it?"
"Yes ma'am. I'll be back. If not tomorrow, then Sunday."
"I'll be here! Love you!"
"Love you too sis."

Todoroki slipped on his jacket and red fuzzy wool hat, before venturing off outside. He began walking in the direction closest to the bus stop, knowing that he couldn't make it to his friends house on foot. Snow slowly began falling and Todoroki let a small smile spread across his face. He liked snow. Snow was pretty and fluffy. It reminded him of his mother. And Fuyumi. Guilt made Todoroki's throat muscles tighten, he hated lying to her. But, she wouldn't understand why he was feeling this way.

She would probably freak out if he told her. Fuyumi's little brother was dating a mass murder/villain overlord!!! She would loose her mind, and probably keep Shoto home and not let him leave. The idea made Todoroki shiver, so he quickly shoved those thoughts away from his mind.

Todoroki suddenly noticed a black Lexus LS400 with tinted windows was slowly approaching him. He felt a bit uneasy all of a sudden, and began to walk a bit faster. He heard the screetch of the car making a stop, and a car door opening. "You, stop right there!!" Even though he hated that listened, Todoroki did as he was ordered. Cursed his whipped personality.

Turning around to look over his shoulder, Shoto saw two men stepping out of the car. Both had black hair, but one had hair they covered his eyes and reached down his chest, while the others was cut short. The man on the driver's side removed his blue tinted glasses, staring at Todoroki, "Are you Todoroki Shoto?"
Todoroki nodded silently, his grip on the backpack straps tightening, "Who are you?"

"My name is Trumpet, this is my comrade Skeptic," he gestured to the other man, who remained quiet, "we have been sent by Shigaraki Tomura to collect you."
"Tomura?" Todoroki eyes widened, "Is he okay??? Is he hurt??? What happened??? Where is he??!"
"He is fine, but to see him, you need to come with us." Trumpet beckoned Todoroki over.

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