Alphabet Shigaraki💙 & Todoroki❤️ (REMAKE!!)

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Remake cause why not?

Shigaraki Tomura

・A = Aftercare (what their like afterwards)
- Is more calm and laid back then before their 'alone time'. He is usually tired after, and will fall asleep.

・B = Body Part (they're part of their lovers body)
Shigaraki loves everything about Todoroki's body, but he does have a his favorites.
- Shoto's thighs. Shigaraki likes to use them as pillows, laying on them while cuddling. (Yes, he wants his head crushed)
- Shoto's hands. Tomura envies the fact that Shoto doesn't destroy everything he touches. Plus, Todoroki's hands are soft and gentle.
- Shoto's lips. Tomura thinks their plush and soft, and likes to mess with them. Either with his fingers or with his own lips.
- Shoto's eyes. Honestly, who doesn't love his eyes? Their so pretty!!

・C = Cum (anything to do with it)
- Likes getting it on his face and chest.
- Loves filling Shoto the brim with his own.

・D = Dirty Secret (self explanatory)
- Likes being choked to the near point of passing out.
-Likes being tied up.

・E = Experience (how good)
- They have only done it a few times, so 50/50 on experience.
- If amazing was a percentage, his thrust power is that number.

・F = Favorite Position (top, bottom, switch, positions)
- Shigaraki is a top all the way, 100%.
- His favorite positions are missionary and saint.

・Goofy? (Giggily? Serious? What?)
- If Shoto tries making a joke or makes a noise that Tomura finds humorous, he won't hesitate to laugh.
One times, Shoto made a noise similar to a "NYAA" and Shigaraki couldn't stop laughing over it for a good few minutes.

・H = Hard (how hard?)
- The closer his orgasm comes, the harder he will go.

・ I = Intamicy (how are they during the moment)
- Is actually supper cuddliy with Shoto, and hugs and kisses him a lot during it.
- He likes it when Todoroki asks if he's okay, it lets Tomura know that Todoroki cared about him.

・= Jack Off ( masturbation moments)
- Unlike what many would believe, Shigaraki can masturbate. He would just rather Shoto do it for him. And if Shoto isn't around, he'll call him over the phone just so he can hear his voice.

・K = Kink (what their into)
-Likes when Todoroki hovers over his dick and makes him beg for it.
- Likes it when his hair is tugged on, and it doesn't matter how hard his hair is tugged on.
- Loves it when Shoto chokes him, either with a belt or with hands.
-BDSM..he really really likes it.

・L = Location (where do they prefer/not prefer to get it on)
- Prefers to do it in the comfort of his bedroom, obviously when no one else is home.
- Doesn't like doing it in public, but will do it if either him or Shoto is too needy.
-There has to be a lock.
- Loves doing it in the shower.

・M = Motivation (what gets them on)
- Neck kissing/biting/licking/hickeys.
- Grinding.
- Jealousy/possession, like if anyone compliments or gets a bit too close to Shoto.

・N = No (things they refuse to do)
- Places with no locks and/or cameras.
- During missions.
- Only cuddling after a bad day.

・O = Oral (yay or nay)
- Loves giving and receiving.

・ P = Pace (fast/slow/between)
- Will start out slow, but the closer his orgasm approaches the faster he will go.

・Q = Quickie (yay or nay)
- Not the biggest fan, but oral quickies are okay.

・R = Risk (do they like taking risks)
- If it could get then caught by Heroes or police then no.

・S = Stamina (how many rounds)
- 2 to 3.

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