ShigaTodo's Q&A!!💙❤️

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Himiko Toga hummed merrily as she flipped the top screen up on her laptop, going into her account on the dark web. She went to click on the Livestream button, but was just then distracted by her boss.
"Okay so remind me again, why the fuck are we answering some random people's questions?" He questioned in a bored/annoyed tone, not minding that Todoroki had begun to fiddle with the fluff on his jacket's collar.
"Their not random people Tomey-Kun, their your's and Sho-Sho's fans!"
"First of all; don't call me Tomey-Kun." Tomura snapped, glaring behind 'Father's' fingers, "Secondly; why the hell do we have fans? We kill people, and i'd kill any of them if I got the chance."

"People are fans of much worse than us. Believe me...I've seen some stuff. " Toga's golden eyes seemed to gaze off for a few moments. She eventually shook herself out of her trance, shivering as she did so.
"I don't like this," Shigaraki shook his head, "they'll rat us out to the heroes. I just know it."
Toga scoffed and she rolled her golden eyes, "Please, people on the dark web sell and torture people for a living. I doubt any of them give two shits about ratting us out."

"Fine.." Shigaraki huffed, leaning against the palm of his gloved hand.
"I'm sure it'll be fun! Or a the least bit interesting." Todoroki commented, trying to liven up his the mood.
"Let's hurry this up. Get it over with quickly.." The older male grumbled, slouching a bit in his seat.

Toga clicked on the Livestream button, starting it up. "Welcome to the very first League of Villain's Livestream!" Himiko announced to the quickly growing audience, "I'm your marvelous host, Himiko Toga, and tonight we will be answering any and all questions you little cuties have!" Almost immediately after Toga finished speaking, the first question was typed into the public talk box.

Percy_peace_ asked; To Shoto--I love you so much and I wanna make sure you're loved, so I'mma tell you I'm proud of ya and shit and tbh I actually have a question but yea, want to see my cat? Ik you like cats, soo-yea...

"Well if that ain't a truck load to unpack.." Shigaraki muttered, blinking in bewilderment.
"Aw, that's so sweet of you to say Percy! And yes I do love cats! I would love you meet your cat!" Todoroki cooed, hands clasping together. A picture of a car popped into the chat, and both Toga and Todoroki cooed at it.
"How the hell did they even know you liked cats?" Shigaraki's red eyes squinted suspiciously at the laptop's computer.
"Almost everyone likes cats Tomura-Kun." Toga pointed out.

Another question soon popped into the chat box.

Ayakorose645 asked; To Tomura--if Shoto being brat, what did you do to him?

"Aaaannd I knew this was going to fucking happen. This Livestream is over and done with, good night." Shigaraki stood up from his seat on the sofa, about to make his way to dust Toga's laptop.
"Not my laptop!! Sho-Sho get ch'ya mans!!" Toga yelped, blocking her boss from getting to her precious device.
"Tomura wait a second! Hear me out for just a moment." Shoto grabbed onto Shigaraki's arm.
The older male turned to him, "Fine then, I'm all ears."

"You do realize that a good 98% of these people on the stream are most definitely all under 21, write fan fiction about their favorite animes or TV shows, dress like Wednesday Adams, have barely any friends or family, have mental issues, and have daddy and/or mommy issues, right?"
"Your point being?"
"Who the hell are they gonna tell about this Livestream or the things we say? Their parents? Their friends? If their here, then their some of the loneliest people on earth. No one watches dark web Livestreams just for fun unless they have a death wish."
(Author-chan note: literally me)

Shigaraki lightly rubbed at the back of his neck, "Okay, fair enough point. But what about that last two percent?"
"Oh, their just here out of foolish curiosity."
Shigaraki mumbled something under his breath before sighing out, "Ugh, fine. We'll continue on. But I need a shot of the strongest alcohol we have. "
After that brief intermission, the two settled back down in their seats. Toga was tapping on the table with her nails impatiently, "We ready to get back to our regularly scheduled program?"

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