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Smexy facts about our favorite top crusty boi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Yes I'm very bored. Enjoy!

・A = Aftercare (what their like afterwards)
- He's calm and sweet, which is unusual for him. He always makes sure Shoto is comfortable and not in any sort of pain.

・B = Body Part (they're part of their lovers body)
Shigaraki loves everything about Todoroki, but he does have a few favorites.
- Shoto's thighs. Shigaraki likes to use them as pillows, laying on them while cuddling.
- Shoto's hands. Tomura envies the fact that Shoto doesn't destroy everything he touches. Plus, Todoroki's hands are soft and gentle.
- Shoto's lips. Tomura thinks their plush and soft, and likes to mess with them. Either with his fingers or with his own lips.

・C = Cum (anything to do with it)
- Likes getting it on his face and chest.
- Loves filling Sho to the brim with his own.

・D = Dirty Secret (self explanatory)
- Loves to be tied up

・E = Experience (how good)
- They have only done it a few times, so 50/50 on experience.
-If amazing was a percentage, his thrust power is that number.

・F = Favorite Position (top, bottom, switch, positions)
- Shigaraki is a top, 100%.
- Tomura likes all positions, but favorites missonary and riding.

・Goofy? (Giggily? Serious? What?)
- If Shoto tries making a joke or makes a noise that Tomura finds humorous, he won't hesitate to laugh.
One times, Shoto made a noise similar to a "NYAA" and Shigaraki couldn't stop laughing over it for a good few minutes.

・H = Hard (how hard?)
- Will go hard if Shoto requests.

・ I = Intamicy (how are they during the moment)
- Is actually supper cuddliy with Shoto, and hugs him a lot during it.
- He likes it when Todoroki asks if he's okay, it lets Tomura know that Todoroki cared about him.

・= Jack Off ( masturbation moments)
- Unlike what people think because of his quirk, Tomura can masturbate. He just doesn't tend to do it because he'd rather Todoroki do it. But if Todoroki isnt there, he'll ask for scanty pictures or steal Todoroki's panties.

・K = Kink (what their into)
- Likes when Todoroki hovers over his dick and makes him beg for it.
- Likes it when his hair is tugged on.
- Loves it when Shoto chokes him, either with a belt or with hands.

・L = Location (where do they prefer/not prefer to get it on)
- Doesn't like doing it in public, but will do it if either him or Shoto is too needy.
-There has to be a lock.
- Loves doing it in the shower.

・M = Motivation (what gets them on)
- Todoroki's suggestive pictures.
- Shoto's dirty facial expressions.
- Grinding.
-Neck kissing/biting/licking/hickeys

・N = No (things they refuse to do)
- Places with no locks or camera's.
- During missions.
- Only cuddling after a bad day.

・O = Oral (yay or nay)
- Loves receiving and giving.

・ P = Pace (fast/slow/between)
- Likes going slow but going faster as he continues.

・Q = Quickie (yay or nay)
- Doesn't care much for them, but will do it.

・R = Risk (do they like taking risks)
- If it gets them caught by the public or on camera, it's a no.

・S = Stamina (how many rounds)
- Up to 4 to 6 rounds.

・T = Toys (yay or nay)
- Doesn't really like them on himself.
- Loves when Shoto has them in him.

・U = Unfair (levels of teasing they can take)
- He teases Shoto to make him flustered.
-Likes when Todoroki teases him.

・V = Volume (loud/quiet/middle)
- Can get pretty loud, but stays in the middle.

・W = Wild Card (random facts)
- Finds it sexy when Todoroki wears more feminine clothes.

・X = X-ray (size/girth)
- 13 and a half inches of pure Shiggy pleasure. And his fairly thick.

・Y = Yearning (sex drive)
- Depends on his day.
- If he had a bad dream or it's one of his family member birthdays, he'll refuse sexual actions.

・Z = Zzz (how fast they fall asleep)
- Usually sleeps after Shoto does, but watches him sleep for a little while before he does.

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